The Horoscope as a Mandala (part 2)
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E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
2005-03-10 04:01:00 UTC
The vault of the heavens is constantly being reviewed as earth spins on
its axis. The symbolic zodiac in this plane of the ecliptic reflects
the agreed upon archetypal parameters of experiential probabilities to
be experienced in this (solar) system. It acts as a backdrop to planets
that move through it as they orbit the Sun (from our view on Earth).
This template is our connection to the rest of the Universe as a
fragment of a more Universal template (Galaxy, then groups etc.). Every
solar system is a "type" of consciousness consisting of a central star
(or two) as a Sun, orbiting planets, asteroids, moons companion stars,
and dark bodies etc.. As we make forays outside this system we will
have to learn to interpret the vibrational frequencies of a collection
of combined consciousnesses; a galactic astrology. But for now this
geocentric astrology defines the experience of this system relative to
the universal consciousness outside the system.

If you are familiar with the appearance (proposed or inferred) of a
spiral DNA strand, the orbital plane of the planets and the zodiacal
division would symbolically represent a "slice" of macrocosmic DNA,
with the horoscope and its sign polarities as the base of the paired

When we are viewing a chart, horoscope, zodiac or dial (all these names
refer to the same basic configuration) it is to be viewed symbolically
as if we are lying on the earth (always in the center) face up feet
pointing south. Our left arm would be east, right arm west.
Outstretched they would define the vault of sky or the horizon that we
could see, east to west. The other half of the circle (or earth) would
be described by the area from behind our back from arm to arm, with the
Nadir (meaning deepest point) being on the other side of the earth, at
the center of our back.

The horoscope is a mandala that is a facsimile or map of the solar
system viewed from above with the symbols of the planets and their
relationships placed within the circle of the heavens. It reflects the
actualization and manifestation of spirit through polarity into the
physical world. It symbolizes a macrocosmic molecule of consciousness.
When we delineate planetary geometric configurations within it, we are
simply determining the state or frequency of that consciousness, very
much like the determination of an element by its atom's shells of
electron orbits and weights about the nucleus.89 It reflects the "mask"
of spirit when physicalized, or the mirror of mind through matter.

The beginning of the sign sequence always begins with Aries. The
imaginary line or division beginning is called a Cusp.90 The beginning
of the house sequence always begins at the east point. This is the
point rising in angularity to the point on the earth where the
individual is, often this is where the sun rises. This is because the
earth is rotating "into" it or east as it moves counterclockwise in its
spin. This point is profoundly important in any chart, because it
represents the "now" of any moment and establishes the cuspal
arrangement at any given moment of the horoscope. In other words the
issues or archetypes that will represent the face or mask of the
persona or person are established by the direction the earth is facing
relative to the template at the time of birth or natal chart.

89 See "Inquiry into Life", seventh edition, Sylvia S. Mader, Wm. C.
Brown Publishers, 1994, page 18-23, also "From Quarks to The Cosmos",
Scientific American Library, 1989.
90 At this point it is strongly suggested that for a more complete
technical understanding of mechanics, a companion text such as
"Astrology 1-2-3" by Noel Tyl, Llewellyn Publications, 1984, or "The
Astrologers Handbook" by Sakoian & Acker or others that are
recommended, be used in conjunction with this post.

Please see my other posts under Mandala and Mind/Matter Mirror.


"There is an immense, painful longing for a broader, more flexible,
fuller, more coherent, more comprehensive account of what we human
beings are, who we are and what this life is for." Saul Bellow

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2005 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com/
Artworks http://www.astroconsulting.com/personal/
AOL http://hometown.aol.com/ehwollmann/myhomepage/business.html
Flash Bazbo
2005-03-10 04:38:13 UTC
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The vault of the heavens is constantly being reviewed as earth spins on
its axis.
So what bearing does this have on your research of transformed Mayans
and alien Greys?

2005-03-09 23:01:00 UTC

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Hugo Sedowan
2005-03-10 05:22:33 UTC
E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Killed a Teenage Boy and Showed No Remorse
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The vault of the heavens is constantly being reviewed as earth spins on
its axis. The symbolic zodiac
is one way gullible dumbshits use pseudoscience to make sense out of
something they don't really understand.
2005-03-10 05:54:25 UTC
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The vault of the heavens
The heavens aren't a vault, kook.

"Oh please Ms "get all the abusers to defend her off topic rant trying
to make Edmond the problem" abuser."
"secondly _I_ am the authority here"
-Edmond Wollmann, a$trologer, liar, spammer, hypocrite, censor, Jan. '98 KoTM,
convicted criminal, asshole, bully, Kook of the Year 1998,
the Ted Kennedy of astrologers, Village Idiot Award winner,
dumpster diver, smeg for brains, KOOK of the MILLENNIUM,
whiner, ignoramus, comma challenged, plagiarist, dissembler,
failure, alt.astrology's kook cynosure

2005-03-09 23:01:00 UTC

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Edmond Wollmann
2005-05-08 18:05:56 UTC
The vault of the heavens is constantly being reviewed as earth spins on
its axis. The symbolic zodiac in this plane of the ecliptic reflects
the agreed upon archetypal parameters of experiential probabilities to
be experienced in this (solar) system. It acts as a backdrop to planets
that move through it as they orbit the Sun (from our view on Earth).
This template is our connection to the rest of the Universe as a
fragment of a more Universal template (Galaxy, then groups etc.). Every
solar system is a "type" of consciousness consisting of a central star
(or two) as a Sun, orbiting planets, asteroids, moons companion stars,
and dark bodies etc.. As we make forays outside this system we will
have to learn to interpret the vibrational frequencies of a collection
of combined consciousnesses; a galactic astrology. But for now this
geocentric astrology defines the experience of this system relative to
the universal consciousness outside the system.

