The Disposition of Planets
(too old to reply)
The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
2005-03-16 17:27:52 UTC
The Disposition of Planets and Distribution of Rulers
Charts and Graphs;

Understanding Dispositor Dynamics and Rulerships
Edmond H. Wollmann
June 11, 1997-- Expanded and revised version, December 27, 1999

Astrology is a complex subject. No part of delineation of the
horoscope reveals this more than the application of rulerships and
dispositor dynamics. These dynamics are based on the Essential
dignities and traditional rulers. The rulers and dignities allow us to
follow threads of interconnection between apparently separate bodies
and houses in the horoscope. By using rulers and dispositors alone, we
can connect many parts of the chart and the person's psyche, simply by
following this thread around the chart in question.

Let me say at the outset that planets cannot "rule" signs. The signs -
or more appropriately - "sections of space" that signs delineate, are
more expansive in scope and breadth because they stretch to infinity in

all directions extending out from the Earth, and are based on an
archetypal reference to the divisional harmonic of 12 that the "circle
of life" (Zodiac) outlines. Therefore, the planets, which are within
the boundaries of the solar system, either closely align with the
energies reflected in these areas of space, or conflict with them
(meaning the idea they represent is a contradiction to the idea the
sign represents).


Please see http://www.astroconsulting.com­/FAQs/the.htm

I believe that the placement of accelerated degrees either on cusps or
by planets or bodies of the last 3 degrees of a sign (27-29) and first
3 degrees of a sign (0-3) are far more indicative of a critical state
of consciousness. As you can see by the above chart, the "authorities"
who came to the conclusion that the degrees above may be critical,
unknowingly added the majority of them with the parameters I outline.

In the past these "rulerships" guidelines were rigid. This is because
the consciousness of the collective was rigid and unaware, steeped in
subjective value judgment, and of the notion that there must be "laws"
to the universe which apply everywhere all the time. The reason for
this was the theories of the current day by the authorities of that
day-- Newton and Galileo-- and their search for "laws" that would
evidence " God's" rules. Also inflexibility arose because of the rigid
judgment of the self and society instilled by religious dogma. In this
day when we are awakening to the notion that we make the rules, the
collective consciousness will eventually no longer need "good and bad"
determinations, and simply rely upon the notions of positive/negative
energy connotations. In this new day and age, the tone was set by
Albert Einstein and the fact that things were relative in not only
value, but function as well. This was reflected in the Uranus/Neptune
opposition of 1905, a full illumination of introspective revelation.
Now we move on to even more expansion as we pass the Uranus/Neptune
conjunction of 1993 (please see my article of the same name, published
in the 1993 Yearbook, Horoscope Magazine) and move toward the first
quadrature of Uranus/Pluto in 2012, when even greater de-structurizing
of our perspective will occur.

Psychologically, the more aware a person or collectivity is (meaning
guided by conscious awareness as opposed to driven by unconscious fears

based on subjective value judgments), the less these rules are in
evidence. Consciousness and awareness vibrating at a higher level,
allows the more positive and individualistic aspects of each placement
to manifest constructively. It is very simple to gauge the level of
awareness at hand; the more "good/bad or evil/good", "right and wrong",

and other subjective determinations are adhered to without reflection,
the more caught up in judgment and projection the collectivity or
individual is.

Astrology originated thousands of years ago, and yet the use of the
outer planets did not start until the discovery of Uranus in the 1700s
(I believe this was a REdiscovery as the archetype of Uranus can be
found in use in many ancient texts). By the time of the discovery of
Pluto (1930s) our perspective of being the center of the Universe was
well under revision.

The signs are like "light" and the planets the lenses that focus that
light in this solar system. The conflicting energy of planets within
certain signs--or in fall and detriment indicated above--is the result
of the archetype of the area of space (the sign) reflecting a concept
that a planet is placed in, with a contradictory archetype (the sign it

rules), and focuses that sign in a way that is not conducive to its
natural expression. This is observed by the planet in question not
functioning in the way it was "designed" to function, or conflicting
with the easy flow of the sign it is in. It tells us of the person's
unnecessary association of the archetype of dignity or rulership with
an archetype out of synch with it's most natural expression. As in
retrogradation, this tells us of the beliefs of the individual in
question who finds it necessary to associate or complicate the natural
expression of the archetype of either the planet or sign involved. It
is rather like wearing snow shoes to the beach, or cowboy boots to the
gym. The same feet (planet), but with different functions require the
most adapted and functionally adequate shoes (signs) for the task at
hand. Or, in another example, an off road truck requires off road tires

for best functioning--likewise an Indy racer would not fare well with
off road tires. What would motivate a person to buy off road tires for
an Indy racer? Or insist that they must be used? Obviously, either
ignorance or bias is indicated. But when performance is hampered who
can they blame? Certainly not the manufacturer of the tires. It is
their choice to use them where they don't really perform best and
unnecessarily complicate performance.

Let's take each planet or light and lenses and clarify the concepts.

The Sun represents the life energy and center or singularity of the
self. In solar astrology it IS the ascendant, the beginning and the
thrust of the identity. Since all of life stems from its focus,
warmth, center and consistency, it is ideal as a lens to allow
identity to shine through because it assumes positive control and with
confidence. Because this unquestioning creative direction is a
necessity for continuousness of consciousness for each identity or
idea to create and recreate itself anew, its exaltation in Aries is
easy to understand. The thrust and impulse of Aries to simply "be", is
steadied and deliberately applied with the strength of the Sun.

On the negative side, because Libra is a reflective and accommodating
sign, it signifies the waning of the power of the sun and its
commanding and directive role (sunset=receptive). Libra is receptive
and seeks to reinforce identity through merging with and reflecting
upon shadows and aspects of the self through mirroring. More
comfortable is Libra, with the relaxation of assertion and conscious
center to allow the incorporation of reflected versions of the self.
This is contradictory to the glowing center of conscious focus with
deliberate assertive intent, which is what the sun is about.
Therefore, it is easy to understand its fall or incompatibility in
this sign. A word of caution however, the Sun as well as the gas giant
planets are less likely to be problematic in the sign of their
detriment or fall. This is because the effect of rulers and
dispositors is an effect of the polarization of things into
dark/light, projection/reception etc. in physicality. Therefore, the
planets of persona (an artificial construct as well from the effect of
ego focus in physicality) are much more conflictive when in their signs

of fall and detriment because of their inherently lower vibratory
signature. And because they deal with conscious mind applications as
well, these drawbacks may be more noticeable. These are the planets
Venus, Mars, Mercury. Because the planets act as "lenses" that "focus"
signs into our system for identification
purposes in this system, it is in these focused realms that
displacement or contradiction may be most problematic.

The Moon reflects the light of the sun and acts as a reservoir to
contain all those aspects of our consciousness that we may not be
aware of, capable of, or willing to deal with in a conscious and
direct manner. Therefore, its ruler Cancer, is fluid--a "pool" of
concepts and beliefs we maintain about reality that have been
patterned and nurtured (or deprived of nurturing) and acts as a
reference that allows us to feel (or believe) that we are supported
and nurtured. The beliefs create scenarios in our reality that we then
react to to understand that unconscious patterning. The Moon's
exaltation, the other Venusian sign of Taurus, is the sign reflecting
access to the resourcefulness of our natural abundance in a mirror-like

way materially, and the ability to rely on physicality for that
support. Therefore, the moon is comfortable here in Taurus where values

and beliefs maintained, that allow the belief of support to the
conscious self (Sun, Aries or first house).

The sign Capricorn is reflective of the full manifestation of the self
in physicality--the moon "pools" of belief may be the unmanifested
parts, not so easily known. Capricorn strategizes to manipulate
physicality to serve the conscious self, the moon soothes, and flows to

support the psyche, hence this combination can be seen as
contradictory. The power may be all too easily placed outside the self
with the Moon in Capricorn. Emotions are not accepted symbiotically but

dealt with consciously. This may make it difficult for the experiencer
to see things others get the gist of about the self intuitively, or the

momentum of emotions not readily observable to the self.

Mercury is the lens of sight in physicality--the receiver. It is the
lens of the identity. The interface between the personality and
physicality. It requires diverse and clear perception of physicality
because it is a physical function planet. There are rules to the
material world that we agree upon en mass that create the illusion of
an unchanging truth. Physical reality is duality and duality creates
diversity. (Aquarius, Gemini and Virgo). Breadth of vision destroys
this needed focus (Pisces and Sagittarius detriments) and allows the
details of self-application to perhaps be missed.

