Florist Astrologer
(too old to reply)
Academic Zodiac 22 Zodiacal Constellations 16 Eastern Ascednants
2009-08-13 15:28:43 UTC
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author.


Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://www.lulu.com/astrology


Does one have to be an astrologer in order to predict events with
minute exactness? Not at all if one is satisfied with the year and
month of the event in question1. One does not have to possess any
astrological talent in order to predict events with exactness. Twenty
minutes will do to make an operative astrologer out of virtually


Non-believers are welcome, as anyone is invited into elementary
astrological calculus. As basic arithmetic is implied, school children
are introduced along with their parents2. Astrological prediction is
so easy to perform as to make believers out of its most stubborn


Everyone will be convinced in minutes that astrological prediction not
only works, but is fast, safe and fun to perform. The procedure in
question can be learned in less than half an hour even in a complete
outsider, who will easily predict issues ever after in minutes,
without having to use pen and paper, apart from needless stuff such as
a personal computer, calculator or ephemeris.


Astrological prediction is surely the most precise as well as
generally available divination method in the world. No wonder that
everybody uses it with gusto! How good is a good prediction depends on
some practice featuring basic arithmetic operations. These are done by
heart, as it takes a glance at the basic horoscope data in order to
predict marriage along with all the love affairs in one's life3.


After the main issues within an incarnation are determined by date and
quality, what do we need an astrologer for? An astrologer will of
course know not only the day but the precise minute of the event
ahead. Besides, an astrologer will peruse more than 360 types of
direction4, that is, his own weaponry is by far most vast and reliable
than the street fortune-teller's. It happens nevertheless that a
florist, child or even butcher overdo in their predictions so as to
embarrass even a good astrologer. To know the precise minute an event
ahead is bound to happen is the hallmark of an astrologer, but the
trick can in fact be learned by anyone. Astrology is so available and
charming as to penetrate every corner of life, with good reason and
excellent raison d'être. A good prediction renders the precise minute
of the event, but everybody can determine the year and month of any
event ahead.


What can one learn in twenty minutes about astrology? Surely, it would
require special talent in order to train one as astrologer in solely
twenty minutes, but in fact anyone absolutely lacking any astrological
interest can learn to predict marriage in minutes.

It takes a second for an astrologer to tell the day of anybody's
marriage, but the twenty minutes initiate may determine the event by
year and eventually month, given perhaps ten minutes or reckoning. Of
course, much as horoscopes differ, so is talent distributed.


Of course, astrology is not only about prediction, but primarily about
future changing. What good is a futurity we can not change?
Astrological reports6 are boring in their accuracy. Shall one live
only to succumb to precise astrological prediction? Can we do anything
in order to escape the wheels and dungeons of a too accurately
predicted life?


What is a personal horoscope? It is the faithful blueprint of your
natal skies7. If your natal skies refuse any distortions as imposed by
the market, then we have the product for you.


We at the Academic Zodiac believe in an elastic personal futurity
where anyone can change the occurrences about to happen8. No matter
how precise the astrological prediction, one can always change the
course of events according to one's own intent.

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author.


Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://www.lulu.com/astrology


What can your horoscope do for you? It can inform you about yourself9
in ways impossible in other systems of cognition. Your true astral
self is written in your true natal stars, much as your soul navigates
karmic waters in accordance with a friendly universe10.


What is basic in a horoscope? Surely, everyone has wondered about
one's own true natal ascendant? Our philosophy is very simple in that
respect. We assume that the ascendant should always rise at east. In
that respect, we profess the eastern ascendant12, instead of just any
constellation or “sign” that is supposed13 to rise at easti, which
often proves to be merely a product of commercial fancyii. We do not
think your own horoscope is for anyone's entertainment only, as
tainted natal positions can hardly entertain anyoneiii.


The basic astrological service comprises the original natal
ascendant14, relevant zodiacal planetary positions15 and house
placement according to the visible horizon. What you get is your natal
sky as seen by any observer at birth. In extension, predictions are
available according to directions such as secondary angular or popular


So, your horoscope was to be for entertainment purposes only. Their
entertainment. Only Joker16 would be entertained by tainted zodiacal
positions. Why assume that you are a “Scorpio” if your natal Sun was
clearly in Virgo17? Why bear a false ascendant like “Capricorn18” for
lifetime when you have been born with Pisces rising at east? Shell
Beach not only exists, it is where she is heading, too.


What have they done to you? They served your horoscope within their
own pizza box. You succumbed to their format, their own mindset.
Theyiv have of course served you with nothing but improvised19
zodiacal positions. No one checks upon a horoscope nowadays. Unable to
think outside a box, they made a replica out of you. Their crooked
skies influenced your own. You were as false as they were. Your
seventh house resembled a burnt pizza cut. Your ascendant was never
what they wrote on the box. They did not know their own ascendant
themselves. Worse, they greatly failed in determining their own natal
zodiacal position of the Sun. Worse still, in eventually coming across
the proper ephemeris, they were disinclined to correct their own evil
ways. They threw bricks against our windows at NASA JPL. It was too
late for them, but not that tardy for you. What counts is that you are
here as your cosmic game has only just begun. Safely out of their box,
your new life has an opportunity to flourish and bloom sky high.

Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1995 - 2009 by Klaudio
Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright

This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from http://www.lulu.com/astrology

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author.


Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://www.lulu.com/astrology


A new series of horoscopes has been distributed among a selected
number of readers, initiates20 and partners. The third official launch
or the true personal horoscope has sceptered several new features of
your true personal horoscope. Besides featuring your true natal
positions, the report exceeds in new features as well as innovative

A compact personal report format has been formulated for readers,
initiates and featured clientsv with payment empowered via Paypal.

The new series of horoscopes features several major innovations,
enlisted as follows.


WYSIWYG astrology features your true natal ascendant and
planetary positions as featuring within a house systemvi conveniently
based on the familiar skies as observed with your own eyesvii. Your
horoscope is the skies you saw as childviii!

Your true natal skies report is a transparent blueprint of the
planetary positions that really hovered over your nativity. Nothing
can change your true natal sky.

As we believe that nothing can change your true natal sky, we
banned additives from your horoscope, while keeping it just as it was
at birth time.

The true natal report matches your true mind or the original
mind of manix.

Your natal ascendant is determined by the eastern star.

The zodiacal positions of your planets are determined by their
conjunctions with the appropriate stars21.

In order to determine the character and direction22 of the
horoscope, a good analyst does not need all the abundant delineation
as offered by hundreds of objectsx. All that is required in a superb
analysis are the prominent objects of interestxi.

The guardian angelxii has been formulated for initiates. The
eastern star has been given delineation, direction and eventual sigil.
The true natal ascendant is the guardian angel of the horoscope. As
the real natal ascendant rises precisely at due east, it has been
unknown to non-observing23 astrologersxiii for the past 6000 yearsxiv.

A professional horoscope contains most objects of interest along
with a minority of selected signifiers as distilled from the cosmic
horoscope soup. Distilling objects of interest is but the first step
towards an efficient astrological prediction, that entails the proper
use of professional astrological directions. If we can train anyone
into astrological prediction in minutes, imagine what your horoscope
as armed in full regalia can do for you!

The Academic Zodiac is of course the mainframe of the personal
horoscope report. The power of the true zodiac is beginning to
manifest in the correction of the standard points, such as the Venus
exaltation point. We already work with PP1 and PP2, Pegasus point and
true Venus exaltation. Taking from the peculiar to the general, we
propagate the Venus exaltation point towards its application within
every tropical horoscope! Thus, even in perusing obsolete zodiacs, the
meaning of true exaltation is conveyed to the general public. Even
those who never heard or even do not care about Venus in Pegasus can
peruse its delineation in the 12 houses. The purpose is to determine
how strong a horoscope is, how far can it stretch and will it crash on
first transit? Venus in Pegasus changes every horoscope! The Pegasus
Point in direction, aspect or transit, will show how strong your love
really is and will it succumb to the first challenging aspect it comes

Pegasus Point in the 12 houses of the horoscope25. Venus in
Pegasus has been exalted as power point in any horoscope. This
sensitive point determines one's peaks, from investment to orgasm! Are
you ready to fly? How far can you really go? The Lucifer series26
converged towards the mundane prediction for the “second coming” of
Lucifer, while the subsequent introduction of the Pegasus Point
funneled a power point for the general estimation of the force as
pervading the horoscope. How tight is one's intent? How clear one's
purpose? How exalted one's mission? How near to the first major
obstaclexv? How sublime one's love?

Dwarf planetsxvi report, including 2007 OR10. This already
copiously delineatedxvii object27 has been found invigorating in a
financial horoscope! Some of the standard dwarf planets in an
astrological analysis are our old friends Logos, Altjira, Ceto,
Borasisi, Quaoar, Makemake, Varuna, 2002 TX300, Haumea, Chaos,
Orcusxviii, Erisxix, Charon, Pluto, Ixion, Typhon, Teharonhiawako,
Sedna, Huya and of course the much discussedxx 2002 AW197. All these
dwarf planets plus morexxi enjoy dedicated delineation as well as
collective publications such as in Dwarf Planets in the 7th House. The
dwarf planets have “extinguished” the centaurs ever since Varunaxxii,
in towering over our horoscopes by size and impact. The newcomer is
2008 UA332 , as entered in the client's horoscopes on special request.

The moons as pertaining to the dwarf planets are delineated
according to their separate ephemerides. Some dwarf planets have two
or three named moons.

Centaurs report, including 2007 JG43. This new centaur has been
delineated in the 12 traditional astrological houses, as published
accordingly in early 200928.

The key to the example report is the standard Earth co-orbital
2002 AA29 sitting on the ecliptic. Therefore the event of the day is
not just new moon, but an indicative position of one of our major
axillary moonsxxiii.

Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1995 - 2009 by Klaudio
Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright

This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from http://www.lulu.com/astrology

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author.


Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://www.lulu.com/astrology


As special customers command dedicated horoscopes, time and effort is
afforded to any requirements that would complete a peculiar research,
round up an issue or satisfy professional curiosity. Surely,
astrologers over the world enjoyed the benefit of NASA ephemerides,
which accurately render the trajectories of the Sun, the Moon and the
planets along their specific zodiacal paths. Planetary zodiacsxxiv
could hardly be conceived without the help of the superb HORIZONS
integrator by Jon Giorgini.


Custom horoscopes challenge the power of our data basesxxv as well as
our own imagination in cutting through inventive solutions towards a
specific astrological issue. The owner of a custom horoscope is
entitled to a vast treasure house of objects that fit a special
purpose, help private research or satisfy any creative whim. Sometimes
the inspection of a horoscope is incomplete without an adequate comet
or peculiar object of interest that appears to be prominent in the
local skiesxxvi.

Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1995 - 2009 by Klaudio
Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright

This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from http://www.lulu.com/astrology

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author.


Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://www.lulu.com/astrology


A new series of horoscopes has been distributed among a selected
number of readers, initiates29 and partners. The third official launch
or the true personal horoscope has sceptered several new features of
your true personal horoscope. Besides featuring your true natal
positions, the report exceeds in new features as well as innovative

A compact personal report format has been formulated for readers,
initiates and featured clientsxxvii with payment empowered via Paypal.

The new series of horoscopes features several major innovations,
enlisted as follows.


WYSIWYG astrology features your true natal ascendant and
planetary positions as featuring within a house systemxxviii
conveniently based on the familiar skies as observed with your own
eyesxxix. Your horoscope is the skies you saw as childxxx!

Your true natal skies report is a transparent blueprint of the
planetary positions that really hovered over your nativity. Nothing
can change your true natal sky.

As we believe that nothing can change your true natal sky, we
banned additives from your horoscope, while keeping it just as it was
at birth time.

The true natal report matches your true mind or the original
mind of manxxxi.

Your natal ascendant is determined by the eastern star.

The zodiacal positions of your planets are determined by their
conjunctions with the appropriate stars30.

