The Only New Astrology
(too old to reply)
Edmond Wollmann
2005-05-08 18:05:49 UTC
The New Astrology © 2005 Altair Publications
Edmond H. Wollmann

Original draft: March 87
revised October 94
2nd edition May 97
Current edition September 2002

When I began studying astrology in 1971 I was skeptical and going to
disprove it. However, any honest person who attempts this must become
aware of the corroboration between astrological symbolism and a
knowledge of self. Hence, the more I studied, the more mechanistically
obvious it became that there was something there. Of course some of this
acknowledgement was knowledge of self.

The "what" of course is the argument for invalidity of cynical minds
with no experience of operational obviousness that astrology reveals
when practiced properly. This "what" is still in the realm of the
unmeasurable (empirically). But there are many practices--even in
academia--that are known to work and be valid, that no objective
measurement can determine the "how" of.

As I learned astrology and psychology, I could see that my life often
unfolded with reason that I could not forsee, and that apparently
unconnected events and issues, were indeed connected. I began to feel
that perhaps there were some serious reasons behind existence that could
be readily observable. There must be a reason, I believed, for my own
and others life experiences and needs being so different. However, this
perspective raised more questions than it answered. If I had certain
needs or characteristics as indicated by the horoscope, was I fated to
experience only these? How do I change it? What is the source of the
"cause" of the horoscope? Where is the equalizer that balances the
experiential fact that some individuals never even hear about a religion
let alone have this one life to "redeem" themselves (guilt control and
manipulation through emotive appeals). Why does one chart have numerous
"negative" aspects and another numerous "positive"? Or both? The chart
exists AT birth, implying something "brought in."

Learning about reincarnation satisfied many of these questions. The
differing experiences were due to actions I had taken in previous
lives--that it was "really" one continuos flow, broken only by death and
rebirth, not unlike sleep and wake cycles during life between days. What
about the fact that time is essentially an experiential contruct and not
"real"? Actually these "lives" are all at once!

When I began counseling in 1979 I found that most person's needs and
conflicts about self worth and status (or what have you), were tied
strongly to the relationship with the parents and early environment. I
correlated this with psychological need and developmental theories; much
of it presented and pioneered by Noel Tyl in "The Principles and
Practice of Astrology" a 12 volume set. With this recognition in mind I
began counseling with the idea of assisting individuals in the
recognition of this fact and how they brought these beliefs forward into
adult conscious commandment. That self worth, for example, is determined
by the level (or lack of it) experienced as a perceived condition in the
early environment, and taught by the parents and societal expectations.
These beliefs are then carried forward, often in an unconscious state,
and externalized in interaction with the environment.

By the early 1980s I studied with great interest the channeling of
"Seth" by Jane Roberts. Especially the volume entitled "The Nature Of
Personal Reality", The Edgar Cayce material (A.R.E.), the approach of
the Rosicrucians, and Bashar (Darryl Anka), and the association, Kevin
Ryerson (McPhereson and John) on reality creation. Now there was a new
concern. If we create our own reality 100%, then why was the parental
structure so influential in determining a person's reality experience?
Why, or how, did we create the horoscope that we currently have? Where
does the interaction of nurture and nature begin and end?

It is really not that hard to piece together. The horoscope reflects the
belief momentum (past and present lives combined) and the resultant
effects of such momentum, because the universe is simply idea and
concept manifestation. The illusion is in the perception that there are
beginnings and endings of realities: Not unlike one day appearing to be
gone when we wake up the next. The parental interaction is the catalyst
that is unconsciously absorbed (and created BEFORE birth by birthtime
choice and parental choice) to manifest the best representation of the
belief structure of the identity involved and the experiences chosen as
themes to be explored in this life. The horoscope exists BEFORE parental
interaction and must therefore be a template vibrational version of the
momentum of belief already chosen to act as a springboard of
experiential developmental unfoldment.

The constellations and planets do not impel, compel, influence, energize
or in any other way determine the identity of the individual. They
reflect the signature of the persona. One version of "All That Is" or
God, looking at itself in another way. It is all one thing manifesting
in all the ways it can--of which--we are those ways. The horoscope is
the reflection of the momentum of the idea that you are at any given
moment. It is a tool to recognize (rethink or to comprehend with the
conscious mind) the idea you are and its momentum or probable outcome as
an effect of that definition. Tools of psychology, astrology or other
awareness enhancers allow us the opportunity to own the reality and
redefine it with preference through this knowledge of self.

