astrology a science or myth
(too old to reply)
2005-05-25 18:40:59 UTC
Sub : Whether astrology is a science ?

It is always under hot controversy as to whether astrology is a science
or blind-faith. This controversy has taken new dimensions when some
Universities came forward to teach this so-called science as art. There
is clear cut division in the opinion of scientists and orthodox
community regarding predictive astrology. But no body has ever tried to
unearth the actual foundation of the astrological principles on which
whole structure of astrology was erected beside analysing it in view of
the latest scientific knowledge about the Universe and Solar system.

When I experienced that same planetary position never came out with the
same result. Thereafter I decided to find out the basic information,
knowledge and concept as to how various fundamental principles of
astrology were formulated, so that this knowledge may either be
supported scientifically or may be scrapped altogether with new
scientific information.

I have not only conducted in-depth research but also scientifically
analysed all basic astrological principles relating to Lord,
Friendship, Aspect, Retrograde, Set, Exalted - debilitated, Vinshottary
periodicity etc. along with review of Krishnamurti system.

I found that how astrological principles were formulated by our sages
in the primitive age on the basis of primitive knowledge about the
Universe and subsequently predictive astrology was absorbed by the
Indian society due to high respect towards sages. You will surprise to
know that astrology was actually developed on the basis of myth that
Sun is nearest planet from the stationery Earth and Moon is far away in
comparison to the Sun and all other stars are just above the Moon.

No attention was ever paid to this side of the astrology due to
non-availability of the basis of knowledge and circumstances, which
leads to formulation of astrological principles in present shape. This
whole scenario of present astrology either leads to infuse confusion in
the mind of new generation or they remain aloof from this knowledge.

I pointed out glaring mistakes in every astrological principle in view
of latest astronomy and due to effect of ayanansh and proved on the
basis of many data that effective astrological Rahu / Ketu are neither
180° apart. I also pointed out substantial variation in the position
and retrograde motion of Rahu / Ketu.

After lot of research I wrote an original book on astrology "Jyotish
- Kitna sahi kitna galat" in Hindi. The book containing about 325
pages was published by Gyan Mandir in 2003.

This book contains the details of enormous change required in every
principle after disclosing the basic ingredient, which leads our sages
to formulate the principles. For example it is discovered for the first
time that how Rahu-Ketu are not 180º apart from each other and there
mutual position continuously changes from 165º to 195º and there
retrograde motion 3' 11" may also be change to direct motion for
astrological purpose. In this way not only every principle is out of
date but position of Rahu-Ketu are also not correct in any horoscope.

Such science based original book in astrology, based on research work
is being made available for the first time. This book has a unique and
revolutionary approach due to scientific background hence it will be a
foundation stone in the coming days and able to change the concept of
astrology it-self by switching it to scientific stream. Many astrologer
have also gone through the book but they have nothing to say on the
research and they are only interested in their business. In the opinion
of many reader, this book may completely change primitive astrological
concept with logical and scientific approach in view of the
revolutionary concept contained in the book. On the demand of reader
this book is being published in English from Delhi with a title
'Astrology - a science or myth'.

If you are interested to know more about the research and book then
please write with your questions.

Sanat Kumar Jain
2, Wagle's Bada
Dal Bazar, Gwalior - 474 009
Ph. 0751-2626868
Email - ***@rediffmail.com
2005-05-27 15:33:32 UTC
astrology is pure 100% Garbage and only the Brainless follow it.

"sanat" <***@rediffmail.com> wrote in message news:***@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com...
Sub : Whether astrology is a science ?

It is always under hot controversy as to whether astrology is a science
or blind-faith.