In order to determine the character and direction31 of the
horoscope, a good analyst does not need all the abundant delineation
as offered by hundreds of objectsxxxii. All that is required in a
superb analysis are the prominent objects of interestxxxiii.

The guardian angelxxxiv has been formulated for initiates. The
eastern star has been given delineation, direction and eventual sigil.
The true natal ascendant is the guardian angel of the horoscope. As
the real natal ascendant rises precisely at due east, it has been
unknown to non-observing32 astrologersxxxv for the past 6000

A professional horoscope contains most objects of interest along
with a minority of selected signifiers as distilled from the cosmic
horoscope soup. Distilling objects of interest is but the first step
towards an efficient astrological prediction, that entails the proper
use of professional astrological directions. If we can train anyone
into astrological prediction in minutes, imagine what your horoscope
as armed in full regalia can do for you!

The Academic Zodiac is of course the mainframe of the personal
horoscope report. The power of the true zodiac is beginning to
manifest in the correction of the standard points, such as the Venus
exaltation point. We already work with PP1 and PP2, Pegasus point and
true Venus exaltation. Taking from the peculiar to the general, we
propagate the Venus exaltation point towards its application within
every tropical horoscope! Thus, even in perusing obsolete zodiacs, the
meaning of true exaltation is conveyed to the general public. Even
those who never heard or even do not care about Venus in Pegasus can
peruse its delineation in the 12 houses. The purpose is to determine
how strong a horoscope is, how far can it stretch and will it crash on
first transit? Venus in Pegasus changes every horoscope! The Pegasus
Point in direction, aspect or transit, will show how strong your love
really is and will it succumb to the first challenging aspect it comes

Pegasus Point in the 12 houses of the horoscope34. Venus in
Pegasus has been exalted as power point in any horoscope. This
sensitive point determines one's peaks, from investment to orgasm! Are
you ready to fly? How far can you really go? The Lucifer series35
converged towards the mundane prediction for the “second coming” of
Lucifer, while the subsequent introduction of the Pegasus Point
funneled a power point for the general estimation of the force as
pervading the horoscope. How tight is one's intent? How clear one's
purpose? How exalted one's mission? How near to the first major
obstaclexxxvii? How sublime one's love?

Dwarf planetsxxxviii report, including 2007 OR10. This already
copiously delineatedxxxix object36 has been found invigorating in a
financial horoscope! Some of the standard dwarf planets in an
astrological analysis are our old friends Logos, Altjira, Ceto,
Borasisi, Quaoar, Makemake, Varuna, 2002 TX300, Haumea, Chaos,
Orcusxl, Erisxli, Charon, Pluto, Ixion, Typhon, Teharonhiawako, Sedna,
Huya and of course the much discussedxlii 2002 AW197. All these dwarf
planets plus morexliii enjoy dedicated delineation as well as
collective publications such as in Dwarf Planets in the 7th House. The
dwarf planets have “extinguished” the centaurs ever since Varunaxliv,
in towering over our horoscopes by size and impact. The newcomer is
2008 UA332 , as entered in the client's horoscopes on special request.

The moons as pertaining to the dwarf planets are delineated
according to their separate ephemerides. Some dwarf planets have two
or three named moons.

Centaurs report, including 2007 JG43. This new centaur has been
delineated in the 12 traditional astrological houses, as published
accordingly in early 200937.

The key to the example report is the standard Earth co-orbital
2002 AA29 sitting on the ecliptic. Therefore the event of the day is
not just new moon, but an indicative position of one of our major
axillary moonsxlv.

Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1995 - 2009 by Klaudio
Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright

This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from http://www.lulu.com/astrology

1Often we are vaguely interested just in the year and eventually month
of the event ahead. That can be calculated anywhere such as between
friends riding a tube train. “When shall I marry?” requires minutes to
answer between non-professionals. Of course, details such as e.g.
Venus secondary direction in Cetus II will be occasionally dealt with
by experts, but anyone interested in the year of the event only can
have it in minutes. An iPod can be used in order to obtain rough data
as often we do not need a chart printout in order to divine issues,
yes even in a crowded underground train at midnight! These are the
real wonders of everyday astrology. Businessmen will worry over
financial issues that can be determined accordingly. The twenty
minutes astrology initiation is also about signing that contract at a
more propitious time.

2A child has extra faculties as reality rendering initiate, that is
original mind, the holiest of the holy.

3Predicting all the love affairs in one's life could take more than 15
minutes in a progressive beginner.

4A direction is a mathematical prediction method.

520 Minutes Astrology.

6Nowadays, astrological reports tend to be bulky, mostly due to
hundreds of new objects that dwarf the asteroids of the past. In order
to browse through one's own natal report, one has to be introduced in
dozens of classes of objects, where only the dwarf planets report can
take over a thousand pages in a complete report.

7See also on the Academic Zodiac, Precessed Ascendant set and the
universal Cartesian house system.

8RTRRT stands for Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.

9True self as rendered and distilled within the RTRRT.

10By friendly universe we mean true natal skies. See also O5IRIS

11Also known as guardian angel.

12Also known as Precessed Ascendant.

13At the present epoch, the following zodiacal constellations do not
rise at east: Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini,
Cancer, Crater, Corvus and Libra. Taurus is rising only for five
minutes at east in a daily cycle.

14The 16 eastern ascendants are meant for the present epoch only. They
will nevertheless confirm to most horoscopes of interest. In
performing around e.g. 4000 BC, we of course peruse a more variegated
set of eastern ascendants for the appropriate epoch at hand.

15These imply the fully scientific Academic Zodiac.

16See on default ego, binary mind and the personal devil within your
RTRRT training material.

17See also on Zodiacal Offset, which can grow from “standard” two
signs towards up to six (sic) constellations of zodiacal error. Yes,
we are almost speaking of a quarter of a sky of “standard” error in a

18Capricornus does not even ascend at east for the current epoch.

19A generous word for deliberately false, controversial and absolutely
crooked. As the result of galloping corruption over the Æons, hardly
anything genuine was left to admire in a horoscope. And with false
zodiacal positions, eastern – western conflict and the proliferation
of “astrologers”, one could hardly grasp a sight of one's true natal
skies at all. Note that already Hipparchus rebuked unprofessional as
well as general non-precessed practice, to hardly any avail.

20One does not depend on any astrological transits for one's workings,
as one can always decide a positive issue. Instant magick implies
determining an event right here, right now. The event materializes
even in five minutes. Personal future-changing implies self-initiation
into RTRRT. The initiation is transparent as fairly available to
anyone. Our philosophy remains that anyone can change one's own
futurity starting with now. No lengthy procedures are needed any
longer as we approach the end of old times. The RTRRT are a compact
instant magick initiation for the planet.

21Note that we do not in any way represent any crooked “sidereal”
astrology, that was sidereal by name only.

22Direction is understood as issue in a calculated event that resumes
the horoscope. There are over 360 directions in astrology. The
directions are mathematical formulæ that help determining the precise
moment of the event ahead.

23The eastern ascendant is observed at east. There are currently 16
rising constellations at east, according to precession. Some of the
rising genii are good, but some might be dubious. If one has e.g.
occult faculties and Alphard ascending in Hydra, one will be
instructed to do good. Generally, the guardian angel is a major star
as pertaining to one of the 16 ascending constellations for the
current epoch.

24By direction, house transit or secondary angular progression. House
direction is readily available, while the aspects are calculated as
one would handle a simple Venus direction. The Pegasus Point can even
point to an ideal partner by progressing PP1 and PP2 by secondary
angular or just any direction. Transits to PP are of course nothing
but simple directions that everyone can peruse.

25The Author is presently working on a further refinement for the
Venus exaltation point. The data for the Pegasus Point, PP1 and PP2
are applicable to tropical astrology.

26Lucifer and Pegasus Point, © 2009 by Klaudio Zic.

27© 2009 http://lulu.com/astrology Marriage Rendering Astrology,
Academic Zodiac, Zodiacal Design, 2007 OR10 – Update, Unihipili,
ObamAssasination, KKK, 2007OR10, Federal Reserve System and the
Subprime Mortgage Crisis, 2007 OR10 ~ Dwarf Planets in the House of
Love, Unihipili bis, An Interview with Cinderella and many recent
publications, which include the 2007 OR10 delineation in the reports.

28Riding the Devil to the Grail, Academic Zodiac, 2007 JG43 and 2007
JG43 bis.

29One does not depend on any astrological transits for one's workings,
as one can always decide a positive issue. Instant magick implies
determining an event right here, right now. The event materializes
even in five minutes. Personal future-changing implies self-initiation
into RTRRT. The initiation is transparent as fairly available to
anyone. Our philosophy remains that anyone can change one's own
futurity starting with now. No lengthy procedures are needed any
longer as we approach the end of old times. The RTRRT are a compact
instant magick initiation for the planet.

30Note that we do not in any way represent any crooked “sidereal”
astrology, that was sidereal by name only.

31Direction is understood as issue in a calculated event that resumes
the horoscope. There are over 360 directions in astrology. The
directions are mathematical formulæ that help determining the precise
moment of the event ahead.

32The eastern ascendant is observed at east. There are currently 16
rising constellations at east, according to precession. Some of the
rising genii are good, but some might be dubious. If one has e.g.
occult faculties and Alphard ascending in Hydra, one will be
instructed to do good. Generally, the guardian angel is a major star
as pertaining to one of the 16 ascending constellations for the
current epoch.

33By direction, house transit or secondary angular progression. House
direction is readily available, while the aspects are calculated as
one would handle a simple Venus direction. The Pegasus Point can even
point to an ideal partner by progressing PP1 and PP2 by secondary
angular or just any direction. Transits to PP are of course nothing
but simple directions that everyone can peruse.

34The Author is presently working on a further refinement for the
Venus exaltation point. The data for the Pegasus Point, PP1 and PP2
are applicable to tropical astrology.

35Lucifer and Pegasus Point, © 2009 by Klaudio Zic.

36© 2009 http://lulu.com/astrology Marriage Rendering Astrology,
Academic Zodiac, Zodiacal Design, 2007 OR10 – Update, Unihipili,
ObamAssasination, KKK, 2007OR10, Federal Reserve System and the
Subprime Mortgage Crisis, 2007 OR10 ~ Dwarf Planets in the House of
Love, Unihipili bis, An Interview with Cinderella and many recent
publications, which include the 2007 OR10 delineation in the reports.