Artisans do not "believe" or "disbelieve" in tools. They use and apply
the tool for the job at hand, and their concern is for effect and
improvement in the quality of life. Therefore the "proof" is in the
improvements--not the tools. An astrologer can only serve as an artisan
with a tool of self awareness.
Self awareness is the only agent of change for a probable "fate" in the
mirror of mind, matter.
Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2005 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com/
Artworks http://www.astroconsulting.com/personal/
Ray Murphy
2005-05-08 18:53:54 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
When I began studying astrology in 1971
You had no idea what an absolute failure and buffon you would become.
But that's because astrology can't predict anything for shit.

See Wikipedia call Wollmann a KOOK!

Jim Phillips
2005-05-09 00:21:18 UTC
Post by Ray Murphy
Post by Edmond Wollmann
When I began studying astrology in 1971
You had no idea what an absolute failure and buffon you would become.
But that's because astrology can't predict anything for shit.
While technically true, I'm firmly convinced that Eddy would have
failed at pretty much anything that he tried.
Jim Phillips, jay pee aitch eye el el eye pee at bee see pee ell dot net
"Moms and dads these days are like the Democratic party: lame, spineless
and not holding up their end of the equation. And kids are like the
Republicans: drunk with power and out of control." -- Bill Maher
2006-03-17 17:33:28 UTC
On Sun, 08 May 2005 11:53:54 -0700, Ray Murphy
Post by Ray Murphy
Post by Edmond Wollmann
When I began studying astrology in 1971
You had no idea what an absolute failure and buffon you would become.
But that's because astrology can't predict anything for shit.
ever heard about kaballa?
astrology is not only about predicting.
Post by Ray Murphy
See Wikipedia call Wollmann a KOOK!
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2005-05-08 19:30:30 UTC
When I began being a fucking kook...
Take your moldy screed elsewhere, asswipe.
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Colonel of the Fanatic Legion. FL# 555-PLNTY Motto: ABUNDANCE!.
Charter Member - Digital Brownshirts and Library Gestapo.
"You are among the worst goddamned liars that exists, and I'd love to kill
you in a ring and put an end to the useless crap which is you - but you'll
clearly never give me that chance." - Foamboi Bartlo in a calm moment.
2005-05-08 15:05:49 UTC

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2005-05-13 15:49:01 UTC
Nothing but pure 100% garbage.
Post by Edmond Wollmann
The New Astrology © 2005 Altair Publications
Edmond H. Wollmann
Original draft: March 87
revised October 94
Many Hues
2005-05-14 15:07:34 UTC
A good statement, Dr. Wollmann. (If you don't have one, I have given
you an honorary Ph.D.) Well said and it fits with many of my
cogitations on astrology based upon more than forty years of study and
experience. I believe there are "occult" or hidden factors we still
don't understand and which your essay does not cover but they are
waiting to be found by the individual if not by the masses.

Incidentally, why doesn't the moderator of this group eliminate the
airheads posting here?
Bob Officer
2005-05-14 15:34:06 UTC
On 14 May 2005 08:07:34 -0700, in alt.astrology, "Many Hues"
Post by Many Hues
A good statement, Dr. Wollmann. (If you don't have one, I have given
you an honorary Ph.D.)
Why unless you mean Piled higher and deeper, because all the wollmann put forth
is "shit". (unless he lifts the work from other people.)
Post by Many Hues
Well said and it fits with many of my
cogitations on astrology based upon more than forty years of study and
Well you are as silly as he is. BTW what right do you have to grant doctorate
degrees? even honorary ones.
Post by Many Hues
experience. I believe there are "occult" or hidden factors we still
Believe, even if the evidence presented so far falls apart when carefully
examined. People believe lots of stupid things. astrology and occult are just a
few of them. There is even a large group of zany people that have some odd belief
that god or gods have the odd desire or need of worship...
Post by Many Hues
don't understand and which your essay does not cover but they are
Are you even sure it is his essay? You know Eddy is a plagiarist.
Post by Many Hues
waiting to be found by the individual if not by the masses.
You can Believe all you want, it doesn't make it true in the least.
Post by Many Hues
Incidentally, why doesn't the moderator of this group eliminate the
airheads posting here?
Moderator? LOL

