Astrological Terms
(too old to reply)
Edmond Wollmann
2005-05-05 16:07:52 UTC
Accidental dignity- The planet that is nearest the Midheaven in the
horoscope is said to be accidentally dignified. Actually, it is
because the archetype represented will be experienced in an accelerated
projected form (upper hemisphere).

Air signs- The trinity of idea interaction. They reflect the concept of
thought and idea exchange or sociability.

Angles- The cusps and houses of the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th They
represent the identity/status concept of the Cardinal quadruplicity, and
reflect the identity's definition of itself as a persona in physical
reality. The initial cornerstone of the persona; Belief.

Apex- The uppermost part of the triangle or trinity (or final angle in
the square). It reflects a state of effortless physicalization of the
self, and the state of equilibrium (trine) and the culmination of
materialization of belief (square). It also reflects the culmination of
aspects in their finality of expression.

Apparent motion- The motion of any planet as it "appears" to be, when
viewed from the perspective of Earth.

Aquarian age- The Earth's polar axis wobbles in a circular motion,
that allows it to appear that it is pointing at one constellation of the
template for approximately 2,150 years This movement, called the
The precession of the equinoxes is caused by the gravitational pull of
bodies outside the earth on what is known as the equatorial "bulge" of
the Earth. The diameter is 27 miles more than the polar diameter. The
attraction is caused principally by the sun and moon that act upon this
excess at the bulge and attempt to bring the Earth's equator into the
plane of the ecliptic instead of the present angle of 23-1/2 Degrees
from the plane. The gyroscopic effect of the Earth's rotation has the
effect of resisting this pull and producing the compromise of the
precession. As a result the poles then trace this circle against the
backdrop of stars at about 47 degrees in diameter and then the
equinoxes-the crossing of the planes of the equator and the
ecliptic-then move westward, 45-50 seconds of arc a year-which when
calculated comes to 25,800 years for a complete circle or precession
through the signs. This precession was discovered by Hipparchus about
150 B.C.E.. Mathematically the expression is thus 50" .2564 + 0".0002 t
per year, where t is the number of years after 1900. This precession
corresponds to the proposed periods well- including the legend of
Atlantis which would have appeared to have been in the Age of Leo 12,900
(approx) that we are now experiencing the polarity of in this present
age as we approach 2150-the reaping (Aquarius is the externalized
version of Leo) of our creative power and its use or misuse. It allowed
for the building of the Pyramidal structures still present on our
planet. This creative force, however, was utilized by approximately
one half of the population at that time. The energy was used in such a
manner as to serve the domination desires of individual classes of
people. It remains to be seen whether our rediscovery of the creative
force will remain in integrity or not. Aquarius symbolizes the
recognition of choice in the creation of reality, as well as the
recognition of the equality of all beings as co-creators with the "All
That Is". The idea that every being is as powerful as they need to be,
in order to create, whatever they desire to create, without having to
hurt themselves or any one else, in order to create it. This was the
"fall" of Adam and Eve represented in Biblical literature. We are on the
cusp of the age of Aquarius, which will be in full swing by 2150. It
marks the beginning of our transition from 3rd density, to 4th density
experience. When we fully realize that we are the reality, we previously
thought we existed within.
Arc- The mathematical division of the circle, that reflects the
relationship between planets or points within the template.

ARCTURUS- A star in the constellation Bootes;"the lofty" one, the one
who rules, and the coming one by the Egyptians. This star is the center
of many solar systems and represents the distribution and flow of
information regarding agreements and contracts made by individuals in
the higher state of consciousness Its energy reflects the idea of "the
gatekeeper" that allows and/or controls the flow of awareness to this
system. The Chalice is the recognition that "The King and the land are
one in the same" (Arthurian philosophy), or "I and the father are one in
the same" (Christian philosophy). ARCTURUS represents the gatekeeper of
the chalice or the grail.