37Riding the Devil to the Grail, Academic Zodiac, 2007 JG43 and 2007
JG43 bis.

iThere is a great difference between an assumed sky as taken for
granted by most superstitious persons even after Hipparchus, and the
real precessed sky. As we shall see, your real natal sky has nothing
to do with superstition.

iiFancy here is a beautiful word that evades the mention of
professional greed and malice in mangling your original natal data for
commercial purposes. Unscrupulous scientists collaborate with corrupt
businessmen and lodge masters towards the detriment of your original
natal positions. That is one of the reasons why people are never
really sure about their true natal ascendant and Sun sign.

iiiOriginally formulated as “hardly entertaining even in a sick mind”.

iv“They” stands for anyone and no one in particular, as they have
served you the same lies over and over for over 6000 years. They are
not exactly “Men in Black”, but you could as well imagine them as
being something similar. While within the temples, observation of
stars kept for Æons, petty cheats proliferated along the marketplaces
of this world.

vOur programs show the true positions of your natal planets. Of
course, these have nothing to do with superstition as pumped by
unqualified media, programs and authors. Our ephemerides are not
mangled by corrupt scientists, pseudo-astrologers or blind greed. Our
reports are accurate and meticulous to the point. The margin of error
is minimized by daily update according to the MPC and NASA JPL
standards. All delineations are written upon the appropriate
discovery, before the object has been named or even announced. This
every single centaur or dwarf planet delineation is first and often
unique in its own class. The delineations are written for the use in
the 12 standard astrological houses. Often, the objects are delineated
by constellation, e.g. Chariklo in Centaurus, Asbolus in Lupus or Eris
in Sculptor. Our backbone being NASA JPL, all reports are accurate,
updated and upgraded to the minute second. The orbital elements for
the objects of interest are refreshed on daily basis. Some of the
classes of objects of interest as included in the horoscope are the
dwarf planets, giant comets, centaurs, actual comets, main belt
comets, Apoheles, Earth co-orbitals, Aten, Amor, Apollo, Damocles',
outer guardians, Oort cloud objects, SDO, cubewano, plutino, TNO, KBO,
planetary satellites and selected spacecraft. Some historical
definitions; as KBO, SDO and TNO, may overlap.

viUniversal Cartesian house system. This simple system is operative on
spacecraft, undersea and through alien galaxies. Let it be noted that
precious house systems crashed already at Oslo latitude.

viiYour natal skies are precisely the skies as seen by your parents
and grandparents! If e.g. the Moon was over Jupiter in Orion, then
Moon and Jupiter were in Orion at birth, precisely as observable and
seen in the real sky!

viiiOf course, some newborn children will recall the moment they first
became conscious of their body!

ixSee also RTRRT. In extension, we can speak of the proverbial but
imposingly practical face before you were born.

xMostly dwarf planets, dozens of centaurs and various classes of
objects of interest.

xiIn our example, the foremost object is 2002 AA29, whose prominence
is evident by its rare conjunction with the ecliptic. Its directions
as well as house placement will influence the fate of the project in

xiiThe guardian angel star or star-angel. This topic is in fact not at
all new to the magus.

xiiiMost “astrologers” were exhibiting as jugglers over outdated
planetary positions. Thus, Zodiacal Offset grew to enormous
proportions, nowadays boasting up to six signs of zodiacal error. The
“standard” two signs of error were therefore just the beginning of the
zodiacal wreckage for most serious astrologers. Those moored or rather
shipwrecked unto any tropical island must resent the errors of the
past. At the rate of two signs of standard error, we can not even
speak of error in order to embellish soon a quarter of the sky of
zodiacal mistake. One degree can be considered an error, but two signs
of offset pertain to more serious issues. An error is something that
can be corrected, while a quarter of the sly points to the utter
uselessness of the obsolete zodiacal “systems” that alas were in
popular use. A steering device that misses one degree can be
corrected, while one that fails by quarter of the sky is useless,
apart from proving deadly in a passenger. Astrology can not go on by
making two or three signs of error. This is like an astrological
subprime crisis.

xivA rough estimation that can be expanded, rather than contracted.
Only astrologers that were actually observing due east entered the
true eastern stars into their horoscopes. See also Observer of Times
by the same Author.

xvObstacles are discreated rather than just overcome with any of the
RTRRT, such as O5 or Oberon V.


The dwarf planets and objects of interest are entered every horoscope
“in bulk”. However, in refining the personal report,

we make use dedicated criterion according to the horoscope at hand.
Therefore the issuing prints are both a) general, that is,

informative, and b) particular, that is, dedicated or personalized. As
the reports tend to be bulky due to meticulous

inspection of detail, the PDF scans often contain markings, notes and
labels, that can be advantageously consulted.

Note that, as in the case of the centaur objects, an unnamed object
can be in fact much larger than a named one.

15266 Sun Jul 19 02:29:40 2009

JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2009-Jul-19 02:29:18

Matching small-bodies:

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H
-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
1 1983 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13
4 1981 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
19308 1998 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50
19521 1999 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90
20000 2004 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
24835 1999 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80
26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70
28978 2004 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
38628 2002 2000 EB173 Huya 4.70
42301 2000 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 3.97
47171 2001 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.73
50000 2004 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.66
55565 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.27
55636 2005 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.10
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
82075 2003 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 4.77
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.80
84922 2003 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.00
90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56
90482 2005 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2001 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
119951 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.50
120132 2003 2003 FY128 [...unnamed...] 4.80
120178 2002 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 4.17
120347 2004 2004 SB60 [...unnamed...] 4.20
120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.25
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.18
136199 2005 2003 UB313 Eris -1.17
136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.45
144897 2009 2004 UX10 [...unnamed...] 4.50
145451 2009 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40
145452 2009 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
145453 2009 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00
145480 2009 2005 TB190 [...unnamed...] 4.70
174567 2009 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.60
175113 2009 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.70
202421 2009 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
208996 2004 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 4.00
408989 2003 2000 CN105 [...unnamed...] 4.99
419370 2009 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70
433492 2009 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90
437935 2000 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.79
451466 2004 2002 XV93 [...unnamed...] 4.92
457659 2009 2003 QX113 [...unnamed...] 4.70
466417 2009 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.30
476804 2009 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40
478132 2004 2004 PR107 [...unnamed...] 4.60
490088 2009 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.50
490101 2009 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 4.00
504346 2009 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.10
545085 2009 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
577274 2009 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70
577275 2009 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 4.90
578316 2009 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90
590531 2009 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.60

(57 matches. To SELECT, enter record # (integer), followed by semi-

xviiDelineations happen in the 12 standard astrological houses.
However, special attention is given to the universal Cartesian house
system. The delineations are nevertheless optimized for use within any
astrological environment, such as sidereal Regiomontanus and even
Vedic astrology.

xviiiOrcus Report © 2009.

xixEris or 2003 UB313 and the X Zodiac boast over 6 GB of published
(PDF, animated GIF and AVI) material since their first sale as early
as Aug 1st 2005.

xxAlbeit an occasional Copyright breach, mostly favored by our
generous Internet presence, the 2002 AW197 delineation in Hydra is of
course originally exclusively our own. The few ill-fated gentlemen who
ineptly attempt at Copyright breach will of course never be in
possession of the indispensable skill and technology as needed in an
approach towards dwarf planets astrology proper. A marauder unable to
steal is victimized by one's own ambition in becoming a would-be
predator. In the Age of Cetus II, even a piranha can attack a nuclear
submarine, to hilarious results for the transiting fish of interest.
NEMO will hardly even notice said attack.

xxiThe list of dwarf planets is updated as follow.

576668 2007 2007 HV90 [...unnamed...] 5.20

577273 2009 2007 JF43 [...unnamed...] 5.20
577274 2009 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70
577275 2009 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 4.90
578309 2009 2007 OC10 [...unnamed...] 5.70
578316 2009 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90
578993 2007 2007 PS45 [...unnamed...] 5.60
588638 2007 2007 TB418 [...unnamed...] 5.80
590531 2009 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.60
594027 2009 2007 VK305 [...unnamed...] 5.80
595391 2009 2007 XV50 [...unnamed...] 5.00
601113 2009 2008 CT190 [...unnamed...] 5.50
611390 2008 2008 NW4 [...unnamed...] 5.80
611602 2009 2008 OG19 [...unnamed...] 5.90
612685 2008 2008 QY40 [...unnamed...] 5.40
625989 2008 2008 UA332 [...unnamed...] 5.20

Of course, not every dwarf planet will acquire prominence. 2007 OR10
is automatically set aside as one of the largest dwarf planets in
existence. We use the term “dwarf planets”, where KBO would be more
appropriate in earlier times. Namely, until the official nomination by
the IAU, said dwarf planets remain “dwarf planets candidates”.

xxiiThe dwarf planets have start with the cubewano objects back in
1992. 1992 QB1 features in our jubilee issue, as special feature of a
vintage horoscope.

xxiiiEarth Coorbitals in Astrology.

xxivThe Secret Mansions of the Moon, Mercurial Zodiac, Venus Sign.

xxvSpacecraft included. Here is the list of major dwarf planets and
small solar system objects of interest.


JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2009-Jul-19 02:29:52

Matching small-bodies:

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H

-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----

1 1983 (undefined) Ceres 3.34

2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13

3 1983 (undefined) Juno 5.33

4 1981 (undefined) Vesta 3.20

6 1987 (undefined) Hebe 5.71

7 1984 (undefined) Iris 5.51

10 1998 (undefined) Hygiea 5.43

15 1995 (undefined) Eunomia 5.28

16 1980 (undefined) Psyche 5.90

29 1992 (undefined) Amphitrite 5.85

349 1990 1892 T Dembowska 5.93

532 1992 1904 NY Herculina 5.81

704 1996 1910 KU Interamnia 5.94

15874 1999 1996 TL66 [...unnamed...] 5.40

19308 1998 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50

19521 1999 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90

20000 2004 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70

24835 1999 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80

26181 1999 1996 GQ21 [...unnamed...] 5.20

26308 2000 1998 SM165 [...unnamed...] 5.80

26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70

28978 2004 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20

35671 2000 1998 SN165 [...unnamed...] 5.80

38628 2002 2000 EB173 Huya 4.70

40314 2002 1999 KR16 [...unnamed...] 5.69

42301 2000 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 3.97

47171 2001 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.73

48639 1998 1995 TL8 [...unnamed...] 5.26

50000 2004 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.66

55565 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.27

55636 2005 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.10

55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60

55638 2005 2002 VE95 [...unnamed...] 5.52

66652 2002 1999 RZ253 Borasisi 5.86

78799 2009 2002 XW93 [...unnamed...] 5.50

79360 2001 1997 CS29 [...unnamed...] 5.15

79978 2001 1999 CC158 [...unnamed...] 5.74

82075 2003 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 4.77

84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.80

84719 2009 2002 VR128 [...unnamed...] 5.60

84922 2003 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.00

88611 2003 2001 QT297 Teharonhiawako 5.57

90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56

90482 2005 2004 DW Orcus 2.30

90568 2001 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90

119951 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.50

119979 2009 2002 WC19 [...unnamed...] 5.00

120132 2003 2003 FY128 [...unnamed...] 4.80

120178 2002 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 4.17

120347 2004 2004 SB60 [...unnamed...] 4.20

120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.25

126154 2003 2001 YH140 [...unnamed...] 5.50

134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70

134860 2005 2000 OJ67 [...unnamed...] 6.00

135182 2004 2001 QT322 [...unnamed...] 5.88

136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.18

136199 2005 2003 UB313 Eris -1.17

136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.45

138537 2002 2000 OK67 [...unnamed...] 5.71

143991 2009 2003 YO179 [...unnamed...] 5.80

144897 2009 2004 UX10 [...unnamed...] 4.50

145451 2009 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40

145452 2009 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90

145453 2009 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00

145480 2009 2005 TB190 [...unnamed...] 4.70

148780 2005 2001 UQ18 Altjira 5.77

150642 2003 2001 CZ31 [...unnamed...] 5.53

174567 2009 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.60

175113 2009 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.70

182934 2003 2002 GJ32 [...unnamed...] 5.50

202421 2009 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40

208996 2004 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 4.00

404544 2000 1999 CL119 [...unnamed...] 5.87

404614 2002 1999 CD158 [...unnamed...] 5.07

408639 2000 2000 AF255 [...unnamed...] 5.84

408986 2003 2000 CJ105 [...unnamed...] 5.86

408989 2003 2000 CN105 [...unnamed...] 4.99

408990 2002 2000 CO105 [...unnamed...] 5.80

408992 2009 2000 CQ105 [...unnamed...] 5.90

417170 2002 2001 KA77 [...unnamed...] 5.26

417172 2002 2001 KD77 [...unnamed...] 5.62

419355 2002 2001 QO297 [...unnamed...] 5.81

419358 2009 2001 QR297 [...unnamed...] 5.90

419359 2001 2001 QS297 [...unnamed...] 5.40

419362 2009 2001 QX297 [...unnamed...] 5.90

419363 2005 2001 QY297 [...unnamed...] 5.74

419368 2003 2001 QD298 [...unnamed...] 5.67

419370 2009 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70

419372 2009 2001 QJ298 [...unnamed...] 5.70

419406 2003 2001 QS322 [...unnamed...] 5.40

419408 2002 2001 QX322 [...unnamed...] 5.73

420433 2009 2001 RU143 [...unnamed...] 5.70

424894 2009 2001 UP18 [...unnamed...] 5.90

429579 2009 2001 XR254 [...unnamed...] 5.60

429586 2009 2001 XD255 [...unnamed...] 5.50

433492 2009 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90

435690 2009 2002 GV31 [...unnamed...] 5.30

435697 2009 2002 GD32 [...unnamed...] 5.70

435699 2009 2002 GF32 [...unnamed...] 5.70

435700 2009 2002 GH32 [...unnamed...] 5.50

437520 2002 2002 JR146 [...unnamed...] 5.50

437610 2004 2002 KW14 [...unnamed...] 5.20

437935 2000 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.79

439767 2009 2002 PQ145 [...unnamed...] 5.60

439777 2002 2002 PJ149 [...unnamed...] 5.30

450144 2004 2002 VT130 [...unnamed...] 5.60

450145 2004 2002 VU130 [...unnamed...] 5.63

451454 2009 2002 XH91 [...unnamed...] 5.60

451466 2004 2002 XV93 [...unnamed...] 4.92

454825 2009 2003 FE128 [...unnamed...] 5.40

455235 2009 2003 GH55 [...unnamed...] 5.70

457436 2006 2003 QW90 [...unnamed...] 5.25

457440 2009 2003 QA91 [...unnamed...] 5.50

457451 2003 2003 QM91 [...unnamed...] 5.30

457639 2003 2003 QA112 [...unnamed...] 5.80

457659 2009 2003 QX113 [...unnamed...] 4.70

464263 2009 2003 UZ117 [...unnamed...] 5.30

465906 2009 2003 UB292 [...unnamed...] 5.70

466416 2009 2003 UY413 [...unnamed...] 5.70

466417 2009 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.30

466418 2003 2003 UA414 [...unnamed...] 5.30

468278 2003 2003 WQ188 [...unnamed...] 5.90

468280 2009 2003 WU188 [...unnamed...] 5.70

476804 2009 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40

478132 2004 2004 PR107 [...unnamed...] 4.60

478136 2004 2004 PV107 [...unnamed...] 5.90

478209 2009 2004 PG115 [...unnamed...] 5.00

488193 2009 2004 VZ75 [...unnamed...] 5.90

490088 2009 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.50

490101 2009 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 4.00

492366 2009 2005 CA79 [...unnamed...] 5.80

492367 2009 2005 CB79 [...unnamed...] 5.00

495184 2009 2005 EF298 [...unnamed...] 5.90

498704 2009 2005 JA175 [...unnamed...] 5.90

498738 2009 2005 JR179 [...unnamed...] 5.90

504346 2009 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.10

504919 2009 2005 RS43 [...unnamed...] 5.30

524558 2005 2005 XN113 [...unnamed...] 5.90

539497 2009 2006 HX122 [...unnamed...] 5.90

539507 2006 2006 HH123 [...unnamed...] 5.20

539508 2009 2006 HJ123 [...unnamed...] 5.60

545083 2006 2006 QF181 [...unnamed...] 5.90

545085 2009 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80

576668 2007 2007 HV90 [...unnamed...] 5.20

577273 2009 2007 JF43 [...unnamed...] 5.20

577274 2009 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70

577275 2009 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 4.90

578309 2009 2007 OC10 [...unnamed...] 5.70

578316 2009 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90

578993 2007 2007 PS45 [...unnamed...] 5.60

588638 2007 2007 TB418 [...unnamed...] 5.80

590531 2009 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.60

594027 2009 2007 VK305 [...unnamed...] 5.80

595391 2009 2007 XV50 [...unnamed...] 5.00

601113 2009 2008 CT190 [...unnamed...] 5.50

611390 2008 2008 NW4 [...unnamed...] 5.80

611602 2009 2008 OG19 [...unnamed...] 5.90

612685 2008 2008 QY40 [...unnamed...] 5.40

625989 2008 2008 UA332 [...unnamed...] 5.20

(159 matches. To SELECT, enter record # (integer), followed by semi-


xxviSee also Planetocentric Astrology.

xxviiOur programs show the true positions of your natal planets. Of
course, these have nothing to do with superstition as pumped by
unqualified media, programs and authors. Our ephemerides are not
mangled by corrupt scientists, pseudo-astrologers or blind greed. Our
reports are accurate and meticulous to the point. The margin of error
is minimized by daily update according to the MPC and NASA JPL
standards. All delineations are written upon the appropriate
discovery, before the object has been named or even announced. This
every single centaur or dwarf planet delineation is first and often
unique in its own class. The delineations are written for the use in
the 12 standard astrological houses. Often, the objects are delineated
by constellation, e.g. Chariklo in Centaurus, Asbolus in Lupus or Eris
in Sculptor. Our backbone being NASA JPL, all reports are accurate,
updated and upgraded to the minute second. The orbital elements for
the objects of interest are refreshed on daily basis. Some of the
classes of objects of interest as included in the horoscope are the
dwarf planets, giant comets, centaurs, actual comets, main belt
comets, Apoheles, Earth co-orbitals, Aten, Amor, Apollo, Damocles',
outer guardians, Oort cloud objects, SDO, cubewano, plutino, TNO, KBO,
planetary satellites and selected spacecraft. Some historical
definitions; as KBO, SDO and TNO, may overlap.

xxviiiUniversal Cartesian house system. This simple system is
operative on spacecraft, undersea and through alien galaxies. Let it
be noted that precious house systems crashed already at Oslo latitude.

xxixYour natal skies are precisely the skies as seen by your parents
and grandparents! If e.g. the Moon was over Jupiter in Orion, then
Moon and Jupiter were in Orion at birth, precisely as observable and
seen in the real sky!

xxxOf course, some newborn children will recall the moment they first
became conscious of their body!

xxxiSee also RTRRT. In extension, we can speak of the proverbial but
imposingly practical face before you were born.

xxxiiMostly dwarf planets, dozens of centaurs and various classes of
objects of interest.

xxxiiiIn our example, the foremost object is 2002 AA29, whose
prominence is evident by its rare conjunction with the ecliptic. Its
directions as well as house placement will influence the fate of the
project in question.

xxxivThe guardian angel star or star-angel. This topic is in fact not
at all new to the magus.

xxxvMost “astrologers” were exhibiting as jugglers over outdated
planetary positions. Thus, Zodiacal Offset grew to enormous
proportions, nowadays boasting up to six signs of zodiacal error. The
“standard” two signs of error were therefore just the beginning of the
zodiacal wreckage for most serious astrologers. Those moored or rather
shipwrecked unto any tropical island must resent the errors of the
past. At the rate of two signs of standard error, we can not even
speak of error in order to embellish soon a quarter of the sky of
zodiacal mistake. One degree can be considered an error, but two signs
of offset pertain to more serious issues. An error is something that
can be corrected, while a quarter of the sly points to the utter
uselessness of the obsolete zodiacal “systems” that alas were in
popular use. A steering device that misses one degree can be
corrected, while one that fails by quarter of the sky is useless,
apart from proving deadly in a passenger. Astrology can not go on by
making two or three signs of error. This is like an astrological
subprime crisis.

xxxviA rough estimation that can be expanded, rather than contracted.
Only astrologers that were actually observing due east entered the
true eastern stars into their horoscopes. See also Observer of Times
by the same Author.

xxxviiObstacles are discreated rather than just overcome with any of
the RTRRT, such as O5 or Oberon V.


The dwarf planets and objects of interest are entered every horoscope
“in bulk”. However, in refining the personal report,

we make use dedicated criterion according to the horoscope at hand.
Therefore the issuing prints are both a) general, that is,

informative, and b) particular, that is, dedicated or personalized. As
the reports tend to be bulky due to meticulous

inspection of detail, the PDF scans often contain markings, notes and
labels, that can be advantageously consulted.

Note that, as in the case of the centaur objects, an unnamed object
can be in fact much larger than a named one.

15266 Sun Jul 19 02:29:40 2009

JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2009-Jul-19 02:29:18

Matching small-bodies:

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H
-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
1 1983 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13
4 1981 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
19308 1998 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50
19521 1999 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90
20000 2004 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
24835 1999 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80
26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70
28978 2004 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
38628 2002 2000 EB173 Huya 4.70
42301 2000 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 3.97
47171 2001 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.73
50000 2004 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.66
55565 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.27
55636 2005 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.10
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
82075 2003 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 4.77
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.80
84922 2003 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.00
90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56
90482 2005 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2001 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
119951 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.50
120132 2003 2003 FY128 [...unnamed...] 4.80
120178 2002 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 4.17
120347 2004 2004 SB60 [...unnamed...] 4.20
120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.25
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.18
136199 2005 2003 UB313 Eris -1.17
136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.45
144897 2009 2004 UX10 [...unnamed...] 4.50
145451 2009 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40
145452 2009 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
145453 2009 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00
145480 2009 2005 TB190 [...unnamed...] 4.70
174567 2009 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.60
175113 2009 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.70
202421 2009 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
208996 2004 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 4.00
408989 2003 2000 CN105 [...unnamed...] 4.99
419370 2009 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70
433492 2009 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90
437935 2000 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.79
451466 2004 2002 XV93 [...unnamed...] 4.92
457659 2009 2003 QX113 [...unnamed...] 4.70
466417 2009 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.30
476804 2009 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40
478132 2004 2004 PR107 [...unnamed...] 4.60
490088 2009 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.50
490101 2009 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 4.00
504346 2009 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.10
545085 2009 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
577274 2009 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70
577275 2009 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 4.90
578316 2009 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90
590531 2009 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.60

(57 matches. To SELECT, enter record # (integer), followed by semi-

xxxixDelineations happen in the 12 standard astrological houses.
However, special attention is given to the universal Cartesian house
system. The delineations are nevertheless optimized for use within any
astrological environment, such as sidereal Regiomontanus and even
Vedic astrology.

xlOrcus Report © 2009.

xliEris or 2003 UB313 and the X Zodiac boast over 6 GB of published
(PDF, animated GIF and AVI) material since their first sale as early
as Aug 1st 2005.

xliiAlbeit an occasional Copyright breach, mostly favored by our
generous Internet presence, the 2002 AW197 delineation in Hydra is of
course originally exclusively our own. The few ill-fated gentlemen who
ineptly attempt at Copyright breach will of course never be in
possession of the indispensable skill and technology as needed in an
approach towards dwarf planets astrology proper. A marauder unable to
steal is victimized by one's own ambition in becoming a would-be
predator. In the Age of Cetus II, even a piranha can attack a nuclear
submarine, to hilarious results for the transiting fish of interest.
NEMO will hardly even notice said attack.

xliiiThe list of dwarf planets is updated as follow.

576668 2007 2007 HV90 [...unnamed...] 5.20

577273 2009 2007 JF43 [...unnamed...] 5.20
577274 2009 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70
577275 2009 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 4.90
578309 2009 2007 OC10 [...unnamed...] 5.70
578316 2009 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90
578993 2007 2007 PS45 [...unnamed...] 5.60
588638 2007 2007 TB418 [...unnamed...] 5.80
590531 2009 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.60
594027 2009 2007 VK305 [...unnamed...] 5.80
595391 2009 2007 XV50 [...unnamed...] 5.00
601113 2009 2008 CT190 [...unnamed...] 5.50
611390 2008 2008 NW4 [...unnamed...] 5.80
611602 2009 2008 OG19 [...unnamed...] 5.90
612685 2008 2008 QY40 [...unnamed...] 5.40
625989 2008 2008 UA332 [...unnamed...] 5.20

Of course, not every dwarf planet will acquire prominence. 2007 OR10
is automatically set aside as one of the largest dwarf planets in
existence. We use the term “dwarf planets”, where KBO would be more
appropriate in earlier times. Namely, until the official nomination by
the IAU, said dwarf planets remain “dwarf planets candidates”.

xlivThe dwarf planets have start with the cubewano objects back in
1992. 1992 QB1 features in our jubilee issue, as special feature of a
vintage horoscope.

xlvEarth Coorbitals in Astrology.
Leigh Ballaam
2009-08-13 19:52:37 UTC
Yawn even with Triffids this would still be a dog.
Time's getting tough he is trying hard.