Venus is the reflected and projected mirrored self through social and
personal resources (the aspects of the self in its surroundings is the
self-- we are the reality it appears we exist within). Seeing the self
mirrored in others and things (Libra/Taurus) allows us to trust that
true abundance is all around us. Pisces allows empathic accord as a
possibility for more than mere reflection, but perhaps understanding
and insight into the all and our interconnectedness. Aries focus on the

self detracts from receptivity, and Scorpio focuses on emotional
selfishness (detriments or fall).

Mars is the need to prove the self in physicality; to be the you you
are with conviction that the "All That Is" intended. This is best
accomplished by strategic (Capricorn) implementation (Mars) of the self

in the material world (or aspects of it brought to fruition)-- and is
denied through diffused or externalized self validation whilst
preoccupied with social acceptance (Libra) or when emotional insecurity

drives and/or interferes with a sense of empowerment (Cancer) toward
that end.

Jupiter is learning to trust the abundance of one's life as it flows
from the identity; meaning, having what you need when you need it
automatically as the product of your existence. This is best manifested

by trusting the inner self (Cancer) instead of giving power to the
external (Capricorn). Specificity, straining at gnats, and dualism
detracts from the sense of wholeness needed to act from integrity
(Gemini/Virgo) spontaneously, and with trust.

Saturn is the full externalization of the self in physicality. The
crystallized effect of the momentum of belief in the material world.
Strategic expression is best manifested through objective feed back
from the reflection that physicality is (Libra)-- and is defeated by
ego focus and fears of being ignored which add to subjectivity and self

defeat (Aries). Emotional security can interfere with this observation
of the self in physical manifestation from fear (Cancer) and emotive
responses rather than objective thinking.

Uranus reflects the recognition of choice that we create our reality
utterly and that the Saturnine momentum is us, that transforms the
powerless belief in reality existing outside of us (Saturn) with the
accompanying transformation (when ego becomes balanced with trust) by
taking back power (Scorpio). Personal values (Taurus) rather than
transformed or transcendent values from expanded and altered
perspective (Scorpio) detracts from the needed significance that
catalyses that transformation. Co-creative interaction can suffer from
self extension ego-focus (Leo).

Neptune is the recognition of the sea of consciousness of "All That
Is" -- that we are one of the ways it has of expression in that all.
Straining at gnats with physical or Earthly strategic concerns (Virgo
and Capricorn) detracts from the necessary perspective and fluidity to
co-fuse a broader view. But the inner self and emotional depths
(Cancer) or pools of psyche are as eternally unlimited in their expanse

as the "All That Is" itself.

Pluto reflects the transformation of perspective from the recognition
that we are the reality it appears we exist within. The negative
fearful ego self can then relax and allow at least some of its
creations to be automatically trusted as a part of the path it chose to

be, not an interruption in it. Hence, the self directed creative
extension of Leo is its exaltation, where self directed behavior
results from conviction, spontaneous magnanimity, and trust in one's
creations AS the self. Focus on being appreciated intellectually for
these co-created interactions (Aquarius) or needing approval from
others before doing so, detracts from intensely powerful sense of
significance with full trust. The opposite of mediocrity is required
for transformation.

This is an extremely abbreviated key listing of the rulerships and
dispositorships possible and will vary profoundly upon dispositor
dynamics and rulership of house configurations in delineation of the
natal chart. I have only touched upon some sketching of the dignities,
exaltations or falls/detriments and why they manifest as they do. It is

easy to see with this understanding, that they can only be keys,
because the individual in question may--through delineation synthesis
which include more comprehensive factors--be incorporating the
awareness that may be denied by one significator-- through another, or
networks of integration.

In Delineation

In the chart of Albert Einstein, we see that the Sun is in Pisces and
Moon in Sagittarius. The life energy of fluid recognition of the
"whole" is reflected by the light of higher intellect or following
one's inspirations with trust (9th house --Sagittarius). The need to be

a mystic. "I want to know God's thoughts, the rest is detail."

Following dispositors and rulers we see that the sun (Pisces) is
disposed of by Neptune in 11, then, Neptune in Taurus is disposed of by

Venus in 10, Venus in Aries is disposed of by Mars in 7, Mars in
Capricorn in turn is disposed of by Saturn in 10 in Aries leading back
to Mars as its dispositor. The Moon in Sagittarius in 6 is disposed of
by Jupiter in Aquarius in 9 (others opinions, collective opinions and
higher thinking) which in turn is disposed of by Uranus in Virgo in 3
ruling 9, in turn disposed of by Mercury in Aries in 10, disposed of
Mars in 7, which in turn is disposed of by Saturn in 10--ruled by Aries

which moves us back to Mars in 7. These two planets -- Mars and Saturn
-- dispose of each other (or rule the sign the other is in) each other.

This is called Mutual Reception and indicates a powerful bond or
reliance between the two archetypes involved. Mars in 7 would reflect a

very clear ability (See the exaltation of Mars) to see the projected
versions of self in reality (7th house, Libran) and to see the self in
full manifestation through others (self-actualizing).
Saturn in 10 reflects a full manifestation of personal expression of
self in physicality (Aries, 10th, again self-actualizing). It is
conjunct Mercury, the personal lens of sight, logic, and observation or

discernment. Mercury rules the 4th and 12th houses--the natural houses
of introspection and unconscious material. Mercury disposes of Uranus
in 3--the awakening of conscious mind analytical discernment!
(Please see Saturn opposed Saturn article for my explanation of how
physical reality is created by belief). Uranus is the dispositor of,
and opposes, Jupiter in 9--the dispositor of the analytically
discerning 6th house moon. Integrity is the functioning of the persona
as a whole, hence, the need for unifying theories.

Uranus disposes of Jupiter in 9 the ruler of the 6th holding the
moon--this disposition sequence leads us right back where we were led
by the moon in Sagittarius (one aspect of the 3 cornerstones of the
persona Sun-Moon-Ascendant) from the beginning. The moon is in 6, the
natural house of Virgo--Mercury's dignity (ruler). The 6th house is
analytical discernment the ability to separate projected versions of
belief (personal beliefs being involved in the observation) from the
observation objectively of the momentum of belief (see Jung's
explanation of projection below*). All disposition ends with the
Mars/Saturn Mutual Reception. This reflects his genius for
understanding the discernment of projected versions of self (7th
house), and manifestations of self concretized (Saturn in 10) that were

awakened to the recognition of choice in the creation of reality
(Uranus) and that discernments are relative to the observer (Moon rules

1--the self-- and is in 6).

Venus is in detriment. He refused a symbolic position of second
president of Israel because he "didn't have the qualifications of
dealing with people to do the job." I would submit that he didn't have
the patience for superficial interaction. In the end, he demonstrated
mysticism with the integration of logic and insight.

"I believe every true theorist is a kind of tamed metaphysicist, no
matter how pure a "positivist" he may fancy himself." Albert Einstein

*"The recognition and taking to heart of the subjective determination
of knowledge in general, and of psychological knowledge in particular,
are basic conditions for the scientific and impartial evaluation of a
psyche different from that of the observing subject. These conditions
are fulfilled only when the observer is sufficiently informed about the

nature and scope of his own personality. He can, however, be
sufficiently informed only when he has in large measure freed himself
from the levelling influence of collective opinions and thereby arrived

at a clear conception of his own individuality . . . "The collective
attitude hinders the recognition and evaluation of a psychology
different from the subject's, because the mind that is collectively
oriented is quite incapable of thinking and feeling in any other way
than by projection." Carl Gustave Jung Collected works, The Type
Problem in Classical and Medieval thought, Vol 6, page 41-...

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2005 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com­/
Articles http://www.astroconsulting.com­/FAQs/info.htm
Artworks http://www.e-wollmann.com/TOC.­htm
The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
2005-03-16 17:48:51 UTC
Reposted to defeat Google link censorship.


Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2005 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com
Artworks http://www.e-wollmann.com
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
The Disposition of Planets and Distribution of Rulers
Charts and Graphs;
Understanding Dispositor Dynamics and Rulerships
Edmond H. Wollmann
June 11, 1997-- Expanded and revised version, December 27, 1999
Astrology is a complex subject. No part of delineation of the
horoscope reveals this more than the application of rulerships and
dispositor dynamics. These dynamics are based on the Essential
dignities and traditional rulers. The rulers and dignities allow us to
follow threads of interconnection between apparently separate bodies
and houses in the horoscope. By using rulers and dispositors alone, we
can connect many parts of the chart and the person's psyche, simply by
following this thread around the chart in question.
Let me say at the outset that planets cannot "rule" signs. The signs -
or more appropriately - "sections of space" that signs delineate, are
more expansive in scope and breadth because they stretch to infinity in
all directions extending out from the Earth, and are based on an
archetypal reference to the divisional harmonic of 12 that the
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
of life" (Zodiac) outlines. Therefore, the planets, which are within
the boundaries of the solar system, either closely align with the
energies reflected in these areas of space, or conflict with them
(meaning the idea they represent is a contradiction to the idea the
sign represents).
Please see http://www.astroconsulting.com­/FAQs/the.htm
I believe that the placement of accelerated degrees either on cusps or
by planets or bodies of the last 3 degrees of a sign (27-29) and first
3 degrees of a sign (0-3) are far more indicative of a critical state
of consciousness. As you can see by the above chart, the
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
who came to the conclusion that the degrees above may be critical,
unknowingly added the majority of them with the parameters I outline.
In the past these "rulerships" guidelines were rigid. This is because
the consciousness of the collective was rigid and unaware, steeped in
subjective value judgment, and of the notion that there must be "laws"
to the universe which apply everywhere all the time. The reason for
this was the theories of the current day by the authorities of that
day-- Newton and Galileo-- and their search for "laws" that would
evidence " God's" rules. Also inflexibility arose because of the rigid
judgment of the self and society instilled by religious dogma. In this
day when we are awakening to the notion that we make the rules, the
collective consciousness will eventually no longer need "good and bad"
determinations, and simply rely upon the notions of positive/negative
energy connotations. In this new day and age, the tone was set by
Albert Einstein and the fact that things were relative in not only
value, but function as well. This was reflected in the Uranus/Neptune
opposition of 1905, a full illumination of introspective revelation.
Now we move on to even more expansion as we pass the Uranus/Neptune
conjunction of 1993 (please see my article of the same name,
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
in the 1993 Yearbook, Horoscope Magazine) and move toward the first
quadrature of Uranus/Pluto in 2012, when even greater
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
of our perspective will occur.
Psychologically, the more aware a person or collectivity is (meaning
guided by conscious awareness as opposed to driven by unconscious fears
based on subjective value judgments), the less these rules are in
evidence. Consciousness and awareness vibrating at a higher level,
allows the more positive and individualistic aspects of each
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
to manifest constructively. It is very simple to gauge the level of
awareness at hand; the more "good/bad or evil/good", "right and wrong",
and other subjective determinations are adhered to without
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
the more caught up in judgment and projection the collectivity or
individual is.
Astrology originated thousands of years ago, and yet the use of the
outer planets did not start until the discovery of Uranus in the 1700s
(I believe this was a REdiscovery as the archetype of Uranus can be
found in use in many ancient texts). By the time of the discovery of
Pluto (1930s) our perspective of being the center of the Universe was
well under revision.
The signs are like "light" and the planets the lenses that focus that
light in this solar system. The conflicting energy of planets within
certain signs--or in fall and detriment indicated above--is the result
of the archetype of the area of space (the sign) reflecting a concept
that a planet is placed in, with a contradictory archetype (the sign it
rules), and focuses that sign in a way that is not conducive to its
natural expression. This is observed by the planet in question not
functioning in the way it was "designed" to function, or conflicting
with the easy flow of the sign it is in. It tells us of the person's
unnecessary association of the archetype of dignity or rulership with
an archetype out of synch with it's most natural expression. As in
retrogradation, this tells us of the beliefs of the individual in
question who finds it necessary to associate or complicate the
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
expression of the archetype of either the planet or sign involved. It
is rather like wearing snow shoes to the beach, or cowboy boots to the
gym. The same feet (planet), but with different functions require the
most adapted and functionally adequate shoes (signs) for the task at
hand. Or, in another example, an off road truck requires off road tires
for best functioning--likewise an Indy racer would not fare well with
off road tires. What would motivate a person to buy off road tires for
an Indy racer? Or insist that they must be used? Obviously, either
ignorance or bias is indicated. But when performance is hampered who
can they blame? Certainly not the manufacturer of the tires. It is
their choice to use them where they don't really perform best and
unnecessarily complicate performance.
Let's take each planet or light and lenses and clarify the concepts.
The Sun represents the life energy and center or singularity of the
self. In solar astrology it IS the ascendant, the beginning and the
thrust of the identity. Since all of life stems from its focus,
warmth, center and consistency, it is ideal as a lens to allow
identity to shine through because it assumes positive control and with
confidence. Because this unquestioning creative direction is a
necessity for continuousness of consciousness for each identity or
idea to create and recreate itself anew, its exaltation in Aries is
easy to understand. The thrust and impulse of Aries to simply "be", is
steadied and deliberately applied with the strength of the Sun.
On the negative side, because Libra is a reflective and accommodating
sign, it signifies the waning of the power of the sun and its
commanding and directive role (sunset=receptive). Libra is receptive
and seeks to reinforce identity through merging with and reflecting
upon shadows and aspects of the self through mirroring. More
comfortable is Libra, with the relaxation of assertion and conscious
center to allow the incorporation of reflected versions of the self.
This is contradictory to the glowing center of conscious focus with
deliberate assertive intent, which is what the sun is about.
Therefore, it is easy to understand its fall or incompatibility in
this sign. A word of caution however, the Sun as well as the gas giant
planets are less likely to be problematic in the sign of their
detriment or fall. This is because the effect of rulers and
dispositors is an effect of the polarization of things into
dark/light, projection/reception etc. in physicality. Therefore, the
planets of persona (an artificial construct as well from the effect of
ego focus in physicality) are much more conflictive when in their signs
of fall and detriment because of their inherently lower vibratory
signature. And because they deal with conscious mind applications as
well, these drawbacks may be more noticeable. These are the planets
Venus, Mars, Mercury. Because the planets act as "lenses" that
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
signs into our system for identification
purposes in this system, it is in these focused realms that
displacement or contradiction may be most problematic.
The Moon reflects the light of the sun and acts as a reservoir to
contain all those aspects of our consciousness that we may not be
aware of, capable of, or willing to deal with in a conscious and
direct manner. Therefore, its ruler Cancer, is fluid--a "pool" of
concepts and beliefs we maintain about reality that have been
patterned and nurtured (or deprived of nurturing) and acts as a
reference that allows us to feel (or believe) that we are supported
and nurtured. The beliefs create scenarios in our reality that we then
react to to understand that unconscious patterning. The Moon's
exaltation, the other Venusian sign of Taurus, is the sign reflecting
access to the resourcefulness of our natural abundance in a
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
way materially, and the ability to rely on physicality for that
support. Therefore, the moon is comfortable here in Taurus where values
and beliefs maintained, that allow the belief of support to the
conscious self (Sun, Aries or first house).
The sign Capricorn is reflective of the full manifestation of the self
in physicality--the moon "pools" of belief may be the unmanifested
parts, not so easily known. Capricorn strategizes to manipulate
physicality to serve the conscious self, the moon soothes, and flows to
support the psyche, hence this combination can be seen as
contradictory. The power may be all too easily placed outside the self
with the Moon in Capricorn. Emotions are not accepted symbiotically but
dealt with consciously. This may make it difficult for the
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
to see things others get the gist of about the self intuitively, or the
momentum of emotions not readily observable to the self.
Mercury is the lens of sight in physicality--the receiver. It is the
lens of the identity. The interface between the personality and
physicality. It requires diverse and clear perception of physicality
because it is a physical function planet. There are rules to the
material world that we agree upon en mass that create the illusion of
an unchanging truth. Physical reality is duality and duality creates
diversity. (Aquarius, Gemini and Virgo). Breadth of vision destroys
this needed focus (Pisces and Sagittarius detriments) and allows the
details of self-application to perhaps be missed.
Venus is the reflected and projected mirrored self through social and
personal resources (the aspects of the self in its surroundings is the
self-- we are the reality it appears we exist within). Seeing the self
mirrored in others and things (Libra/Taurus) allows us to trust that
true abundance is all around us. Pisces allows empathic accord as a
possibility for more than mere reflection, but perhaps understanding
and insight into the all and our interconnectedness. Aries focus on the
self detracts from receptivity, and Scorpio focuses on emotional
selfishness (detriments or fall).
Mars is the need to prove the self in physicality; to be the you you
are with conviction that the "All That Is" intended. This is best
accomplished by strategic (Capricorn) implementation (Mars) of the self
in the material world (or aspects of it brought to fruition)-- and is
denied through diffused or externalized self validation whilst
preoccupied with social acceptance (Libra) or when emotional
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
drives and/or interferes with a sense of empowerment (Cancer) toward
that end.
Jupiter is learning to trust the abundance of one's life as it flows
from the identity; meaning, having what you need when you need it
automatically as the product of your existence. This is best
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
by trusting the inner self (Cancer) instead of giving power to the
external (Capricorn). Specificity, straining at gnats, and dualism
detracts from the sense of wholeness needed to act from integrity
(Gemini/Virgo) spontaneously, and with trust.
Saturn is the full externalization of the self in physicality. The
crystallized effect of the momentum of belief in the material world.
Strategic expression is best manifested through objective feed back
from the reflection that physicality is (Libra)-- and is defeated by
ego focus and fears of being ignored which add to subjectivity and self
defeat (Aries). Emotional security can interfere with this
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
of the self in physical manifestation from fear (Cancer) and emotive
responses rather than objective thinking.
Uranus reflects the recognition of choice that we create our reality
utterly and that the Saturnine momentum is us, that transforms the
powerless belief in reality existing outside of us (Saturn) with the
accompanying transformation (when ego becomes balanced with trust) by
taking back power (Scorpio). Personal values (Taurus) rather than
transformed or transcendent values from expanded and altered
perspective (Scorpio) detracts from the needed significance that
catalyses that transformation. Co-creative interaction can suffer from
self extension ego-focus (Leo).
Neptune is the recognition of the sea of consciousness of "All That
Is" -- that we are one of the ways it has of expression in that all.
Straining at gnats with physical or Earthly strategic concerns (Virgo
and Capricorn) detracts from the necessary perspective and fluidity to
co-fuse a broader view. But the inner self and emotional depths
(Cancer) or pools of psyche are as eternally unlimited in their expanse
as the "All That Is" itself.
Pluto reflects the transformation of perspective from the recognition
that we are the reality it appears we exist within. The negative
fearful ego self can then relax and allow at least some of its
creations to be automatically trusted as a part of the path it chose to
be, not an interruption in it. Hence, the self directed creative
extension of Leo is its exaltation, where self directed behavior
results from conviction, spontaneous magnanimity, and trust in one's
creations AS the self. Focus on being appreciated intellectually for
these co-created interactions (Aquarius) or needing approval from
others before doing so, detracts from intensely powerful sense of
significance with full trust. The opposite of mediocrity is required
for transformation.
This is an extremely abbreviated key listing of the rulerships and
dispositorships possible and will vary profoundly upon dispositor
dynamics and rulership of house configurations in delineation of the
natal chart. I have only touched upon some sketching of the
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
exaltations or falls/detriments and why they manifest as they do. It is
easy to see with this understanding, that they can only be keys,
because the individual in question may--through delineation synthesis
which include more comprehensive factors--be incorporating the
awareness that may be denied by one significator-- through another, or
networks of integration.
In Delineation
In the chart of Albert Einstein, we see that the Sun is in Pisces and
Moon in Sagittarius. The life energy of fluid recognition of the
"whole" is reflected by the light of higher intellect or following
one's inspirations with trust (9th house --Sagittarius). The need to be
a mystic. "I want to know God's thoughts, the rest is detail."
Following dispositors and rulers we see that the sun (Pisces) is
disposed of by Neptune in 11, then, Neptune in Taurus is disposed of by
Venus in 10, Venus in Aries is disposed of by Mars in 7, Mars in
Capricorn in turn is disposed of by Saturn in 10 in Aries leading back
to Mars as its dispositor. The Moon in Sagittarius in 6 is disposed of
by Jupiter in Aquarius in 9 (others opinions, collective opinions and
higher thinking) which in turn is disposed of by Uranus in Virgo in 3
ruling 9, in turn disposed of by Mercury in Aries in 10, disposed of
Mars in 7, which in turn is disposed of by Saturn in 10--ruled by Aries
which moves us back to Mars in 7. These two planets -- Mars and Saturn
-- dispose of each other (or rule the sign the other is in) each other.
This is called Mutual Reception and indicates a powerful bond or
reliance between the two archetypes involved. Mars in 7 would reflect a
very clear ability (See the exaltation of Mars) to see the projected
versions of self in reality (7th house, Libran) and to see the self in
full manifestation through others (self-actualizing).
Saturn in 10 reflects a full manifestation of personal expression of
self in physicality (Aries, 10th, again self-actualizing). It is
conjunct Mercury, the personal lens of sight, logic, and observation or
discernment. Mercury rules the 4th and 12th houses--the natural houses
of introspection and unconscious material. Mercury disposes of Uranus
in 3--the awakening of conscious mind analytical discernment!
(Please see Saturn opposed Saturn article for my explanation of how
physical reality is created by belief). Uranus is the dispositor of,
and opposes, Jupiter in 9--the dispositor of the analytically
discerning 6th house moon. Integrity is the functioning of the
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
as a whole, hence, the need for unifying theories.
Uranus disposes of Jupiter in 9 the ruler of the 6th holding the
moon--this disposition sequence leads us right back where we were led
by the moon in Sagittarius (one aspect of the 3 cornerstones of the
persona Sun-Moon-Ascendant) from the beginning. The moon is in 6, the
natural house of Virgo--Mercury's dignity (ruler). The 6th house is
analytical discernment the ability to separate projected versions of
belief (personal beliefs being involved in the observation) from the
observation objectively of the momentum of belief (see Jung's
explanation of projection below*). All disposition ends with the
Mars/Saturn Mutual Reception. This reflects his genius for
understanding the discernment of projected versions of self (7th
house), and manifestations of self concretized (Saturn in 10) that were
awakened to the recognition of choice in the creation of reality
(Uranus) and that discernments are relative to the observer (Moon rules
1--the self-- and is in 6).
Venus is in detriment. He refused a symbolic position of second
president of Israel because he "didn't have the qualifications of
dealing with people to do the job." I would submit that he didn't have
the patience for superficial interaction. In the end, he demonstrated
mysticism with the integration of logic and insight.
"I believe every true theorist is a kind of tamed metaphysicist, no
matter how pure a "positivist" he may fancy himself." Albert Einstein
*"The recognition and taking to heart of the subjective determination
of knowledge in general, and of psychological knowledge in
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
are basic conditions for the scientific and impartial evaluation of a
psyche different from that of the observing subject. These conditions
are fulfilled only when the observer is sufficiently informed about the
nature and scope of his own personality. He can, however, be
sufficiently informed only when he has in large measure freed himself
from the levelling influence of collective opinions and thereby arrived
at a clear conception of his own individuality . . . "The collective
attitude hinders the recognition and evaluation of a psychology
different from the subject's, because the mind that is collectively
oriented is quite incapable of thinking and feeling in any other way
than by projection." Carl Gustave Jung Collected works, The Type
Problem in Classical and Medieval thought, Vol 6, page 41-...
Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2005 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com­/
Articles http://www.astroconsulting.com­/FAQs/info.htm
Artworks http://www.e-wollmann.com/TOC.­htm
Dan Baldwin
2005-03-16 17:53:15 UTC
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
Reposted to defeat Google link censorship.
Why don't you create a reality in which your wants and desires aren't
thwarted at every turn, then?
Dan Baldwin, unethical *by design*