If you are familiar with the appearance (proposed or inferred) of a
spiral DNA strand, the orbital plane of the planets and the zodiacal
division would symbolically represent a "slice" of macrocosmic DNA,
with the horoscope and its sign polarities as the base of the paired

When we are viewing a chart, horoscope, zodiac or dial (all these names
refer to the same basic configuration) it is to be viewed symbolically
as if we are lying on the earth (always in the center) face up feet
pointing south. Our left arm would be east, right arm west.
Outstretched they would define the vault of sky or the horizon that we
could see, east to west. The other half of the circle (or earth) would
be described by the area from behind our back from arm to arm, with the
Nadir (meaning deepest point) being on the other side of the earth, at
the center of our back.

The horoscope is a mandala that is a facsimile or map of the solar
system viewed from above with the symbols of the planets and their
relationships placed within the circle of the heavens. It reflects the
actualization and manifestation of spirit through polarity into the
physical world. It symbolizes a macrocosmic molecule of consciousness.
When we delineate planetary geometric configurations within it, we are
simply determining the state or frequency of that consciousness, very
much like the determination of an element by its atom's shells of
electron orbits and weights about the nucleus.89 It reflects the "mask"
of spirit when physicalized, or the mirror of mind through matter.

The beginning of the sign sequence always begins with Aries. The
imaginary line or division beginning is called a Cusp.90 The beginning
of the house sequence always begins at the east point. This is the
point rising in angularity to the point on the earth where the
individual is, often this is where the sun rises. This is because the
earth is rotating "into" it or east as it moves counterclockwise in its
spin. This point is profoundly important in any chart, because it
represents the "now" of any moment and establishes the cuspal
arrangement at any given moment of the horoscope. In other words the
issues or archetypes that will represent the face or mask of the
persona or person are established by the direction the earth is facing
relative to the template at the time of birth or natal chart.

89 See "Inquiry into Life", seventh edition, Sylvia S. Mader, Wm. C.
Brown Publishers, 1994, page 18-23, also "From Quarks to The Cosmos",
Scientific American Library, 1989.
90 At this point it is strongly suggested that for a more complete
technical understanding of mechanics, a companion text such as
"Astrology 1-2-3" by Noel Tyl, Llewellyn Publications, 1984, or "The
Astrologers Handbook" by Sakoian & Acker or others that are
recommended, be used in conjunction with this post.

Please see my other posts under Mandala and Mind/Matter Mirror.


"There is an immense, painful longing for a broader, more flexible,
fuller, more coherent, more comprehensive account of what we human
beings are, who we are and what this life is for." Saul Bellow

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2005 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com/
Artworks http://www.astroconsulting.com/personal/
Ray Murphy
2005-05-08 18:54:27 UTC
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The vault of the heavens is
Something you will never be given the combination to, fucknut.
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2005-05-08 19:31:30 UTC
The vault of the heavens [SLAP!!!!!]
Define your terms first, Pantyhead.
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Colonel of the Fanatic Legion. FL# 555-PLNTY Motto: ABUNDANCE!.
Charter Member - Digital Brownshirts and Library Gestapo.
"For the sake of the newsgroup I am going to get off for good." - Yet
another of Edmo's many lies.
2005-05-08 15:05:56 UTC

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Bob Officer
2005-05-08 22:18:40 UTC
On Sun, 08 May 2005 18:05:56 GMT, in alt.astrology, Edmond Wollmann
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The vault of the heavens is constantly being reviewed as earth spins on
its axis.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The symbolic zodiac in this plane of the ecliptic reflects
the agreed upon archetypal parameters of experiential probabilities to
be experienced in this (solar) system.
Agreed upon by whom? Two small groups of people that believe in a old
superstition or the other group that are out to fleece the rubes.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
It acts as a backdrop to planets
that move through it as they orbit the Sun (from our view on Earth).
It refers to what? The vault of heaven? or the ecliptic? or the experimental
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
This template is our connection to the rest of the Universe as a
fragment of a more Universal template (Galaxy, then groups etc.). Every
solar system is a "type" of consciousness consisting of a central star
(or two) as a Sun, orbiting planets, asteroids, moons companion stars,
or three, four or five... or more
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
and dark bodies etc.. As we make forays outside this system we will
Eddy, How are dark bodies different from "planets, asteroids, and moons

<snip of the rest of the illogical gibberish>
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2005 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astrocon
Artworks http://www.astrocons
Still only posting article to place your URL on usenet. That is abuse of the net,
isn't it?
2005-05-13 15:50:53 UTC
101% Garbage.
Post by E. H. Wollmann - The One Who Rules
The vault of the heavens is constantly being reviewed as earth spins on
its axis.