On Aug 14, 1:28 am, Academic Zodiac 22 Zodiacal Constellations 16
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009,www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author.
Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.http://www.lulu.com/astrology
Does one have to be an astrologer in order to predict events with
minute exactness? Not at all if one is satisfied with the year and
month of the event in question1. One does not have to possess any
astrological talent in order to predict events with exactness. Twenty
minutes will do to make an operative astrologer out of virtually
Non-believers are welcome, as anyone is invited into elementary
astrological calculus. As basic arithmetic is implied, school children
are introduced along with their parents2. Astrological prediction is
so easy to perform as to make believers out of its most stubborn
Everyone will be convinced in minutes that astrological prediction not
only works, but is fast, safe and fun to perform. The procedure in
question can be learned in less than half an hour even in a complete
outsider, who will easily predict issues ever after in minutes,
without having to use pen and paper, apart from needless stuff such as
a personal computer, calculator or ephemeris.
Astrological prediction is surely the most precise as well as
generally available divination method in the world. No wonder that
everybody uses it with gusto! How good is a good prediction depends on
some practice featuring basic arithmetic operations. These are done by
heart, as it takes a glance at the basic horoscope data in order to
predict marriage along with all the love affairs in one's life3.
After the main issues within an incarnation are determined by date and
quality, what do we need an astrologer for? An astrologer will of
course know not only the day but the precise minute of the event
ahead. Besides, an astrologer will peruse more than 360 types of
direction4, that is, his own weaponry is by far most vast and reliable
than the street fortune-teller's. It happens nevertheless that a
florist, child or even butcher overdo in their predictions so as to
embarrass even a good astrologer. To know the precise minute an event
ahead is bound to happen is the hallmark of an astrologer, but the
trick can in fact be learned by anyone. Astrology is so available and
charming as to penetrate every corner of life, with good reason and
excellent raison d'être. A good prediction renders the precise minute
of the event, but everybody can determine the year and month of any
event ahead.
What can one learn in twenty minutes about astrology? Surely, it would
require special talent in order to train one as astrologer in solely
twenty minutes, but in fact anyone absolutely lacking any astrological
interest can learn to predict marriage in minutes.
It takes a second for an astrologer to tell the day of anybody's
marriage, but the twenty minutes initiate may determine the event by
year and eventually month, given perhaps ten minutes or reckoning. Of
course, much as horoscopes differ, so is talent distributed.
Of course, astrology is not only about prediction, but primarily about
future changing. What good is a futurity we can not change?
Astrological reports6 are boring in their accuracy. Shall one live
only to succumb to precise astrological prediction? Can we do anything
in order to escape the wheels and dungeons of a too accurately
predicted life?
What is a personal horoscope? It is the faithful blueprint of your
natal skies7. If your natal skies refuse any distortions as imposed by
the market, then we have the product for you.
We at the Academic Zodiac believe in an elastic personal futurity
where anyone can change the occurrences about to happen8. No matter
how precise the astrological prediction, one can always change the
course of events according to one's own intent.
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009,www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author.
Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.http://www.lulu.com/astrology
What can your horoscope do for you? It can inform you about yourself9
in ways impossible in other systems of cognition. Your true astral
self is written in your true natal stars, much as your soul navigates
karmic waters in accordance with a friendly universe10.
What is basic in a horoscope? Surely, everyone has wondered about
one's own true natal ascendant? Our philosophy is very simple in that
respect. We assume that the ascendant should always rise at east. In
that respect, we profess the eastern ascendant12, instead of just any
constellation or “sign” that is supposed13 to rise at easti, which
often proves to be merely a product of commercial fancyii. We do not
think your own horoscope is for anyone's entertainment only, as
tainted natal positions can hardly entertain anyoneiii.
The basic astrological service comprises the original natal
ascendant14, relevant zodiacal planetary positions15 and house
placement according to the visible horizon. What you get is your natal
sky as seen by any observer at birth. In extension, predictions are
available according to directions such as secondary angular or popular
So, your horoscope was to be for entertainment purposes only. Their
entertainment. Only Joker16 would be entertained by tainted zodiacal
positions. Why assume that you are a “Scorpio” if your natal Sun was
clearly in Virgo17? Why bear a false ascendant like “Capricorn18” for
lifetime when you have been born with Pisces rising at east? Shell
Beach not only exists, it is where she is heading, too.
What have they done to you? They served your horoscope within their
own pizza box. You succumbed to their format, their own mindset.
Theyiv have of course served you with nothing but improvised19
zodiacal positions. No one checks upon a horoscope nowadays. Unable to
think outside a box, they made a replica out of you. Their crooked
skies influenced your own. You were as false as they were. Your
seventh house resembled a burnt pizza cut. Your ascendant was never
what they wrote on the box. They did not know their own ascendant
themselves. Worse, they greatly failed in determining their own natal
zodiacal position of the Sun. Worse still, in eventually coming across
the proper ephemeris, they were disinclined to correct their own evil
ways. They threw bricks against our windows at NASA JPL. It was too
late for them, but not that tardy for you. What counts is that you are
here as your cosmic game has only just begun. Safely out of their box,
your new life has an opportunity to flourish and bloom sky high.
Klaudio Zic
The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1995 - 2009 by Klaudio
Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009,www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author.
Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.http://www.lulu.com/astrology
A new series of horoscopes has been distributed among a selected
number of readers, initiates20 and partners. The third official launch
or the true personal horoscope has sceptered several new features of
your true personal horoscope. Besides featuring your true natal
positions, the report exceeds in new features as well as innovative
A compact personal report format has been formulated for readers,
initiates and featured clientsv with payment empowered via Paypal.
The new series of horoscopes features several major innovations,
enlisted as follows.
      WYSIWYG astrology features your true natal ascendant and
planetary positions as featuring within a house systemvi conveniently
based on the familiar skies as observed with your own eyesvii. Your
horoscope is the skies you saw as childviii!
      Your true natal skies report is a transparent blueprint of the
planetary positions that really hovered over your nativity. Nothing
can change your true natal sky.
      As we believe that nothing can change your true natal sky, we
banned additives from your horoscope, while keeping it just as it was
at birth time.
      The true natal report matches your true mind or the original
mind of manix.
      Your natal ascendant is determined by the eastern star.
      The zodiacal positions of your planets are determined by their
conjunctions with the appropriate stars21.
      In order to determine the character and direction22 of the
horoscope, a good analyst does not need all the abundant delineation
as offered by hundreds of objectsx. All that is required in a superb
analysis are the prominent objects of interestxi.
      The guardian angelxii has been formulated for initiates. The
eastern star has been given delineation, direction and eventual sigil.
The true natal ascendant is the guardian angel of the horoscope. As
the real natal ascendant rises precisely at due east, it has been
unknown to non-observing23 astrologersxiii for the past 6000 yearsxiv.
      A professional horoscope contains most objects of interest along
with a minority of selected signifiers as distilled from the cosmic
horoscope soup. Distilling objects of interest is but the first step
towards an efficient astrological prediction, that entails the proper
use of professional astrological directions. If we can train anyone
into astrological prediction in minutes, imagine what your horoscope
as armed in full regalia can do for you!
      The Academic Zodiac is of course the mainframe of the personal
horoscope report. The power of the true zodiac is beginning to
manifest in the correction of the standard points, such as the Venus
exaltation point. We already work with PP1 and PP2, Pegasus point and
true Venus exaltation. Taking from the peculiar to the general, we
propagate the Venus exaltation point towards its application within
every tropical horoscope! Thus, even in perusing obsolete zodiacs, the
meaning of true exaltation is conveyed to the general public. Even
those who never heard or even do not care about Venus in Pegasus can
peruse its delineation in the 12 houses. The purpose is to determine
how strong a horoscope is, how far can it stretch and will it crash on
first transit? Venus in Pegasus changes every horoscope! The Pegasus
Point in direction, aspect or transit, will show how strong your love
really is and will it succumb to the first challenging aspect it comes
      Pegasus Point in the 12 houses of the horoscope25. Venus in
Pegasus has been exalted as power point in any horoscope. This
sensitive point determines one's peaks, from investment to orgasm! Are
you ready to fly? How far can you really go? The Lucifer series26
converged towards the mundane prediction for the “second coming” of
Lucifer, while the subsequent introduction of the Pegasus Point
funneled a power point for the general estimation of the force as
pervading the horoscope. How tight is one's intent? How clear one's
purpose? How exalted one's mission? How near to the first major
obstaclexv? How sublime one's love?
      Dwarf planetsxvi report, including 2007 OR10. This already
copiously delineatedxvii object27 has been found invigorating in a
financial horoscope! Some of the standard dwarf planets in an
astrological analysis are our old friends Logos, Altjira, Ceto,
Borasisi, Quaoar, Makemake, Varuna, 2002 TX300, Haumea, Chaos,
Orcusxviii, Erisxix, Charon, Pluto, Ixion, Typhon, Teharonhiawako,
Sedna, Huya and of course the much discussedxx 2002 AW197. All these
dwarf planets plus morexxi enjoy dedicated delineation as well as
collective publications such as in Dwarf Planets in the 7th House. The
dwarf planets have “extinguished” the centaurs ever since Varunaxxii,
in towering over our horoscopes by size and impact. The newcomer is
2008 UA332 , as entered in the client's horoscopes on special request.
      The moons as pertaining to the dwarf planets are delineated
according to their separate ephemerides. Some dwarf planets have two
or three named moons.
      Centaurs report, including 2007 JG43. This new centaur has been
delineated in the 12 traditional astrological houses, as published
accordingly in early 200928.
      The key to the example report is the standard Earth co-orbital
2002 AA29 sitting on the ecliptic. Therefore the event of the day is
not just new moon, but an indicative position of one of our major
axillary moonsxxiii.
Klaudio Zic
The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1995 - 2009 by Klaudio
Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009,www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author.
Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.http://www.lulu.com/astrology
As special customers command dedicated horoscopes, time and effort is
afforded to any requirements that would complete a peculiar research,
round up an issue or satisfy professional curiosity. Surely,
astrologers over the world enjoyed the benefit of NASA ephemerides,
which accurately render the trajectories of the Sun, the Moon and the
planets along their specific zodiacal paths. Planetary zodiacsxxiv
could hardly be conceived without the help of the superb HORIZONS
integrator by Jon Giorgini.
Custom horoscopes challenge the power of our data basesxxv as well as
our own imagination in cutting through inventive solutions towards a
specific astrological issue. The owner of a custom horoscope is
entitled to a vast treasure house of objects that fit a special
purpose, help private research or satisfy any creative whim. Sometimes
the inspection of a horoscope is incomplete without an adequate comet
or peculiar object of interest that appears to be prominent in the
local skiesxxvi.
Klaudio Zic
The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1995 - 2009 by Klaudio
Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009,www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author.
Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.http://www.lulu.com/astrology
A new series of horoscopes has been distributed among a selected
number of readers, initiates29 and partners. The third official launch
or the true personal horoscope has sceptered several new features of
your true personal horoscope. Besides featuring your true natal
positions, the report exceeds in new features as well as innovative
A compact personal report format has been formulated for readers,
initiates and featured clientsxxvii with payment empowered via Paypal.
The new series of horoscopes features several major innovations,
enlisted as follows.
      WYSIWYG astrology features your true natal ascendant and
planetary positions as featuring within a house systemxxviii
conveniently based on the familiar skies as observed with your own