ARCTURUS. Bootis. - 23 Libra 7,. Notes. A golden-yellow star situated
on the Left knee of Bootes. From Arktouros, the Bear Guard. Also called
Arctophilax, the Bear Watcher; and Alchameth, Azimech, and other
variants of Al Simak, the Lofty One. According to Bullinger Arcturus
means "He Cometh," and was called Smat, One who rules, and Bau, the
Coming One, by the Egyptians.
Arcturus=known also as Alpha Bootis, an orange first magnitude star, the
brightest in the constellation Bootes. Arcturus is the 6th brightest
star in the sky and is 35 light years from Earth. Its diameter is 35
times that of the sun and an intrinsic luminosity 80 times that of the
sun. Visual Magnitude 0.2, Spectral type K, distance in light years
According to Burnham's Celestial Handbook (Vol I, p 302-3): Arcturus is
the brightest star in the northern sky and 4th brightest over all. It
was "formerly given 6th place, but shown by modern measurements to
outshine both Vega & Capella". Magnitude -0.06, distance = about 37 LY,
diameter = about 25 times greater than the sun, luminosity = 115 times
that of the sun, color = usually described as topaz or golden yellow,
occasionally as orange.
More interesting perhaps -- Arcturus has the largest proper motion of
any 1st magnitude stars with the exception of Alpha Centauri: 90 mps in
the direction of Virgo. (This is what Halley detected in 1718). "This
motion has been bringing the star closer to the Earth ever since it
first became visible to the naked eye nearly half a million years ago.
At the present time, Arcturus is almost at its minimum distance
[showing] an approaching radial velocity of about 3 miles per second,
which will gradually diminish to zero as the star passes us several
thousand years from now". It's a population II star, a member of the
great spherical halo which is centered on the galactic hub. "This
explains the large apparent motion, and the rapid passage though our
part of the heavens; Arcturus is moving
in a highly inclined orbit around the center of the galaxy, and is
currently cutting through the galactic plane ...".
In response to a query of symbolic meaning to a dream I had of a
picture of my own horoscope with this written in the corner "EM1
Arcturus" and also an evaluation in the dream of the distance between
the bodies of the Sun and the dark body that traverses our solar system
in a very long trajectory (counterpart nemesis to the sun), and the
meaning represented by the distance between our (perceived) conscious
self and shadow self I was told by Bashar; "You can recognize the
electromagnetic vibration of Arcturus, to be the higher vibratory
resonance plane that contains both the polarities of the bright star
(sun) and the dark star (nemesis) represented in your system. And that
if you can simply focus on the fundamental vibrational frequency of the
tip of the triangle (Apex) you will then contain them both, and in
containing them both, you can shorten any distance you perceive between
them. For you are looking down-symbolically-from another plane of
existence altogether, when you look through the eyes of Arcturus. A
symbol that can be utilized that we have shared with many of you to help
you focus on the vibratory plane of Arcturus energy and consciousness-is
a white 12 pointed star, against an orange circle, against a black
Will this be of
EW: "Yes, thank you." March, 1987. "Southern Exposure"

Ascendent- The sign of the zodiacal template that is rising on the
eastern horizon at the time of any identity's or idea's birth. The
definition chosen to be expressed in physical reality and the format of

Aspect- The arc of reference between planets or points to define their
symbolic Archetypal relationship.
Balsamic moon- When the Moon is between 0 and 45 degrees behind the Sun.
The dissolution of the idea initiated at New Moon, in preparation for
the initiation of the next idea next New moon).

Birth time- This shall be defined by the moment the infant takes it's
first breath, because that is when it becomes a separate idea within the
expression of "All That Is". The "vibrations" at the time then reflect
what it inspires (to breath in!) the idea or person to be.

Cadent houses- The 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th cusps and houses within any
horoscope, natural or natal. They represent the functions of
information/perspective, the third cornerstone of the crystal of
persona; thought.

Cardinal signs- Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, the quadruplicity
of identity definition, which creates the effects of motivation,
initiation and action. The movement into, and of physicality from

Comet- Body that enters the orbital plane of the planets periodically,
that represents the "tying together" of layers and
level of Archetypal reference reflected by the planets. It also
represents the hour hand of the clock, reflecting a "new hour" has come
upon us. Since we have reached the life span reflected by comet Halley
(76 years). It's archetypal reference will now be exceeded. Therefore
it's return will not be necessary, and a new comet(s) will take it's

Composite chart- Two horoscopes are combined into one by defining the
midpoint position between them on the shorter arc. The derived chart
represents the vibrational pattern of the two, now acting as one. The
chart then reflects the agreement and purpose for which the two are

Co-Ruler- Up until three hundred years ago, the outer planets Uranus,
Neptune, and Pluto, were not known to exist. This of course reflected
our state of consciousness previous to their "discovery". Saturn,
Jupiter, and Mars carried the double rulership. Mars ruling Aries and
Scorpio, Jupiter ruling Sagittarius, and Pisces and Saturn ruling
Capricorn and Aquarius which was the most accurate linking that could be
done at the time. The planets inside the orbit of Earth- Venus and
Mercury always carry the double rulership of Taurus and Libra (Venus),
and Gemini and Virgo (Mercury).

