Where is the Sun?
(too old to reply)
Academic Zodiac 22 Zodiacal Constellations 16 Eastern Ascendants
2010-09-21 13:06:19 UTC
The Sun * is in Virgo for Halloween
It is in Libra on Nov 23rd
Sai Baba's birthday
Do as people do: follow your own star *


Be the transit you want in the world now!
Bad transits are the matter of the past.
Change your horoscope for the best!
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with the Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2010, http://www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2010 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the Author. The names of dedicated
publications are normally given in italics.


From Coruscant to Naboo, this horoscope is for you

Copyright © 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


Where is your natal Sun? Taking Virgo for an example, the Sun is in
Virgo from mid-September till November. The official zodiacal stations
of the Sun can be expanded from 13 to 16, but the Sun alone does not
encompass the whole of the zodiac. The all-inclusive number of
zodiacal stations is therefore 22, meaning that the panoptic sum of
all planetary zodiacs1 is exactly 22.


The NASA ephemeris system is the premier national and international
system as run and perused by experts in the area. The NASA model
underlines most “astrological” programs as crucial part of their
calculating subroutines. The logical question is therefore why one
never knows one's real Sun-sign? After the subroutine calculates your
real Sun-sign, another subroutine mangles it for pseudo-astrological
purposes. Moreover, as superstition marks profit, the naïve client
will probably suffer different false Sun-signs.


Obviously, neither of the twin superstitious Sun-signs is really
yours, but you are not at all supposed to know it. Whoever assigns
false Sun-signs to you was not supposed to know oneself. Thus, people
who may speak of tropical or sidereal astrology hardly know that they
have been swindled. True, it is understood that both superstitions are
based on a sky that will never exist at all, but that is precisely the
foul “purpose” of any superstition: swindle on both sides.


The so-called sidereal and tropical astrology are based on the
selfsame swindle, the only difference between the two being an
undecided shift between the two. Big deal! None of the two can
determine the ascendant. None of the two displays the position of the
Sun. Why do people believe in such a foul misinterpretation of their
horoscopes? People are misinformed. Where science is unwanted and NASA
viewed with suspicion, superstition rues. It is easy to talk nonsense
about twelve rising signs since they are only in the mind of the
victim. The victimized will never check for the true skies in order to
witness the real ascending constellations. It simply takes too much
love in a truth-loving person to look for some. The 16 rising signs
are there for everyone to see, but an “astrologer” will be the last
person in the world to refer to the true skies. Thus, an easily
uncloaked swindle persists in the minds of superstitious people.
Surely, no “astrologer” can guess one's own natal Sun-sign given five
chances. They can not even dream of guessing the ascendant and the
position of the Moon will remain mystery forever. Whatever they do is
talk talk.

Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1981 - 2010 by Klaudio
Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from http://www.lulu.com/astrology
2010-09-21 13:55:05 UTC
Don't worry, Klaudio. It's just night time. The sun isn't lost.
It'll be back in a few hours.