eyesxxix. Your horoscope is the skies you saw as childxxx!
      Your true natal skies report is a transparent blueprint of the
planetary positions that really hovered over your nativity. Nothing
can change your true natal sky.
      As we believe that nothing can change your true natal sky, we
banned additives from your horoscope, while keeping it just as it was
at birth time.
      The true natal report matches your true mind or the original
mind of manxxxi.
      Your natal ascendant is determined by the eastern star.
      The zodiacal positions of your planets are determined by their
conjunctions with the appropriate stars30.
      In order to determine the character and direction31 of the
horoscope, a good analyst does not need all the abundant delineation
as offered by hundreds of objectsxxxii. All that is required in a
superb analysis are the prominent objects of interestxxxiii.
      The guardian angelxxxiv has been formulated for initiates. The
eastern star has been given delineation, direction and eventual sigil.
The true natal ascendant is the guardian angel of the horoscope. As
the real natal ascendant rises precisely at due east, it has been
unknown to non-observing32 astrologersxxxv for the past 6000
      A professional horoscope contains most objects of interest along
with a minority of selected signifiers as distilled from the cosmic
horoscope soup. Distilling objects of interest is but the first step
towards an efficient astrological prediction, that entails the proper
use of professional astrological directions. If we can train anyone
into astrological prediction in minutes, imagine what your horoscope
as armed in full regalia can do for you!
      The Academic Zodiac is of course the mainframe of the personal
horoscope report. The power of the true zodiac is beginning to
manifest in the correction of the standard points, such as the Venus
exaltation point. We already work with PP1 and PP2, Pegasus point and
true Venus exaltation. Taking from the peculiar to the general, we
propagate the Venus exaltation point towards its application within
every tropical horoscope! Thus, even in perusing obsolete zodiacs, the
meaning of true exaltation is conveyed to the general public. Even
those who never heard or even do not care about Venus in Pegasus can
peruse its delineation in the 12 houses. The purpose is to determine
how strong a horoscope is, how far can it stretch and will it crash on
first transit? Venus in Pegasus changes every horoscope! The Pegasus
Point in direction, aspect or transit, will show how strong your love
really is and will it succumb to the first challenging aspect it comes
      Pegasus Point in the 12 houses of the horoscope34. Venus in
Pegasus has been exalted as power point in any horoscope. This
sensitive point determines one's peaks, from investment to orgasm! Are
you ready to fly? How far can you really go? The Lucifer series35
converged towards the mundane prediction for the “second coming” of
Lucifer, while the subsequent introduction of the Pegasus Point
funneled a power point for the general estimation of the force as
pervading the horoscope. How tight is one's intent? How clear one's
purpose? How exalted one's mission? How near to the first major
obstaclexxxvii? How sublime one's love?
      Dwarf planetsxxxviii report, including 2007 OR10. This already
copiously delineatedxxxix object36 has been found invigorating in a
financial horoscope! Some of the standard dwarf planets in an
astrological analysis are our old friends Logos, Altjira, Ceto,
Borasisi, Quaoar, Makemake, Varuna, 2002 TX300, Haumea, Chaos,
Orcusxl, Erisxli, Charon, Pluto, Ixion, Typhon, Teharonhiawako, Sedna,
Huya and of course the much discussedxlii 2002 AW197. All these dwarf
planets plus morexliii enjoy dedicated delineation as well as
collective publications such as in Dwarf Planets in the 7th House. The
dwarf planets have “extinguished” the centaurs ever since Varunaxliv,
in towering over our horoscopes by size and impact. The newcomer is
2008 UA332 , as entered in the client's horoscopes on special request.
      The moons as pertaining to the dwarf planets are delineated
according to their separate ephemerides. Some dwarf planets have two
or three named moons.
      Centaurs report, including 2007 JG43. This new centaur has been
delineated in the 12 traditional astrological houses, as published
accordingly in early 200937.
      The key to the example report is the standard Earth co-orbital
2002 AA29 sitting on the ecliptic. Therefore the event of the day is
not just new moon, but an indicative position of one of our major
axillary moonsxlv.
Klaudio Zic
The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1995 - 2009 by Klaudio
Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
1Often we are vaguely interested just in the year and eventually month
of the event ahead. That can be calculated anywhere such as between
friends riding a tube train. “When shall I marry?” requires minutes to
answer between non-professionals. Of course, details such as e.g.
Venus secondary direction in Cetus II will be occasionally dealt with
by experts, but anyone interested in the year of the event only can
have it in minutes. An iPod can be used in order to obtain rough data
as often we do not need a chart printout in order to divine issues,
yes even in a crowded underground train at midnight! These are the
real wonders of everyday astrology. Businessmen will worry over
financial issues that can be determined accordingly. The twenty
minutes astrology initiation is also about signing that contract at a
more propitious time.
2A child has extra faculties as reality rendering initiate, that is
original mind, the holiest of the holy.
3Predicting all the love affairs in one's life could take more than 15
minutes in a progressive beginner.
4A direction is a mathematical prediction method.
520 Minutes Astrology.
6Nowadays, astrological reports tend to be bulky, mostly due to
hundreds of new objects that dwarf the asteroids of the past. In order
to browse through one's own natal report, one has to be introduced in
dozens of classes of objects, where only the dwarf planets report can
take over a thousand pages in a complete report.
7See also on the Academic Zodiac, Precessed Ascendant set and the
universal Cartesian house system.
8RTRRT stands for Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.
9True self as rendered and distilled within the RTRRT.
10By friendly universe we mean true natal skies. See also O5IRIS
11Also known as guardian angel.
12Also known as Precessed Ascendant.
13At the present epoch, the following zodiacal constellations do not
rise at east: Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini,
Cancer, Crater, Corvus and Libra. Taurus is rising only for five
minutes at east in a daily cycle.
14The 16 eastern ascendants are meant for the present epoch only. They
will nevertheless confirm to most horoscopes of interest. In
performing around e.g. 4000 BC, we of course peruse a more variegated
set of eastern ascendants for the appropriate epoch at hand.
15These imply the fully scientific Academic Zodiac.
16See on default ego, binary mind and the personal devil within your
RTRRT training material.
17See also on Zodiacal Offset, which can grow from “standard” two
signs towards up to six (sic) constellations of zodiacal error. Yes,
we are almost speaking of a quarter of a sky of “standard” error in a
18Capricornus does not even ascend at east for the current epoch.
19A generous word for deliberately false, controversial and absolutely
crooked. As the result of galloping corruption over the Æons, hardly
anything genuine was left to admire in a horoscope. And with false
zodiacal positions, eastern – western conflict and the proliferation
of “astrologers”, one could hardly grasp a sight of one's true natal
skies at all. Note that already Hipparchus rebuked unprofessional as
well as general non-precessed practice, to hardly any avail.
20One does not depend on any astrological transits for one's workings,
as one can always decide a positive issue. Instant magick implies
determining an event right here, right now. The event materializes
even in five minutes. Personal future-changing implies self-initiation
into RTRRT. The initiation is transparent as fairly available to
anyone. Our philosophy remains that anyone can change one's own
futurity starting with now. No lengthy procedures are needed any
longer as we approach the end of old times. The RTRRT are a compact
instant magick initiation for the planet.
21Note that we do not in any way represent any crooked “sidereal”
astrology, that was sidereal by name only.
22Direction is understood as issue in a calculated event that resumes
the horoscope. There are over 360 directions in astrology. The
directions are mathematical formulæ that help determining the precise
moment of the event ahead.
23The eastern ascendant is observed at east. There are currently 16
rising constellations at east, according to precession. Some of the
rising genii are good, but some might be dubious. If one has e.g.
occult faculties and Alphard ascending in Hydra, one will be
instructed to do good. Generally, the guardian angel is a major star
as pertaining to one of the 16 ascending constellations for the
current epoch.
24By direction, house transit or secondary angular progression. House
direction is readily available, while the aspects are calculated as
one would handle a simple Venus direction. The Pegasus Point can even
point to an ideal partner by progressing PP1 and PP2 by secondary
angular or just any direction. Transits to PP are of course nothing
but simple directions that everyone can peruse.
25The Author is presently working on a further refinement for the
Venus exaltation point. The data for the Pegasus Point, PP1 and PP2
are applicable to tropical astrology.
26Lucifer and Pegasus Point, © 2009 by Klaudio Zic.
27© 2009http://lulu.com/astrologyMarriage Rendering Astrology,
Academic Zodiac, Zodiacal Design, 2007 OR10 – Update, Unihipili,
ObamAssasination, KKK, 2007OR10, Federal Reserve System and the
Subprime Mortgage Crisis, 2007 OR10 ~ Dwarf Planets in the House of
Love, Unihipili bis, An Interview with Cinderella and many recent
publications, which include the 2007 OR10 delineation in the reports.
28Riding the Devil to the Grail, Academic Zodiac, 2007 JG43 and 2007
JG43 bis.
29One does not depend on any astrological transits for one's workings,
as one can always decide a positive issue. Instant magick implies
determining an event right here, right now. The event materializes
even in five minutes. Personal future-changing implies self-initiation
into RTRRT. The initiation is transparent as fairly available to
anyone. Our philosophy remains that anyone can change one's own
futurity starting with now. No lengthy procedures are needed any
longer as we approach the end of old times. The RTRRT are a compact
instant magick initiation for the planet.
30Note that we do not in any way represent any crooked “sidereal”
astrology, that was sidereal by name only.
31Direction is understood as issue in a calculated event that resumes
the horoscope. There are over 360 directions in astrology. The
directions are mathematical formulæ that help determining the precise
moment of the event ahead.
32The eastern ascendant is observed at east. There are currently 16
rising constellations at east, according to precession. Some of the
rising genii are good, but some might be dubious. If one has e.g.
occult faculties and Alphard ascending in Hydra, one will be
instructed to do good. Generally, the guardian angel is a major star
as pertaining to one of the 16 ascending constellations for the
current epoch.
33By direction, house transit or secondary angular progression. House
direction is readily available, while the aspects are calculated as
one would handle a simple Venus direction. The Pegasus Point can even
point to an ideal partner by progressing PP1 and PP2 by secondary
angular or just any direction. Transits to PP are of course nothing
but simple directions that everyone can peruse.
34The Author is presently working on a further refinement for the
Venus exaltation point. The data for the Pegasus Point, PP1 and PP2
are applicable to tropical astrology.
35Lucifer and Pegasus Point, © 2009 by Klaudio Zic.
36© 2009http://lulu.com/astrologyMarriage Rendering Astrology,
Academic Zodiac, Zodiacal Design, 2007 OR10 – Update, Unihipili,
ObamAssasination, KKK, 2007OR10, Federal Reserve System and the
Subprime Mortgage Crisis, 2007 OR10 ~ Dwarf Planets in the House of
Love, Unihipili bis, An Interview with Cinderella and many recent
publications, which include the 2007 OR10 delineation in the reports.
37Riding the Devil to the Grail, Academic Zodiac, 2007 JG43 and 2007
JG43 bis.
iThere is a great difference between an assumed sky as taken for
granted by most superstitious persons even after Hipparchus, and the
real precessed sky. As we shall see, your real natal sky has nothing
to do with superstition.
iiFancy here is a beautiful word that evades the mention of
professional greed and malice in mangling your original natal data for
commercial purposes. Unscrupulous scientists collaborate with corrupt
businessmen and lodge masters towards the detriment of your original
natal positions. That is one of the reasons why people are never
really sure about their true natal ascendant and Sun sign.
iiiOriginally formulated as “hardly entertaining even in a sick mind”.
iv“They” stands for anyone and no one in particular, as they have
served you the same lies over and over for over 6000 years. They are
not exactly “Men in Black”, but you could as well imagine them as
being something similar. While within the temples, observation of
stars kept for Æons, petty cheats proliferated along the marketplaces
of this world.
vOur programs show the true positions of your natal planets. Of
course, these have nothing to do with superstition as pumped by
unqualified media, programs and authors. Our ephemerides are not
mangled by corrupt scientists, pseudo-astrologers or blind greed. Our
reports are accurate and meticulous to the point. The margin of error
is minimized by daily update according to the MPC and NASA JPL
standards. All delineations are written upon the appropriate
discovery, before the object has been named or even announced. This
every single centaur or dwarf planet delineation is first and often
unique in its own class. The delineations are written for the use in
the 12 standard astrological houses. Often, the objects are delineated