Critical Degrees- Critical degrees in this book are defined as the last
three degrees of any sign, and the first three degrees. A planet placed
within the first three degrees of any sign indicates that the identity
has difficulty in initiating the archetypes that the planet and the sign
it is placed within represents. A planet (or point) placed within the
last three degrees of a sign, reflects the inability of the identity to
"wind up" the archetypal references delineated by the sign and planet,
i.e. Venus at 29 degrees Capricorn, indicates the individual's
preoccupation with establishing relationships for strategic gain, has
been overdone and needs to be wound up so that the identity can get on
with the next step of experience (using Placidus house system). In
general either one indicates that the individual is resisting taking
responsibility for the idea the archetypes represent, as well as the
integration of them. In this way it also reflects a state of urgency.

Cusp- Imaginary line that separates the signs and houses of the
experiential and horoscopic template.

Declination- A planet's measurement on the horizon in terms of degree,
north or south of the equator When the planets are in the same degree
together north or south, they are said to be parallel, which acts as a
conjunction. When they are equal distance, one north the other south,
they are contraparallel, which acts as an opposition.

Derivative house- The sequential progression of the horoscope's houses
are derived from the ascendent being the first. Any house can take on
the reference point as the "first" and the houses following; the second,
third etc. For example with the sixth as the first, the second of the
sixth, would be the seventh and would carry the symbology of the worth
of the sixth. The "value" of objective analytical discernment, is
through the perception of one's projection.

Descendent- The opposite point of the ascendent. It reflects the
polarity or unconscious versions of self, that will be experienced
through others.

Detriment- A planet is in its detriment when placed in the sign
opposite the one it rules, i.e., Jupiter in Gemini; Higher self
functioning is the antithesis, of conscious mind function. Much is
dependent upon the awareness level of the identity as to the expression
of the planet.

Dispositor- The planet that rules the sign another planet is in, is said
to be the dispositor of that planet.

Earth signs- The trinity of physicality Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn,
which reflect the trinary aspects of persona-belief, emotion and thought

Eclipse- An eclipse of the Sun is called a Solar eclipse. The sign of
the template in which it occurs reflects the archetype that needs
looking at, that resides in the unconscious. The light of the Sun
(physical reality) is blocked by the form of the Moon
(unconscious). A lunar eclipse is when the light of the Sun reflected on
the Moon is blocked by the Earth. This reflects a need to integrate
habit patterns into conscious awareness.

Electional Astrology- Electing the timing of the initiation of
an idea using astrological awareness.

Elements- The four (base) trinary (sides) elements of physical
manifestation that are represented through the pyramidal structure-
Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The pyramid reflects the "prism" of persona
the artificial construct of the person-ality. Event chart- A horoscope
that is drawn for a specific happening or event. The life of the event
can then be delineated.

Exaltation- The particular sign of the template, that most easily
integrates the archetype of a planet when placed there The reflection of
archetypal synchronous accord i.e., Venus is exalted in Pisces-empathic
perception of projection.

Finger of God (Yod)- The configuration of two or more planets in sextile
to each other, both inconjuncting a third point of two or more planets.
It reflects a constantly adjusting perspective, and when positively
integrated reflects a connection of higher self awareness with conscious
mind function. An identity expressing a lower vibrational frequency will
experience the aspect (will) of the higher self as seeming fated. Hence
the title "Finger of God". It's integrated name is the Yod.

Fire signs- The trinity of identity Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The
expression of the cornerstones of the persona, belief emotion and
thought as the conscious ego self.

Fixed signs- The quadruplicity of worth extension. The movement into
and of emotional consolidation of the identity in physical reality. The
signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Full Moon- Every 28 days the cycle of the Moon places the Earth between
the Sun and Moon so that we see the lit up face of the moon. An
opposition between the Sun and the Moon, that "illuminates" a polarity
of archetypes, dependent upon which signs of the template it should

Galactic center- The 26th degree of Sagittarius (higher self reference)
coincidentally is the center of the consciousness of our galaxy. The
point that the entire solar system, along with other systems, orbit.