I am a minion of Satan, but my powers are mainly administrative.

Hail the un-alive
The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
2005-03-16 18:03:24 UTC
Post by Dan Baldwin
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
Reposted to defeat Google link censorship.
The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann Mar 16, 9:48 am
Post by Dan Baldwin
Why don't you create a reality in which your wants and desires aren't
thwarted at every turn, then?
I just did --TWICE!

You imbeciles are under a profound delusion of granduer that you
somehow matter here.

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2005 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com
Artworks http://www.e-wollmann.com
Dan Baldwin
2005-03-16 18:06:51 UTC
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
Post by Dan Baldwin
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
Reposted to defeat Google link censorship.
The Assholian One - Edmond H. Wollmann Mar 16, 9:48 am
Post by Dan Baldwin
Why don't you create a reality in which your wants and desires aren't
thwarted at every turn, then?
I just did --TWICE!
Really? Why the need to use makeashorterlink,com, then? Why can't you
post what you want when you want and where you want? It appears as if
you're having to conform to certain restraints you're none too pleased
about. Rather flies in the face of the whole "create your own reality"
tripe of yours, donnit?
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
You imbeciles are under a profound delusion of granduer that you
somehow matter here.
... he said, frantically replying to several people he claimed he never
bothered to read posts from.
Dan Baldwin, unethical *by design*

I am a minion of Satan, but my powers are mainly administrative.