by constellation, e.g. Chariklo in Centaurus, Asbolus in Lupus or Eris
in Sculptor. Our backbone being NASA JPL, all reports are accurate,
updated and upgraded to the minute second. The orbital elements for
the objects of interest are refreshed on daily basis. Some of the
classes of objects of interest as included in the horoscope are the
dwarf planets, giant comets, centaurs, actual comets, main belt
comets, Apoheles, Earth co-orbitals, Aten, Amor, Apollo, Damocles',
outer guardians, Oort cloud objects, SDO, cubewano, plutino, TNO, KBO,
planetary satellites and selected spacecraft. Some historical
definitions; as KBO, SDO and TNO, may overlap.
viUniversal Cartesian house system. This simple system is operative on
spacecraft, undersea and through alien galaxies. Let it be noted that
precious house systems crashed already at Oslo latitude.
viiYour natal skies are precisely the skies as seen by your parents
and grandparents! If e.g. the Moon was over Jupiter in Orion, then
Moon and Jupiter were in Orion at birth, precisely as observable and
seen in the real sky!
viiiOf course, some newborn children will recall the moment they first
became conscious of their body!
ixSee also RTRRT. In extension, we can speak of the proverbial but
imposingly practical face before you were born.
xMostly dwarf planets, dozens of centaurs and various classes of
objects of interest.
xiIn our example, the foremost object is 2002 AA29, whose prominence
is evident by its rare conjunction with the ecliptic. Its directions
as well as house placement will influence the fate of the project in
xiiThe guardian angel star or star-angel. This topic is in fact not at
all new to the magus.
xiiiMost “astrologers” were exhibiting as jugglers over outdated
planetary positions. Thus, Zodiacal Offset grew to enormous
proportions, nowadays boasting up to six signs of zodiacal error. The
“standard” two signs of error were therefore just the beginning of the
zodiacal wreckage for most serious astrologers. Those moored or rather
shipwrecked unto any tropical island must resent the errors of the
past. At the rate of two signs of standard error, we can not even
speak of error in order to embellish soon a quarter of the sky of
zodiacal mistake. One degree can be considered an error, but two signs
of offset pertain to more serious issues. An error is something that
can be corrected, while a quarter of the sly points to the utter
uselessness of the obsolete zodiacal “systems” that alas were in
popular use. A steering device that misses one degree can be
corrected, while one that fails by quarter of the sky is useless,
apart from proving deadly in a passenger. Astrology can not go on by
making two or three signs of error. This is like an astrological
subprime crisis.
xivA rough estimation that can be expanded, rather than contracted.
Only astrologers that were actually observing due east entered the
true eastern stars into their horoscopes. See also Observer of Times
by the same Author.
xvObstacles are discreated rather than just overcome with any of the
RTRRT, such as O5 or Oberon V.
The dwarf planets and objects of interest are entered every horoscope
“in bulk”. However, in refining the personal report,
we make use dedicated criterion according to the horoscope at hand.
Therefore the issuing prints are both a) general, that is,
informative, and b) particular, that is, dedicated or personalized. As
the reports tend to be bulky due to meticulous
inspection of detail, the PDF scans often contain markings, notes and
labels, that can be advantageously consulted.
Note that, as in the case of the centaur objects, an unnamed object
can be in fact much larger than a named one.
15266 Sun Jul 19 02:29:40 2009
JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2009-Jul-19 02:29:18
Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H
-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
1 1983 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13
4 1981 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
19308 1998 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50
19521 1999 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90
20000 2004 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
24835 1999 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80
26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70
28978 2004 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
38628 2002 2000 EB173 Huya 4.70
42301 2000 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 3.97
47171 2001 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.73
50000 2004 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.66
55565 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.27
55636 2005 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.10
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
82075 2003 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 4.77
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.80
84922 2003 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.00
90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56
90482 2005 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2001 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
119951 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.50
120132 2003 2003 FY128 [...unnamed...] 4.80
120178 2002 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 4.17
120347 2004 2004 SB60 [...unnamed...] 4.20
120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.25
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.18
136199 2005 2003 UB313 Eris -1.17
136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.45
144897 2009 2004 UX10 [...unnamed...] 4.50
145451 2009 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40
145452 2009 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
145453 2009 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00
145480 2009 2005 TB190 [...unnamed...] 4.70
174567 2009 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.60
175113 2009 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.70
202421 2009 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
208996 2004 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 4.00
408989 2003 2000 CN105 [...unnamed...] 4.99
419370 2009 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70
433492 2009 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90
437935 2000 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.79
451466 2004 2002 XV93 [...unnamed...] 4.92
457659 2009 2003 QX113 [...unnamed...] 4.70
466417 2009 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.30
476804 2009 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40
478132 2004 2004 PR107 [...unnamed...] 4.60
490088 2009 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.50
490101 2009 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 4.00
504346 2009 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.10
545085 2009 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
577274 2009 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70
577275 2009 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 4.90
578316 2009 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90
590531 2009 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.60
(57 matches. To SELECT, enter record # (integer), followed by semi-
xviiDelineations happen in the 12 standard astrological houses.
However, special attention is given to the universal Cartesian house
system. The delineations are nevertheless optimized for use within any
astrological environment, such as sidereal Regiomontanus and even
Vedic astrology.
xviiiOrcus Report © 2009.
xixEris or 2003 UB313 and the X Zodiac boast over 6 GB of published
(PDF, animated GIF and AVI) material since their first sale as early
as Aug 1st 2005.
xxAlbeit an occasional Copyright breach, mostly favored by our
generous Internet presence, the 2002 AW197 delineation in Hydra is of
course originally exclusively our own. The few ill-fated gentlemen who
ineptly attempt at Copyright breach will of course never be in
possession of the indispensable skill and technology as needed in an
approach towards dwarf planets astrology proper. A marauder unable to
steal is victimized by one's own ambition in becoming a would-be
predator. In the Age of Cetus II, even a piranha can attack a nuclear
submarine, to hilarious results for the transiting fish of interest.
NEMO will hardly even notice said attack.
xxiThe list of dwarf planets is updated as follow.
576668 2007 2007 HV90 [...unnamed...] 5.20
     577273     2009    2007 JF43      [...unnamed...]            5.20
     577274     2009    2007 JH43      [...unnamed...]            4.70
     577275     2009    2007 JJ43      [...unnamed...]            4.90
     578309     2009    2007 OC10      [...unnamed...]            5.70
     578316     2009    2007 OR10      [...unnamed...]            1.90
     578993     2007    2007 PS45      [...unnamed...]            5.60
     588638     2007    2007 TB418     [...unnamed...]            5.80
     590531     2009    2007 UK126     [...unnamed...]            3.60
     594027     2009    2007 VK305     [...unnamed...]            5.80
     595391     2009    2007 XV50      [...unnamed...]            5.00
     601113     2009    2008 CT190     [...unnamed...]            5.50
     611390     2008    2008 NW4       [...unnamed...]            5.80
     611602     2009    2008 OG19      [...unnamed...]            5.90
     612685     2008    2008 QY40      [...unnamed...]            5.40
     625989     2008    2008 UA332     [...unnamed...]            5.20
Of course, not every dwarf planet will acquire prominence. 2007 OR10
is automatically set aside as one of the largest dwarf planets in
existence. We use the term “dwarf planets”, where KBO would be more
appropriate in earlier times. Namely, until the official nomination by
the IAU, said dwarf planets remain “dwarf planets candidates”.
xxiiThe dwarf planets have start with the cubewano objects back in
1992. 1992 QB1 features in our jubilee issue, as special feature of a
vintage horoscope.
xxiiiEarth Coorbitals in Astrology.
xxivThe Secret Mansions of the Moon, Mercurial Zodiac, Venus Sign.
xxvSpacecraft included. Here is the list of major dwarf planets and
small solar system objects of interest.
JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2009-Jul-19 02:29:52
Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H
-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
1 1983 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13
3 1983 (undefined) Juno 5.33
4 1981 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
6 1987 (undefined) Hebe 5.71
7 1984 (undefined) Iris 5.51
10 1998 (undefined) Hygiea 5.43
15 1995 (undefined) Eunomia 5.28
16 1980 (undefined) Psyche 5.90
29 1992 (undefined) Amphitrite 5.85
349 1990 1892 T Dembowska 5.93
532 1992 1904 NY Herculina 5.81
704 1996 1910 KU Interamnia 5.94
15874 1999 1996 TL66 [...unnamed...] 5.40
19308 1998 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50
19521 1999 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90
20000 2004 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
24835 1999 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80
26181 1999 1996 GQ21 [...unnamed...] 5.20
26308 2000 1998 SM165 [...unnamed...] 5.80
26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70
28978 2004 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
35671 2000 1998 SN165 [...unnamed...] 5.80
38628 2002 2000 EB173 Huya 4.70
40314 2002 1999 KR16 [...unnamed...] 5.69
42301 2000 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 3.97
47171 2001 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.73
48639 1998 1995 TL8 [...unnamed...] 5.26
50000 2004 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.66
55565 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.27
55636 2005 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.10
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
55638 2005 2002 VE95 [...unnamed...] 5.52
66652 2002 1999 RZ253 Borasisi 5.86
78799 2009 2002 XW93 [...unnamed...] 5.50
79360 2001 1997 CS29 [...unnamed...] 5.15
79978 2001 1999 CC158 [...unnamed...] 5.74
82075 2003 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 4.77
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.80
84719 2009 2002 VR128 [...unnamed...] 5.60
84922 2003 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.00
88611 2003 2001 QT297 Teharonhiawako 5.57
90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56
90482 2005 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2001 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
119951 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.50
119979 2009 2002 WC19 [...unnamed...] 5.00
120132 2003 2003 FY128 [...unnamed...] 4.80
120178 2002 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 4.17
120347 2004 2004 SB60 [...unnamed...] 4.20
120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.25
126154 2003 2001 YH140 [...unnamed...] 5.50
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
134860 2005 2000 OJ67 [...unnamed...] 6.00
135182 2004 2001 QT322 [...unnamed...] 5.88
136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.18
136199 2005 2003 UB313 Eris -1.17
136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.45
138537 2002 2000 OK67 [...unnamed...] 5.71
143991 2009 2003 YO179 [...unnamed...] 5.80
144897 2009 2004 UX10 [...unnamed...] 4.50
145451 2009 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40
145452 2009 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
145453 2009 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00
145480 2009 2005 TB190 [...unnamed...] 4.70
148780 2005 2001 UQ18 Altjira 5.77
150642 2003 2001 CZ31 [...unnamed...] 5.53
174567 2009 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.60
175113 2009 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.70
182934 2003 2002 GJ32 [...unnamed...] 5.50
202421 2009 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
208996 2004 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 4.00
404544 2000 1999 CL119 [...unnamed...] 5.87
404614 2002 1999 CD158 [...unnamed...] 5.07
408639 2000 2000 AF255 [...unnamed...] 5.84
408986 2003 2000 CJ105 [...unnamed...] 5.86
408989 2003 2000 CN105 [...unnamed...] 4.99
408990 2002 2000 CO105 [...unnamed...] 5.80
408992 2009 2000 CQ105 [...unnamed...] 5.90
417170 2002 2001 KA77 [...unnamed...] 5.26
417172 2002 2001 KD77 [...unnamed...] 5.62
419355 2002 2001 QO297 [...unnamed...] 5.81
419358 2009 2001 QR297 [...unnamed...] 5.90
419359 2001 2001 QS297 [...unnamed...] 5.40