Gibbous Moon- 135 to 180 degrees between the moon and Sun that reflects
the idea inherent in the template sign Virgo The anticipation and
preparation for full harvest at the full moon about to culminate.

Higher octaves- The outer planets represent the higher self.
Specifically, Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, Neptune the higher
octave of Venus, Pluto the higher octave of Mars. Once the self imposed
limitations of Saturn are dissolved, (Saturn is the higher octave of
Earth) though the recognition of choice in the creation of reality
(Uranus), a whole new dimension opens to the senses, as well as an
infinitely expanded set of senses.

Horary Astrology- A horoscope is drawn for the timing of a question-if
it has momentum behind it and a strong need to ask it, then the answer
will be found within the timing of the question through the Horary

House rulership- As discussed before the planetary lens of a sign is
said to "rule" that sign. If you have a Leo ascendent, then the Sun
rules the ascendent, even if it is placed in the sign of Aries. Or the
moon would rule whatever house or houses in your horoscope, that have
Cancer on their cusp This is what is meant by house rulership.

Imum coeli - The fourth house cusp. The point in the horoscope that
represents the furthermost depth of the unconscious, the path to the
higher self Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. (See exaltations)
Inferior planets- The planets that deal with conscious mind functions.
No planet is inferior to any other. They are equal.

lnterception- lnterception occurs when, because of latitudinal
difference closer to the poles of the Earth, the curvature causes the
houses of the horoscope to be of varying sizes. The effect is that an
entire sign of the template may fall in between two house cusps. For
example Aries on the eleventh house cusp, Taurus intercepted in the
eleventh, and the Gemini would be on the twelfth house cusp. The
polarity of signs (Scorpio would be intercepted in the fifth house) that
are intercepted, reflect the archetypal concept, by sign and house that
the identity needs to incorporate in an integrative way with the rest of
the horoscope's momentum flow usually we will find retrograde planets
within the intercepted house, which, further reinforces a concept of
review or reassessment of the interception as well as the retrograde
planet within its missing in reference cuspal arrangement.

Light- The physically detectable (without instrument) and undetectable
vibrations of the electromagnetic spectrum, of which everything in the
Multiverse is made.

Lunation- A new moon. The initiation of a 28 day cycle of unconscious
archetypal reflection. The lining up of the moon between the Sun and the

Medium coeli- The Midheaven or 10th house cusp. It represents the
highest point in the horoscope, and reflects the point of deepest
immersion and experience of physical reality.

Midpoint- The shorter halfway point in arc (distance) between two or
more planets. It is a sensitive point in the triggering of the aspect
between the planets involved, by transit, a planet by progression, or a
point of the same degree, from another individual's chart.

Mundane Astrology- The study of material affairs and of countries and
places through the use of astrology.

Mutable signs- The information/perspective quadruplicity, that reflects
the identity's ability for objectification, reflection and self
awareness. The third point in the cornerstone of the creation of
persona; thought. The signs Gemini, Virgo Sagittarius and Pisces.

Mutual reception- When one planet rules the sign another planet is in
and that planet rules the sign the planet that disposes of it is in,
i.e., Jupiter in Virgo would be in mutual reception with Mercury in
Sagittarius. It reflects a very close tie between the two archetypes
represented, and that the functioning of each may be dependent upon the

Node- We will deal only with the moon's nodes, as the movement of the
planet's nodes are negligible. The point at which the Moon crosses the
apparent path of the Sun is the point at which the north node would be
located. The polarity node, the south node, would be located exactly
opposite the north node. They represent unconscious habit patterning and
especially relate to the relationship with the mother. A planet
aspecting, or notably conjuncting the nodal position, indicates that
the mother had a very strong effect on the identity's attitude and
beliefs concerning the archetype involved. In spiritual terms, the nodal
axis represents the overall direction the higher self has chosen as the
new direction (North node) to be taken in this life which is the
polarity of the direction (or focus) taken in the past life (south
node). Since polarities are simply different viewpoints of the same
idea, it is simply a polarized REaction to the focus on one viewpoint of

Occultation- Hidden from view.