Hail the un-alive
2005-03-16 13:03:24 UTC

Hash: SHA1


Version: 0.9
Issuer: ***@spam.free
Type: spew
Action: hide
Count: 9
Notice-ID: Wollmannizer03750
<***@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com> alt.astrology
alt.astrology.metapsych alt.astrology.pro tnn.astro
2005-03-16 18:23:13 UTC
In article
<***@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com>, The
fooling calling itself "The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann"
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
Post by Dan Baldwin
Why don't you create a reality in which your wants and desires
aren't thwarted at every turn, then?
I just did --TWICE!
You may have created some delusions but they aren't reality.
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
You imbeciles are under a profound delusion of granduer that you
somehow matter here.
6: (psychiatry) a defense mechanism by which your own traits
and emotions are attributed to someone else

Hugo Sedowan
2005-03-16 20:23:53 UTC
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
Post by Dan Baldwin
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
Reposted to defeat Google link censorship.
The Defeated One - Edmond H. Wollmann Mar 16, 9:48 am
Post by Dan Baldwin
Why don't you create a reality in which your wants and desires aren't
thwarted at every turn, then?
I just did --TWICE!
Funny, I didn't notice any crushing going on.
2005-03-16 12:48:51 UTC

Hash: SHA1


Version: 0.9
Issuer: ***@spam.free
Type: spew
Action: hide
Count: 9
Notice-ID: Wollmannizer03748
<***@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com> alt.astrology
alt.astrology.metapsych alt.astrology.pro tnn.astro
Hugo Sedowan
2005-03-16 20:17:45 UTC
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
Reposted to defeat Google link censorship.

Why can't you create a reality where Google doesn't force you to bend
over backwards, dumbfuck?
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2005-03-16 17:49:17 UTC
The Disposition of Kooks
A brief history of Edmo's whinings:

"I never said such an idiotic thing."

"Now whos the fucking bully asshole?"

"I cannot enjoy usenet isn't there SOMEONE who can control this crap!?"

"Yes, I am wise, and its wisdom born from my superior brain! Yes, I pay
no price and look how much I gain! If I have to, I can do ANYTHING!! I am
strong, I AM invincible! I am WOOOOOLLLLLLMMMMAAANNNNNNNN!!! HEAR------
Did you have any astrology to discuss?"

"I got news for you, admins, and whoever else you think is stupid enough
to not call abuse and harassment abuse and harassment---it will NEVER be
over until it stops or I MAKE it stop--comprende?"


"She hired someone to do it."

"And I have already debunked the idea that I wear underware on any part
of my body."

"First day on campus! AAAAAiiiiiiieeeeee! 30,000 femininas! So little

"Pam is a slime for supporting anonym"

"Have you ever had sex or even a woman Ricky?"

"She is the shitball."

"We will go on forever, you and I, and you sir, will lose."

"She gave me nothing-I on the other hand gave her a nice pair of tweety
bird panties, a nice silk get up, and a camping trip to look at the real
constellation of Scorpio."

"Tell your mom to take you to the roller coaster at the beach, she is
getting old and will regret it."

"I like feminine women"

"now I will pursue you for life"

"Whens the last time you got laid Ellis?"

"She must real unsightly I guess."

"Sweet Keera!!! Bwahahahahahahaha!!!! You MUST be new!"

"By the way I only spent 3 days with this bitch for her to stalk me for

"Fucknuts, I see, well, what a woman."

"Pam Gross is a liar, a cheater, I COUNSEL PHDS I CAN READ PEOPLE SHE

"What does my purchase of panties from the Warner Brothers store, for
Susan Boyle who I dated 4 years ago, with the sign Cancer on them (which
she is) that just happened to have tweety bird as the cartoon for that
sign--have to do with the above statement about abundance?"

"You mean it'll get redefined so EVERYONE will have tweety-bird

"Rick Lazzarini still can't get over the fact that his women run to me."

"An interesting note, my sister has this aspect and used to tell me when
I was little "let me "fix" your ice cream cone, meaning she would eat
half of it under the guise of cleaning up the drips so it wouldn't be
messy:-)) (Neptune in my 3rd?) Her negativity and jealousy of me has
been so great over the years that our family has all but disowned her, as
this negativity has remained through adult life. Sad, actually."

"I see, I should have said "girl, you need a boyfriend." There, hows that
stalker freak?"

"I can see why you have difficulty understanding why I am a babe magnet"

"And the ONLY two who do this are the two lying frauds and abuser non-
real women, LILI Di Vita and Susan Boyle THE ONLY TWO OUT OF HUNDREDS I
KNOW and that I "co-incidentally" MET IN THIS FORUM."

"Nope, one of the complaints of most women is that I am TOO charming."

"women should not be in business"

"The point punk, is that abusers like you will soon be removed completely
from the internet and placed in custody for your criminal activities."

"So what does that make you? A stalker who stalks an asshole for 7 years
now trying to convince others how bad he is?"

"what do you think I am, REALLY stupid?"

"When you can't contribute anything positive or of value to your own
subject of study-come to alt.astrology and others groups you know nothing
about, and try to pretend that you actually know how to counsel and
advise. This creates the illusion that you may actually be FOR something
and against the bad little people in the universe who are out to destroy
all those weak minded individuals who have independent thinking that they
need to be protected from. You may even decide to attack those who have
studied yours and other paradigms as well with the added benefit of 2
decades of astrological practice--the pay is extremely low--so....a word
to the wise is sufficient, so what does post after post reveal?"

"Here we go with the "shred of evidence stuff". Have you guys done follow
ups to see if ther's any evidence that what you say on this newsgroup
even has an effect? How dare me attack such a well adjusted individual!
Well adjusted individuals are content to allow people to follow their own
leanings. You keep telling us more about you than either astrology OR

"I have venus and mars in gemini and as you could probably predict I am
very good with word and pretty good student, but I find it hard to plod.
Whenever an issue requires close and indepth attention for a long period
of time I become very frustrated although I'm a taurus sun and I should
love that sort of thing. Gemini is such a romantic disaster area.
Everything I want had better stay out of reach as soon as I get my hands
on it I get bored and ready move on. It's very hard for me to reconcile
that aspect of my nature, not to mention gemini is not very sexual, which
drives me as taurus crazy. I think about sex all the time and write about
it but when it comes to actually engaging in it, I find that it leaves
much to be desired. I enjoy the mental aspect of it much more(could be
my saturn in gemini in the 8th) though. One last note, I find the
schizophrenia of gemini quite frightening."

"We thus have the spectacle of the cyberthug Wollman extolling the
peaceful virtues of the mighty pen--a realm in which he is as close to an
unarmed opponent as you're likely to find. Isn't he a writer? If hes a
cyberthug-your a cyberpunk! I think you ought to quit while your ahead
you guys won't have a reputation left by the time hes done with you! Your
a joke were those supposed to be arguments? If so I'm confused. What does
a man have should he gain the whole world and lose his soul? I guess you
would be what was left! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hoovamoon muhtmah
Hoova is here! And if you got a problem with me I -feel free to take your
best shot!"

"And I will pursue you for the rest of your life for your defamation and
damage you have attempted to inflict upon my career--for the rest of your
life!__ only because you cannot learn your relationship lessons and were
jilted by the best man you ever met."

"You forget, everything I type is copyrighted. The site will be added to
my legal agenda."

"How lame can you get, only old farts who are out of touch with reality
like you, think young virile men like me are going to be hurt by "dress"

"The dump is a good place too."

"End of conversation. Why didn't you answer my question imbecile? ANSWER

"I am not opposed to off topic issues, this is natural and occurs often,
so I cannot chastise anyone for that"

"Sure I have, the reality is that I was prepared to defeat either side of
the delusional coin you decided to hang your inefficient hat on."

"Repeating websters definitions is irrelevant. It was written from
physically focused and unspiritual beings for materialistic reference."

"Why am I an asshole?"

"Marsha is welcome to post here anytime. And when I finish killing all
you spammers, we will talk like we used to."

"I need a psychiatrist"

"Its so comforting knowing you will never have a man."

"We have lived on many other planets."

"Chinese, Japanese, Americanese. Get on them anonym! You lousy
astrologer! Your master calls to you!! Bow!! Come to ME and I will give
YOU a masters course!!!!"