419362 2009 2001 QX297 [...unnamed...] 5.90
419363 2005 2001 QY297 [...unnamed...] 5.74
419368 2003 2001 QD298 [...unnamed...] 5.67
419370 2009 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70
419372 2009 2001 QJ298 [...unnamed...] 5.70
419406 2003 2001 QS322 [...unnamed...] 5.40
419408 2002 2001 QX322 [...unnamed...] 5.73
420433 2009 2001 RU143 [...unnamed...] 5.70
424894 2009 2001 UP18 [...unnamed...] 5.90
429579 2009 2001 XR254 [...unnamed...] 5.60
429586 2009 2001 XD255 [...unnamed...] 5.50
433492 2009 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90
435690 2009 2002 GV31 [...unnamed...] 5.30
435697 2009 2002 GD32 [...unnamed...] 5.70
435699 2009 2002 GF32 [...unnamed...] 5.70
435700 2009 2002 GH32 [...unnamed...] 5.50
437520 2002 2002 JR146 [...unnamed...] 5.50
437610 2004 2002 KW14 [...unnamed...] 5.20
437935 2000 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.79
439767 2009 2002 PQ145 [...unnamed...] 5.60
439777 2002 2002 PJ149 [...unnamed...] 5.30
450144 2004 2002 VT130 [...unnamed...] 5.60
450145 2004 2002 VU130 [...unnamed...] 5.63
451454 2009 2002 XH91 [...unnamed...] 5.60
451466 2004 2002 XV93 [...unnamed...] 4.92
454825 2009 2003 FE128 [...unnamed...] 5.40
455235 2009 2003 GH55 [...unnamed...] 5.70
457436 2006 2003 QW90 [...unnamed...] 5.25
457440 2009 2003 QA91 [...unnamed...] 5.50
457451 2003 2003 QM91 [...unnamed...] 5.30
457639 2003 2003 QA112 [...unnamed...] 5.80
457659 2009 2003 QX113 [...unnamed...] 4.70
464263 2009 2003 UZ117 [...unnamed...] 5.30
465906 2009 2003 UB292 [...unnamed...] 5.70
466416 2009 2003 UY413 [...unnamed...] 5.70
466417 2009 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.30
466418 2003 2003 UA414 [...unnamed...] 5.30
468278 2003 2003 WQ188 [...unnamed...] 5.90
468280 2009 2003 WU188 [...unnamed...] 5.70
476804 2009 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40
478132 2004 2004 PR107 [...unnamed...] 4.60
478136 2004 2004 PV107 [...unnamed...] 5.90
478209 2009 2004 PG115 [...unnamed...] 5.00
488193 2009 2004 VZ75 [...unnamed...] 5.90
490088 2009 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.50
490101 2009 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 4.00
492366 2009 2005 CA79 [...unnamed...] 5.80
492367 2009 2005 CB79 [...unnamed...] 5.00
495184 2009 2005 EF298 [...unnamed...] 5.90
498704 2009 2005 JA175 [...unnamed...] 5.90
498738 2009 2005 JR179 [...unnamed...] 5.90
504346 2009 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.10
504919 2009 2005 RS43 [...unnamed...] 5.30
524558 2005 2005 XN113 [...unnamed...] 5.90
539497 2009 2006 HX122 [...unnamed...] 5.90
539507 2006 2006 HH123 [...unnamed...] 5.20
539508 2009 2006 HJ123 [...unnamed...] 5.60
545083 2006 2006 QF181 [...unnamed...] 5.90
545085 2009 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
576668 2007 2007 HV90 [...unnamed...] 5.20
577273 2009 2007 JF43 [...unnamed...] 5.20
577274 2009 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70
577275 2009 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 4.90
578309 2009 2007 OC10 [...unnamed...] 5.70
578316 2009 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90
578993 2007 2007 PS45 [...unnamed...] 5.60
588638 2007 2007 TB418 [...unnamed...] 5.80
590531 2009 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.60
594027 2009 2007 VK305 [...unnamed...] 5.80
595391 2009 2007 XV50 [...unnamed...] 5.00
601113 2009 2008 CT190 [...unnamed...] 5.50
611390 2008 2008 NW4 [...unnamed...] 5.80
611602 2009 2008 OG19 [...unnamed...] 5.90
612685 2008 2008 QY40 [...unnamed...] 5.40
625989 2008 2008 UA332 [...unnamed...] 5.20
(159 matches. To SELECT, enter record # (integer), followed by semi-
xxviSee also Planetocentric Astrology.
xxviiOur programs show the true positions of your natal planets. Of
course, these have nothing to do with superstition as pumped by
unqualified media, programs and authors. Our ephemerides are not
mangled by corrupt scientists, pseudo-astrologers or blind greed. Our
reports are accurate and meticulous to the point. The margin of error
is minimized by daily update according to the MPC and NASA JPL
standards. All delineations are written upon the appropriate
discovery, before the object has been named or even announced. This
every single centaur or dwarf planet delineation is first and often
unique in its own class. The delineations are written for the use in
the 12 standard astrological houses. Often, the objects are delineated
by constellation, e.g. Chariklo in Centaurus, Asbolus in Lupus or Eris
in Sculptor. Our backbone being NASA JPL, all reports are accurate,
updated and upgraded to the minute second. The orbital elements for
the objects of interest are refreshed on daily basis. Some of the
classes of objects of interest as included in the horoscope are the
dwarf planets, giant comets, centaurs, actual comets, main belt
comets, Apoheles, Earth co-orbitals, Aten, Amor, Apollo, Damocles',
outer guardians, Oort cloud objects, SDO, cubewano, plutino, TNO, KBO,
planetary satellites and selected spacecraft. Some historical
definitions; as KBO, SDO and TNO, may overlap.
xxviiiUniversal Cartesian house system. This simple system is
operative on spacecraft, undersea and through alien galaxies. Let it
be noted that precious house systems crashed already at Oslo latitude.
xxixYour natal skies are precisely the skies as seen by your parents
and grandparents! If e.g. the Moon was over Jupiter in Orion, then
Moon and Jupiter were in Orion at birth, precisely as observable and
seen in the real sky!
xxxOf course, some newborn children will recall the moment they first
became conscious of their body!
xxxiSee also RTRRT. In extension, we can speak of the proverbial but
imposingly practical face before you were born.
xxxiiMostly dwarf planets, dozens of centaurs and various classes of
objects of interest.
xxxiiiIn our example, the foremost object is 2002 AA29, whose
prominence is evident by its rare conjunction with the ecliptic. Its
directions as well as house placement will influence the fate of the
project in question.
xxxivThe guardian angel star or star-angel. This topic is in fact not
at all new to the magus.
xxxvMost “astrologers” were exhibiting as jugglers over outdated
planetary positions. Thus, Zodiacal Offset grew to enormous
proportions, nowadays boasting up to six signs of zodiacal error. The
“standard” two signs of error were therefore just the beginning of the
zodiacal wreckage for most serious astrologers. Those moored or rather
shipwrecked unto any tropical island must resent the errors of the
past. At the rate of two signs of standard error, we can not even
speak of error in order to embellish soon a quarter of the sky of
zodiacal mistake. One degree can be considered an error, but two signs
of offset pertain to more serious issues. An error is something that
can be corrected, while a quarter of the sly points to the utter
uselessness of the obsolete zodiacal “systems” that alas were in
popular use. A steering device that misses one degree can be
corrected, while one that fails by quarter of the sky is useless,
apart from proving deadly in a passenger. Astrology can not go on by
making two or three signs of error. This is like an astrological
subprime crisis.
xxxviA rough estimation that can be expanded, rather than contracted.
Only astrologers that were actually observing due east entered the
true eastern stars into their horoscopes. See also Observer of Times
by the same Author.
xxxviiObstacles are discreated rather than just overcome with any of
the RTRRT, such as O5 or Oberon V.
The dwarf planets and objects of interest are entered every horoscope
“in bulk”. However, in refining the personal report,
we make use dedicated criterion according to the horoscope at hand.
Therefore the issuing prints are both a) general, that is,
informative, and b) particular, that is, dedicated or personalized. As
the reports tend to be bulky due to meticulous
inspection of detail, the PDF scans often contain markings, notes and
labels, that can be advantageously consulted.
Note that, as in the case of the centaur objects, an unnamed object
can be in fact much larger than a named one.
15266 Sun Jul 19 02:29:40 2009
JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2009-Jul-19 02:29:18
Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H
-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
1 1983 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13
4 1981 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
19308 1998 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50
19521 1999 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90
20000 2004 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
24835 1999 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80
26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70
28978 2004 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
38628 2002 2000 EB173 Huya 4.70
42301 2000 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 3.97
47171 2001 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.73
50000 2004 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.66
55565 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.27
55636 2005 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.10
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
82075 2003 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 4.77
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.80
84922 2003 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.00
90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56
90482 2005 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2001 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
119951 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.50
120132 2003 2003 FY128 [...unnamed...] 4.80
120178 2002 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 4.17
120347 2004 2004 SB60 [...unnamed...] 4.20
120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.25
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.18
136199 2005 2003 UB313 Eris -1.17
136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.45
144897 2009 2004 UX10 [...unnamed...] 4.50
145451 2009 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40
145452 2009 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
145453 2009 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00
145480 2009 2005 TB190 [...unnamed...] 4.70
174567 2009 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.60
175113 2009 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.70
202421 2009 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
208996 2004 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 4.00
408989 2003 2000 CN105 [...unnamed...] 4.99
419370 2009 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70
433492 2009 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90
437935 2000 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.79
451466 2004 2002 XV93 [...unnamed...] 4.92
457659 2009 2003 QX113 [...unnamed...] 4.70
466417 2009 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.30
476804 2009 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40
478132 2004 2004 PR107 [...unnamed...] 4.60
490088 2009 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.50
490101 2009 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 4.00
504346 2009 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.10
545085 2009 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
577274 2009 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70
577275 2009 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 4.90
578316 2009 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90
590531 2009 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.60
(57 matches. To SELECT, enter record # (integer), followed by semi-
xxxixDelineations happen in the 12 standard astrological houses.
However, special attention is given to the universal Cartesian house
system. The delineations are nevertheless optimized for use within any
astrological environment, such as sidereal Regiomontanus and even
Vedic astrology.
xlOrcus Report © 2009.
xliEris or 2003 UB313 and the X Zodiac boast over 6 GB of published
(PDF, animated GIF and AVI) material since their first sale as early
as Aug 1st 2005.
xliiAlbeit an occasional Copyright breach, mostly favored by our
generous Internet presence, the 2002 AW197 delineation in Hydra is of
course originally exclusively our own. The few ill-fated gentlemen who
ineptly attempt at Copyright breach will of course never be in
possession of the indispensable skill and technology as needed in an
approach towards dwarf planets astrology proper. A marauder unable to
steal is victimized by one's own ambition in becoming a would-be
predator. In the Age of Cetus II, even a piranha can attack a nuclear
submarine, to hilarious results for the transiting fish of interest.
NEMO will hardly even notice said attack.
xliiiThe list of dwarf planets is updated as follow.
576668 2007 2007 HV90 [...unnamed...] 5.20
     577273     2009    2007 JF43      [...unnamed...]            5.20
     577274     2009    2007 JH43      [...unnamed...]            4.70
     577275     2009    2007 JJ43      [...unnamed...]            4.90
     578309     2009    2007 OC10      [...unnamed...]            5.70
     578316     2009    2007 OR10      [...unnamed...]            1.90
     578993     2007    2007 PS45      [...unnamed...]            5.60
     588638     2007    2007 TB418     [...unnamed...]            5.80
     590531     2009    2007 UK126     [...unnamed...]            3.60
     594027     2009    2007 VK305     [...unnamed...]            5.80
     595391     2009    2007 XV50      [...unnamed...]            5.00
     601113     2009    2008 CT190     [...unnamed...]            5.50
     611390     2008    2008 NW4       [...unnamed...]            5.80
     611602     2009    2008 OG19      [...unnamed...]            5.90
     612685     2008    2008 QY40      [...unnamed...]            5.40
     625989     2008    2008 UA332     [...unnamed...]            5.20
Of course, not every dwarf planet will acquire prominence. 2007 OR10
is automatically set aside as one of the largest dwarf planets in
existence. We use the term “dwarf planets”, where KBO would be more
appropriate in earlier times. Namely, until the official nomination by
the IAU, said dwarf planets remain “dwarf planets candidates”.
xlivThe dwarf planets have start with the cubewano objects back in
1992. 1992 QB1 features in our jubilee issue, as special feature of a
vintage horoscope.
xlvEarth Coorbitals in Astrology.