Reality Renders
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Eris Astrology
2008-04-03 07:26:37 UTC
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.


Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://www.lulu.com/astrology


Alice had its first zodiacal experience right upon her birth as her
mother learned the natal positions1 for this prodigious child. The
ascendant was Cetus, with Moon in Cetus rising. When we say that Moon
is rising in Cetus, we mean that the Moon is in Cetus, which happens
to be the ascendant. Albeit the academic zodiac and eastern ascendant
may define Alice's marriage to the minute, she will be encouraged into
personal reality rendering, instead of mechanically submitting to the
cosmic clockwork.


Reality rendering portrays a magical experience in real time as
personal magick allows for experimentation is instant wish fulfilling.
This extraordinary experience is available to all. Why is there so
little magick around us then? Perhaps because there are distracting
influences from the world around us. Possibly man is hardly ever alone
and far from general distraction. Nevertheless, one's favorite bench
will always wait for one and as one's personal power grows in silence,
reference points or even power places spring out from an otherwise
everyday world.


The world as defined nowadays might be rather timeworn with routines
that are all but exciting. The RTRRT2 have developed in flowery
variants over the time, one technique passing into another as
initiation progressed. Our latest initiation was assembled as Personal
Cosmic Secretary. The techniques represent stages in personal
progress. It is not the techniques that trigger events, it is rather
you, your magical intent or the spirit that does so.

Klaudio Zic

Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright

This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from http://www.lulu.com/astrology

Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or

Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for
commercial purposes or otherwise,

without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by

1As often referred to elsewhere in our works, Alice's natal positions
are enlisted as follows. The Moon is rising in Cetus, Mercury is in
Sextans, Venus in Orion, Juno in Scutum (a zodiacal constellation) and
Pluto in Serpens Cauda (the ascendant of the U.S.A.).

2Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.
2008-04-03 11:37:02 UTC
Post by Eris Astrology
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008,
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.
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Apocalypse Report
par Klaudio Zic

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Copyright: © 2008 Klaudio Zic Standard Copyright License
Langue: English
Édition: Third Edition
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Téléchargement: 20 documents, 175759 KB

Academic zodiac, precessed ascendant, WMAP cold spot, Eris, 2002 AW197,
centaurs, comet Wild, dwarf planets. RTRRT inside. Venus in Hydra and the
subprime mortgage crisis. Uranus in Cetus. Water wars. 2007, 2008, 2011,
2012, 2014, 2020. (PDF)Upgraded for Syrinx of the DARK PLANETS in the year

Academic Zodaic RTRRT magick astronomy astrology

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