"Nothing can be proven TO anyone"

"For the sake of the newsgroup I am going to get off for good."

"If you wish to keep trying I am sure someone will. I am leaving town."

"Cencorship continues, so here's my last post"

"I sent a notice to new.admin.net-abuse.sightings that I would not be
posting anymore. I have been successfully bullied off usenet under the
artificail lable and guise of being a bully. A spin that with such
voluminous postings and attacks I simply cannot reverse, nor do I care

"Since my work has degenerated into name calling and more abuse to defeat
me because my arguments weren't, I have no choice but to withdraw from
usenet and do my other work."

"I am no longer posting and all messages you see are forgeries."
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Colonel of the Fanatic Legion. FL# 555-PLNTY Motto: ABUNDANCE!.
Charter Member - Digital Brownshirts and Library Gestapo.
"Ed Wollmann is a man of substance! Unfortunately, that substance is
shit." - Mr. Doobie just before having to apologize to shit worldwide.
E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
2005-03-16 17:53:37 UTC
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine! Bwahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9 years now????

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2005 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com
Artworks http://www.e-wollmann.com
Dan Baldwin
2005-03-16 17:56:11 UTC
"E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Drools" took time away from claiming that
little girls get raped because they resist their own growth, so that he
The Disposition of Kooks
Edmond H. Wollmann, keep away from children.
I agree
Dan Baldwin, unethical *by design*

I am a minion of Satan, but my powers are mainly administrative.

Hail the un-alive
2005-03-16 18:11:32 UTC
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Half of those aren't even mine!
More than half (if not all) of those are yours, Eddy. Why would you
post such an obvious lie?
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Have you seen a therapist about that problem?
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9 years now????
1. He hasn't been here for nine years.

2. He hasn't been spamming either.

3. You are a convicted criminal and lack credibility.

-Edmond Wollmann, a$trologer, liar, spammer, hypocrite, censor, Jan. '98 KoTM,
convicted criminal, asshole, bully, Kook of the Year 1998,
the Ted Kennedy of astrologers, Village Idiot Award winner,
dumpster diver, smeg for brains, KOOK of the MILLENNIUM,
whiner, ignoramus, comma challenged, plagiarist, dissembler,
failure, alt.astrology's kook cynosure

Cujo DeSockpuppet
2005-03-16 20:12:18 UTC
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine!
Lie #1.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Bwahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9 years now????
Lie #2.

I haven't been around AA for 9 years. Please produce a post from me from
AA from 1998, 1997, 1996 or any from before August of 1999.

You can't. You're lying again, kook.

BTW, I thought you didn't reply to me since you are "unaffected" by
"spinics and abusers".

"will february ever end...
let's ask Ed's dead friend...
will a body ever mend...
mustangs flipped end over end...

That's an Edmo!"
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Colonel of the Fanatic Legion. FL# 555-PLNTY Motto: ABUNDANCE!.
Charter Member - Digital Brownshirts and Library Gestapo.
"I have a "bit of education", that's why I don't fall for spinic crap
like yours." - Ed showing off his education but not his diplomas.
2005-03-16 21:36:09 UTC
In article <d1a3v2$8ad$***@pizzaboy.databasix.com>, posted Wed,
16 Mar 2005 20:12:18 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine!
Lie #1.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Bwahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9 years now????
Lie #2.
I haven't been around AA for 9 years. Please produce a post from me from
AA from 1998, 1997, 1996 or any from before August of 1999.
You can't. You're lying again, kook.
BTW, I thought you didn't reply to me since you are "unaffected" by
"spinics and abusers".
"will february ever end...
let's ask Ed's dead friend...
will a body ever mend...
mustangs flipped end over end...
law suits around the bend...
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
That's an Edmo!"
I like to keep an open mind, but not so open my brains fall
out. - Arthur Sulzberger, Chairman, New York Times
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2005-03-17 00:21:56 UTC
Post by Kali
16 Mar 2005 20:12:18 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine!
Lie #1.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Bwahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9 years now????
Lie #2.
I haven't been around AA for 9 years. Please produce a post from me
from AA from 1998, 1997, 1996 or any from before August of 1999.
You can't. You're lying again, kook.
BTW, I thought you didn't reply to me since you are "unaffected" by
"spinics and abusers".
"will february ever end...
let's ask Ed's dead friend...
will a body ever mend...
mustangs flipped end over end...
law suits around the bend...
the complaints he'll always send...
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
That's an Edmo!
Such a scumbo!"
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Colonel of the Fanatic Legion. FL# 555-PLNTY Motto: ABUNDANCE!.
Charter Member - Digital Brownshirts and Library Gestapo.
"Complaints will continue into infinity-and increase." - Edmo not
quite grasping the concept of infinity.
2005-03-17 00:49:06 UTC
In article <d1aij4$m2f$***@oliveloaf.databasix.com>, posted Thu,
17 Mar 2005 00:21:56 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
16 Mar 2005 20:12:18 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine!
Lie #1.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Bwahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9 years now????
Lie #2.
I haven't been around AA for 9 years. Please produce a post from me
from AA from 1998, 1997, 1996 or any from before August of 1999.
You can't. You're lying again, kook.
BTW, I thought you didn't reply to me since you are "unaffected" by
"spinics and abusers".
"will february ever end...
let's ask Ed's dead friend...
will a body ever mend...
mustangs flipped end over end...
law suits around the bend...
the complaints he'll always send...
degrees that are just pretend...
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
That's an Edmo!
Such a scumbo!"
What a dumbo!"

I like to keep an open mind, but not so open my brains fall
out. - Arthur Sulzberger, Chairman, New York Times
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2005-03-17 01:37:46 UTC
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 00:21:56 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
16 Mar 2005 20:12:18 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine!
Lie #1.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Bwahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9 years now????
Lie #2.
I haven't been around AA for 9 years. Please produce a post from me
from AA from 1998, 1997, 1996 or any from before August of 1999.
You can't. You're lying again, kook.
BTW, I thought you didn't reply to me since you are "unaffected" by
"spinics and abusers".
"will february ever end...
let's ask Ed's dead friend...
will a body ever mend...
mustangs flipped end over end...
law suits around the bend...
the complaints he'll always send...
degrees that are just pretend...
all the claims he can't defend
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
That's an Edmo!
Such a scumbo!"
What a dumbo!"
Brain is gumbo!"

Vg'f trggvat gbhture sbyxf!
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Colonel of the Fanatic Legion. FL# 555-PLNTY Motto: ABUNDANCE!.
Charter Member - Digital Brownshirts and Library Gestapo.
"I am entertaining, but not as a clown, but as a thinker who forces
others to think." - Edmo on a pre-meltdown rant.
2005-03-17 01:47:10 UTC
In article <d1an19$q3b$***@moriarty.databasix.com>, posted Thu,
17 Mar 2005 01:37:46 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 00:21:56 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
16 Mar 2005 20:12:18 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine!
Lie #1.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Bwahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9 years now????
Lie #2.
I haven't been around AA for 9 years. Please produce a post from me
from AA from 1998, 1997, 1996 or any from before August of 1999.
You can't. You're lying again, kook.
BTW, I thought you didn't reply to me since you are "unaffected" by
"spinics and abusers".
"will february ever end...
let's ask Ed's dead friend...
will a body ever mend...
mustangs flipped end over end...
law suits around the bend...
the complaints he'll always send...
degrees that are just pretend...
all the claims he can't defend
all those loans he'll never tend...
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
That's an Edmo!
Such a scumbo!"
What a dumbo!"
Brain is gumbo!"
Nasty mojo!"
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Vg'f trggvat gbhture sbyxf!
Arrqrq: bar sbe gur gjrrgl oveq cnagvrf

