Venus/Uranus and Sexuality
(too old to reply)
Edmond Wollmann
2005-05-10 17:30:40 UTC
Developmental aspects between Venus and Uranus (or declinations,
parallels or contraparallels) reflect the need for the individuality to
be awakened (Uranus) through reflection and relationship (Venus). There
may be avant garde expressions through social and personal
relationships, intensity and impulsivity. It reflects the need for the
unusual in relationships, for them to be accelerative, creative,
different, "spiced up", awakened, diverse, free wheeling, unattached,
unconventional and the need to EXPLORE relationships is the primary
energy reflection of belief. It is a choice of definition in this life
to do this exploring.

There are many ways that an individual can do this exploring
HOMOSEXUALITY being one of them (if IT is considered avant garde), but
it does not CAUSE it. It is a choice to do so as a resolution to the
developmental need to EXPLORE and emphasize individuality in
A diversity of relationships is another. Bi-sexuality is another.
Polygyny is another, Necrophilia, and the paraphilias, pederasty (sex
between adult male and child was accepted as normal in early Roman
rituals), polygamy, courtly love, serial monogamy,
polyandry (where the woman has several lovers and the man just her),
voyeurism, exhibitionism and on and on!
These all can be choices in the resolution of the above described
This information is available as well at your local college and
University in most sexual interactions courses.

The avant garde remember must be taken in the context of the societal
structure in which it occurs. In many African tribes for example it
would be considered avant garde for a woman to ENJOY sex. In many
societies it may be considered avant garde to have only ONE spouse.
In these societies therefore THESE individuals may be the ones with
Uranus/Venus contacts. There are no universal truths people-each
individual truth is weighed against the backdrop of the belief
structure in which it occurs.

The collective reality agreement in which it occurs (pls see observer
bias, collective reality, the nature of reality).
Astrology can only define parameters of archetypal experiences which
manifest psychologically as NEEDS, how these needs are expressed or
fulfilled IS NOT IN THE CHART IT IS IN THE PERSON and their free

To limit the way in which these needs might be chosen to be expressed,
is to impose limitations on the reality of the individual so
configured-this is neither astrological, nor positive. Yes, we may be
able to perceive momentums of likelihood, but these must not become
Thanks for allowing me to share this idea. If it works for you, use it.
If it doesn't don't. It is simply my best assessment at this time with
this knowledge and this understanding.

"It is the bulwark of virginity." Queen Elizabeth on Masturbation, from
Mark Twain on masturbation, Paris 1879.
Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2005 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com/
Artworks http://www.astroconsulting.com/personal/
Ray Murphy
2005-05-10 17:44:59 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
Thanks for allowing me to share this idea. If it works for you, use it.
If it doesn't don't. It is simply my best assessment at this time with
this knowledge and this understanding.
"It is the bulwark of virginity." Queen Elizabeth on Masturbation, from
Mark Twain on masturbation, Paris 1879.
You sure do know a lot about masturbation, wanker.
Dan Baldwin
2005-05-10 17:48:27 UTC
Edmond Wollmann wrote:

A big chunk of wordy offal he spewed here just yesterday. It was turgid
tripe then, and its turgid tripe now.
Dan Baldwin, unethical *by design*

I am a minion of Satan, but my powers are mainly administrative.

Hail the un-alive
2005-05-10 19:36:12 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
Developmental aspects
How can someone of arrested development like you lecture on this topic?
2005-05-10 14:30:40 UTC

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2005-05-10 22:34:20 UTC
Tue, 10 May 2005 17:30:40 GMT, Edmond Wollmann
<***@earthlink.net> licked the point of a #2 Yellow Pencil,
and wrote:



One definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing
over and over again, in the hope of getting a different result.
2005-05-13 15:52:36 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
Developmental aspects between Venus and Uranus (or declinations,