Outer planets- The planetary archetypes which represent the functions of
the higher self. In this book they are, the planets past the Asteroid

Part of Fortune- A point in the horoscope which is the same distance in
aspect from the ascendant, as the moon is from the Sun in the same
horoscope. It reflects the overall benefit or extrapolation of
archetypal concept that any chart was incarnated for. The overall reason
for the physical manifestation of any idea, and it's apex of potential.

Polarity- The version that "All That Is" is, upon expression within
physical reality. The extreme opposite views inherent within one idea.

Progression- We will be using two types in this book Solar arc, and
secondary progression. They are both ways to move the horoscope from
birth, through time. Solar arc is exceedingly simple. Since the Sun
moves approximately 1 degree per day. We simply count one degree, to
equal one year. Just add one degree to each planet in your natal chart
to represent one year of life. If you're 23, add 23 degrees to all
planets, and this would be the approximate progressed solar arcs for
your 23rd year. Secondary progressions are the equating of planetary
positions 1 day after birth, to reflect 1 year after birth (planetary
positions listed in the ephemeris). As an example, since the moon moves
an average 13 degrees per day, then your secondary progressed Moon 1
year after birth, would be moved 13 degrees forward. The new location
would be the secondary progressed position of the moon. As you move
forward in days (years), however, accuracy would be lost. A secondary
progressed chart is much more easily acquired from an astrological
computer service and are only a couple of dollars. Progressions
represent the unconscious integration of the birth planetary pattern and
serve only as a backdrop to delineation.

Quadrature- The developmental aspects the opening square, opposition,
and closing square. The 4th harmonic of physicality

Regulus- A star in the constellation Leo, that reflects regality and
self empowerment. The 28th degree of Leo.

Return or Revolution- A revolution is one complete orbit of any body in
the solar system. A chart drawn for the return of any planet, including
the Sun or Moon, acts as a lunation, a new beginning or cycle of that
planet's expression within it's next cycle. I.e., a solar return
(usually occurs the day of your birthday or the day before or after)
reflects the ideas and experiences (only in the thematic sense) an
individual has chosen though higher self will to experience within the
next yearly cycle. Conscious awareness of these ideas, can allow
the conscious mind to begin to understand the significance of the
events and developmental potential and experiences. This will allow an
integration of the beliefs about to be experienced to enhance
developmental resolution. There is no such thing as a prediction of THE
future. All probable futures are just as capable of manifesting.
However, what we are sensing when we look at projections of the future,
is the momentum reflected through astrological significators, of the
MOST LIKELY events to occur should the energy NOT change. Becoming AWARE
of the most likely momentum to occur through astrological significators,
can, through reflection itself, change the momentum. That is the
purpose of astrology. To allow you to look at your beliefs and the
momentum connected with them, and change them if you don't prefer them.
Change your beliefs, change your experiences.

Succeedent houses- The 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th cusps and houses. They
reflect through the horoscope, the identity's beliefs about self worth
and creative extension (giving and receiving love) and the second
cornerstone of persona manifesting as the momentum of belief or

Transit- The continuing or current movement of the planets in space and
their relationship though aspects to the planets or points of the birth
chart or natal horoscope.

Trigger- The planet or planets, usually the moon, that sets off major
aspects that have been culminating in aspect.

Vertex- Calculated by subtracting the birth latitude, from 90 degrees to
find the co-latitude, noting the degree and sign upon the fourth natal
cusp, and regarding it as a Midheaven reference in the table of houses;
finding this reference under the Midheaven column in the tables at the
co-latitude and the ascendent listed. The ascendent degree and sign is
the degree and sign of the vertex (see parts).
The vertex represents the type of shadow self or unconscious polarity,
usually of the opposite sex, that we attract. It represents the law of
momentum flow of our hidden beliefs (hidden to ourselves).

Void-of-course- Any planet, usually the moon, is void of course when it
will not make any more major aspects (major meaning conjunction,
sextile, square, trine or opposition) before it leaves the sign of the
template it is in to enter the next. It reflects that nothing more will
come of this momentum- or that it is impotent. (refer to critical
Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2005 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com/
Artworks http://www.astroconsulting.com/personal/
2005-05-05 13:07:52 UTC

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2005-05-06 04:17:41 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
Accidental dignity-
The only kind you'll ever encounter.