I like to keep an open mind, but not so open my brains fall
out. - Arthur Sulzberger, Chairman, New York Times
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2005-03-17 05:14:55 UTC
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 01:37:46 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 00:21:56 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
16 Mar 2005 20:12:18 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine!
Lie #1.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Bwahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9 years now????
Lie #2.
I haven't been around AA for 9 years. Please produce a post from me
from AA from 1998, 1997, 1996 or any from before August of 1999.
You can't. You're lying again, kook.
BTW, I thought you didn't reply to me since you are "unaffected" by
"spinics and abusers".
"will february ever end...
let's ask Ed's dead friend...
will a body ever mend...
mustangs flipped end over end...
law suits around the bend...
the complaints he'll always send...
degrees that are just pretend...
all the claims he can't defend
all those loans he'll never tend...
trades in Tweety for Depends...
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
That's an Edmo!
Such a scumbo!"
What a dumbo!"
Brain is gumbo!"
Nasty mojo!"
Whining mofo'!"
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Vg'f trggvat gbhture sbyxf!
Arrqrq: bar sbe gur gjrrgl oveq cnagvrf
Arrqrq: bar sbe qhzcfgre qvivat
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Colonel of the Fanatic Legion. FL# 555-PLNTY Motto: ABUNDANCE!.
Charter Member - Digital Brownshirts and Library Gestapo.
"But that's how it's going to be until until we get some admins killing
trolls. Yes, it's boring. Yes, it's stupid. And yes, I will persist
until the admins act effectively." - Fucknozzle Jr.
2005-03-17 19:57:38 UTC
In article <d1b3of$n2o$***@astroconsulting.databasix.com>, posted
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 05:14:55 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 01:37:46 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 00:21:56 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
16 Mar 2005 20:12:18 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine!
Lie #1.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Bwahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9 years now????
Lie #2.
I haven't been around AA for 9 years. Please produce a post from me
from AA from 1998, 1997, 1996 or any from before August of 1999.
You can't. You're lying again, kook.
BTW, I thought you didn't reply to me since you are "unaffected" by
"spinics and abusers".
"will february ever end...
let's ask Ed's dead friend...
will a body ever mend...
mustangs flipped end over end...
law suits around the bend...
the complaints he'll always send...
degrees that are just pretend...
all the claims he can't defend
all those loans he'll never tend...
trades in Tweety for Depends...
dumpster dives for Christmas presents...
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
That's an Edmo!
Such a scumbo!"
What a dumbo!"
Brain is gumbo!"
Nasty mojo!"
Whining mofo'!"
Plagiarizing spambo!"
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Vg'f trggvat gbhture sbyxf!
Arrqrq: bar sbe gur gjrrgl oveq cnagvrf
Arrqrq: bar sbe qhzcfgre qvivat
bxnl fb vg'f fyvz cvpxva'f

I like to keep an open mind, but not so open my brains fall
out. - Arthur Sulzberger, Chairman, New York Times
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2005-03-17 21:43:00 UTC
Post by Kali
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 05:14:55 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 01:37:46 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 00:21:56 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
16 Mar 2005 20:12:18 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Post by e***@no.spam
"The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann"
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine!
Lie #1.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Bwahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9 years now????
Lie #2.
I haven't been around AA for 9 years. Please produce a post from
me from AA from 1998, 1997, 1996 or any from before August of
You can't. You're lying again, kook.
BTW, I thought you didn't reply to me since you are "unaffected"
by "spinics and abusers".
"will february ever end...
let's ask Ed's dead friend...
will a body ever mend...
mustangs flipped end over end...
law suits around the bend...
the complaints he'll always send...
degrees that are just pretend...
all the claims he can't defend
all those loans he'll never tend...
trades in Tweety for Depends...
dumpster dives for Christmas presents...
mooching off his parents...
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
That's an Edmo!
Such a scumbo!"
What a dumbo!"
Brain is gumbo!"
Nasty mojo!"
Whining mofo'!"
Plagiarizing spambo!"
Mincing little homo!"
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Vg'f trggvat gbhture sbyxf!
Arrqrq: bar sbe gur gjrrgl oveq cnagvrf
Arrqrq: bar sbe qhzcfgre qvivat
bxnl fb vg'f fyvz cvpxva'f
Tbg yrzbaf? Znxr yrzbanqr!
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Colonel of the Fanatic Legion. FL# 555-PLNTY Motto: ABUNDANCE!.
Charter Member - Digital Brownshirts and Library Gestapo.
"I have NEVER been incorrect!" - Ed in denial.
2005-03-17 22:28:52 UTC
In article <d1ctl3$ltd$***@pookiehead.databasix.com>, posted Thu,
17 Mar 2005 21:43:00 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 05:14:55 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 01:37:46 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 00:21:56 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
16 Mar 2005 20:12:18 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Post by e***@no.spam
"The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann"
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine!
Lie #1.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Bwahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9 years now????
Lie #2.
I haven't been around AA for 9 years. Please produce a post from
me from AA from 1998, 1997, 1996 or any from before August of
You can't. You're lying again, kook.
BTW, I thought you didn't reply to me since you are "unaffected"
by "spinics and abusers".
"will february ever end...
let's ask Ed's dead friend...
will a body ever mend...
mustangs flipped end over end...
law suits around the bend...
the complaints he'll always send...
degrees that are just pretend...
all the claims he can't defend
all those loans he'll never tend...
trades in Tweety for Depends...
dumpster dives for Christmas presents...
mooching off his parents...
trolls the net for rubes as clients...
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
That's an Edmo!
Such a scumbo!"
What a dumbo!"
Brain is gumbo!"
Nasty mojo!"
Whining mofo'!"
Plagiarizing spambo!"
Mincing little homo!"
Pseudoscience ho!"
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Vg'f trggvat gbhture sbyxf!
Arrqrq: bar sbe gur gjrrgl oveq cnagvrf
Arrqrq: bar sbe qhzcfgre qvivat
bxnl fb vg'f fyvz cvpxva'f
Tbg yrzbaf? Znxr yrzbanqr!
Tbg Rqzb? Rng ng Punatf!

I like to keep an open mind, but not so open my brains fall
out. - Arthur Sulzberger, Chairman, New York Times
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2005-03-18 02:15:24 UTC
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 21:43:00 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 05:14:55 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 01:37:46 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 00:21:56 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
16 Mar 2005 20:12:18 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Post by e***@no.spam
"The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann"
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine!
Lie #1.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Bwahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9 years now????
Lie #2.
I haven't been around AA for 9 years. Please produce a post
from me from AA from 1998, 1997, 1996 or any from before
August of 1999.
You can't. You're lying again, kook.
BTW, I thought you didn't reply to me since you are
"unaffected" by "spinics and abusers".
"will february ever end...
let's ask Ed's dead friend...
will a body ever mend...
mustangs flipped end over end...
law suits around the bend...
the complaints he'll always send...
degrees that are just pretend...
all the claims he can't defend
all those loans he'll never tend...
trades in Tweety for Depends...
dumpster dives for Christmas presents...
mooching off his parents...
trolls the net for rubes as clients...
screed is full of hogwash science...
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
That's an Edmo!
Such a scumbo!"
What a dumbo!"
Brain is gumbo!"
Nasty mojo!"
Whining mofo'!"
Plagiarizing spambo!"
Mincing little homo!"
Pseudoscience ho!"
Flaccid, will not grow!"
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Vg'f trggvat gbhture sbyxf!
Arrqrq: bar sbe gur gjrrgl oveq cnagvrf
Arrqrq: bar sbe qhzcfgre qvivat
bxnl fb vg'f fyvz cvpxva'f
Tbg yrzbaf? Znxr yrzbanqr!
Tbg Rqzb? Rng ng Punatf!
Tbg ynjfhvg? Vg'f Sroehnel!
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Colonel of the Fanatic Legion. FL# 555-PLNTY Motto: ABUNDANCE!.
Charter Member - Digital Brownshirts and Library Gestapo.
"Then I will send complaints, update pages, and file lawsuits until the
abuse ceases or until you start getting balls and posting under your
real identity, which ever miracle comes first--very simple people--take
your pick." - Ed Wollmann upbraids his own sockpuppets.
2005-03-19 00:55:10 UTC
In article <d1ddjs$jq9$***@shpxurnq.databasix.com>, posted Fri,
18 Mar 2005 02:15:24 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 21:43:00 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 05:14:55 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 01:37:46 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
17 Mar 2005 00:21:56 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
16 Mar 2005 20:12:18 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Post by e***@no.spam
"The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann"
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine!
Lie #1.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Bwahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9
years now????
Lie #2.
I haven't been around AA for 9 years. Please produce a post
from me from AA from 1998, 1997, 1996 or any from before
August of 1999.
You can't. You're lying again, kook.
BTW, I thought you didn't reply to me since you are
"unaffected" by "spinics and abusers".
"will february ever end...
let's ask Ed's dead friend...
will a body ever mend...
mustangs flipped end over end...
law suits around the bend...
the complaints he'll always send...
degrees that are just pretend...
all the claims he can't defend
all those loans he'll never tend...
trades in Tweety for Depends...
dumpster dives for Christmas presents...
mooching off his parents...
trolls the net for rubes as clients...
screed is full of hogwash science...
his only son says it's his penance...
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
That's an Edmo!
Such a scumbo!"
What a dumbo!"
Brain is gumbo!"
Nasty mojo!"
Whining mofo'!"
Plagiarizing spambo!"
Mincing little homo!"
Pseudoscience ho!"
Flaccid, will not grow!"
Even Kepler was a no-go!"
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Kali
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Vg'f trggvat gbhture sbyxf!
Arrqrq: bar sbe gur gjrrgl oveq cnagvrf
Arrqrq: bar sbe qhzcfgre qvivat
bxnl fb vg'f fyvz cvpxva'f
Tbg yrzbaf? Znxr yrzbanqr!
Tbg Rqzb? Rng ng Punatf!
Tbg ynjfhvg? Vg'f Sroehnel!
Qbja? Trg 'uryc' sebz Rq naq xvyy lbhefrys.

I like to keep an open mind, but not so open my brains fall
out. - Arthur Sulzberger, Chairman, New York Times
2005-03-17 22:40:12 UTC
Post by Kali
bxnl fb vg'f fyvz cvpxva'f
Va Oynmvat Fnqqyrf!
2005-03-18 00:32:53 UTC
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
bxnl fb vg'f fyvz cvpxva'f
Va Oynmvat Fnqqyrf!
"...ohapu bs Xnafnf Pvgl snttbgf."

I like to keep an open mind, but not so open my brains fall
out. - Arthur Sulzberger, Chairman, New York Times
2005-03-18 03:04:28 UTC
Post by Kali
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
bxnl fb vg'f fyvz cvpxva'f
Va Oynmvat Fnqqyrf!
"...ohapu bs Xnafnf Pvgl snttbgf."
Zber fpuavgmraoehora?
2005-03-19 00:56:53 UTC
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
bxnl fb vg'f fyvz cvpxva'f
Va Oynmvat Fnqqyrf!
"...ohapu bs Xnafnf Pvgl snttbgf."
Zber fpuavgmraoehora?
Rkphfr zr juvyr V juvc guvf bhg.

I like to keep an open mind, but not so open my brains fall
out. - Arthur Sulzberger, Chairman, New York Times
2005-03-19 06:26:57 UTC
Post by Kali
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
bxnl fb vg'f fyvz cvpxva'f
Va Oynmvat Fnqqyrf!
"...ohapu bs Xnafnf Pvgl snttbgf."
Zber fpuavgmraoehora?
Rkphfr zr juvyr V juvc guvf bhg.
2005-03-19 23:51:09 UTC
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
bxnl fb vg'f fyvz cvpxva'f
Va Oynmvat Fnqqyrf!
"...ohapu bs Xnafnf Pvgl snttbgf."
Zber fpuavgmraoehora?
Rkphfr zr juvyr V juvc guvf bhg.
Ubyq vg. Gur arkg zna znxrf n zbir, gur avttre trgf vg...

I like to keep an open mind, but not so open my brains fall
out. - Arthur Sulzberger, Chairman, New York Times
2005-03-20 00:33:57 UTC
Post by Kali
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
bxnl fb vg'f fyvz cvpxva'f
Va Oynmvat Fnqqyrf!
"...ohapu bs Xnafnf Pvgl snttbgf."
Zber fpuavgmraoehora?
Rkphfr zr juvyr V juvc guvf bhg.
Ubyq vg. Gur arkg zna znxrf n zbir, gur avttre trgf vg...
Pnaqltenz sbe Rqzb!
2005-03-20 01:56:41 UTC
Post by Kali
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
bxnl fb vg'f fyvz cvpxva'f
Va Oynmvat Fnqqyrf!
"...ohapu bs Xnafnf Pvgl snttbgf."
Zber fpuavgmraoehora?
Rkphfr zr juvyr V juvc guvf bhg.
Ubyq vg. Gur arkg zna znxrf n zbir, gur avttre trgf vg...
"Nj!!! Zbatb abg tnl! Zbatb fgenvtug!"


"Camp down ladies sing this song: do-dah, do-dah..."
Go not to Usenet for counsel, for they will say both yes and no.
2005-03-20 19:09:35 UTC
Post by Ross
Post by Kali
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Kali
bxnl fb vg'f fyvz cvpxva'f
Va Oynmvat Fnqqyrf!
"...ohapu bs Xnafnf Pvgl snttbgf."
Zber fpuavgmraoehora?
Rkphfr zr juvyr V juvc guvf bhg.
Ubyq vg. Gur arkg zna znxrf n zbir, gur avttre trgf vg...
"Nj!!! Zbatb abg tnl! Zbatb fgenvtug!"
Jr'ir tbggn cebgrpg bhe cubarl-onybarl wbof, tragyrzra!
Post by Ross
"Camp down ladies sing this song: do-dah, do-dah..."
"Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home..."

I like to keep an open mind, but not so open my brains fall
out. - Arthur Sulzberger, Chairman, New York Times
Hugo Sedowan
2005-03-16 20:19:26 UTC
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine!
Liar. They are ALL yours, you fucking lunatic.
2005-03-17 01:26:33 UTC
16 Mar 2005 09:53:37 -0800, "E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules"
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine! Bwahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9 years now????
Well, you've been known to stretch the truth, on the odd occasion. I
think I'll throw in with Cujo. AFAIK he hasn't lied on Usenet. Not
like an astrologer I could mention.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2005 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com
Artworks http://www.e-wollmann.com
Still spamming.


Where is your license to offer or give counsel, Eddieeeeeee.
Dan Baldwin
2005-03-17 01:23:57 UTC
Post by Widdershins
16 Mar 2005 09:53:37 -0800, "E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules"
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The Disposition of Kooks
Half of those aren't even mine! Bwahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! And you
actually expect people to believe anything you spam for 9 years now????
Well, you've been known to stretch the truth, on the odd occasion.
Is that like saying "the ocean has some slightly moist parts to it"?
Dan Baldwin, unethical *by design*

I am a minion of Satan, but my powers are mainly administrative.

Hail the un-alive
Dan Baldwin
2005-03-16 17:52:15 UTC
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
Ed's "interesting behavior" : see Obsessive/Compulsive disorder and / or
Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Dan Baldwin, unethical *by design*

I am a minion of Satan, but my powers are mainly administrative.

Hail the un-alive
2005-03-16 18:24:00 UTC
Post by Dan Baldwin
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
Ed's "interesting behavior" : see Obsessive/Compulsive disorder and / or
Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Dan Baldwin
2005-03-17 01:04:20 UTC
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Dan Baldwin
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
Ed's "interesting behavior" : see Obsessive/Compulsive disorder and / or
Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
"A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for
admiration, and lack of empathy ..."

It doesn't get much more accurate than that.
Dan Baldwin, unethical *by design*

I am a minion of Satan, but my powers are mainly administrative.

Hail the un-alive
2005-03-18 20:23:04 UTC
Post by Dan Baldwin
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Dan Baldwin
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
Ed's "interesting behavior" : see Obsessive/Compulsive disorder and / or
Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
"A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for
admiration, and lack of empathy ..."
It doesn't get much more accurate than that.
Don't forget this one:

"believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only
be understood by, or should associate with, other special or
high-status people (or institutions)"

"NASA is using the book heavily, they wrote me and said so."
-Edmond Wollmann, a$trologer, liar, spammer, hypocrite, censor, Jan. '98 KoTM,
convicted criminal, asshole, bully, Kook of the Year 1998,
the Ted Kennedy of astrologers, Village Idiot Award winner,
dumpster diver, smeg for brains, KOOK of the MILLENNIUM,
whiner, ignoramus, comma challenged, plagiarist, dissembler,
failure, alt.astrology's kook cynosure

Dan Baldwin
2005-03-18 23:24:21 UTC
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Dan Baldwin
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Dan Baldwin
Post by The Arcturian One - Edmond H. Wollmann
Ed's "interesting behavior" : see Obsessive/Compulsive disorder and / or
Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
"A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for
admiration, and lack of empathy ..."
It doesn't get much more accurate than that.
"believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only
be understood by, or should associate with, other special or
high-status people (or institutions)"
Not to mention this :

"is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to
achieve his or her own ends"

How's that scanner holding up, PantiHead?
Dan Baldwin, unethical *by design*

I am a minion of Satan, but my powers are mainly administrative.

Hail the un-alive
2005-03-16 12:27:52 UTC

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Hugo Sedowan
2005-03-16 20:09:25 UTC
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2005-03-16 12:27:52 UTC

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<***@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com> news.admin.net-abuse.sightings