You are clueless aren't you? How long have you had been on the internet/usenet?
Keera Ann Fox
2005-05-14 15:36:49 UTC
Post by Many Hues
A good statement, Dr. Wollmann. (If you don't have one, I have given
you an honorary Ph.D.) Well said and it fits with many of my
cogitations on astrology based upon more than forty years of study and
experience. I believe there are "occult" or hidden factors we still
don't understand and which your essay does not cover but they are
waiting to be found by the individual if not by the masses.
Incidentally, why doesn't the moderator of this group eliminate the
airheads posting here?
Whoops! Irony meter busted by a complete stranger!
Keera in Norway ~~ Think big. Shrink to fit.
Penas Sorus
2005-05-14 15:36:52 UTC
Post by Many Hues
A good statement, Dr. Wollmann. (If you don't have one, I have given
you an honorary Ph.D.) Well said and it fits with many of my
cogitations on astrology based upon more than forty years of study and
experience. I believe there are "occult" or hidden factors we still
don't understand and which your essay does not cover but they are
waiting to be found by the individual if not by the masses.
Ed's been wanting one of those for years. Too bad he never completed his
degree from SDSU.
Post by Many Hues
Incidentally, why doesn't the moderator of this group eliminate the
airheads posting here?
Because it ain't moderated maybe...?
Chris Krolczyk
2005-05-17 22:17:55 UTC
Post by Penas Sorus
Because it ain't moderated maybe...?
Y'know, if it turns out that this is a sock and
not merely a newbie or a troll, my vote is that
it belongs to Edmo - after all, s/he can't figure
out what crossposting is, either.

For example:

MH: "why doesn't the moderator of *this group*..."

(X-posted to more than one froup)

Edmo: "This unmoderated *newsgroup* is being proposed
and was created..."

(Spammed to more than one froup, of course)

-Chris Krolczyk
The Chief Instigator
2005-05-14 15:43:57 UTC
Post by Many Hues
A good statement, Dr. Wollmann. (If you don't have one, I have given
you an honorary Ph.D.) Well said and it fits with many of my
cogitations on astrology based upon more than forty years of study and
experience. I believe there are "occult" or hidden factors we still
don't understand and which your essay does not cover but they are
waiting to be found by the individual if not by the masses.
If you're praising Wollkook, that says very little good about your cognitive
Post by Many Hues
Incidentally, why doesn't the moderator of this group eliminate the
airheads posting here?
Since you crossposted this to three different newsgroups, why don't you tell
us which one *you're* reading?
Patrick "The Chief Instigator" Humphrey (***@io.com) Houston, Texas
chiefinstigator.us.tt/aeros.php (soon to be TCI's 2005-06 Houston Aeros)
LAST GAME: Chicago 5, Houston 3 (April 26)
NEXT GAME: Date/opponent/site TBA in August 2005
2005-05-14 15:35:44 UTC
You do not understand that there are NO MODERATORS for most of the usenet

And 2nd of all asstrology is 100% worthless because the Stars and Planets DO
NOT do anything to effect your personal life. That is nothing but Hogwash
and anyone that beleves that pile of crap need to GET A LIFE.

The only PhD anyone that deals with the FAKE BS would be in making sucker

If they where as good as this man and did as well, it might be another
story, but at lest this man belives in something that's true.
Just got in from doing some sidewalk astronomy with John Dobson in San
Francisco's Richmond District. We were fogged out after three and a
half hours, and if I were to guess, probably 200-250 people got some
pretty decent views of bright solar system objects.
Dobson is a driven man. He will be 90 in a few months (September) and
he still carries his 8" "Tumbleweed" three blocks to the corner where he
sets it up and holds court. At 10 pm, he starts getting a little weary
and cold (temps in the 50s, humidity way up there).
But here's the deal--he does this EVERY night that it's clear enough
to see the moon or, seasonally, Jupiter or Saturn. We're talking
hundreds of people each week looking through his travel worn dob. If
he's not on the street for four hours at a clip (and he does it all on
his feet, without an observing chair--and has to bend down to waist
level to reach the eyepiece), then he's doing his cosmology slideshow
talk for some high school class or private group. Amazing, is what it is.
On Monday night, we spent four hours at Redwood High School in Marin
County. On Tuesday night, another high school cosmology lecture. He
packs his slide carousel in plastic bags. He accepts no fees. After
each lecture, it's out into the parking lot for observing. On Wednesday
night, we're down in San Francisco at 9th and Irving. On Thursday
night, it was cloudy. And tonight, we're back at 9th and Irving again.
The guy can tire you out. He can. He walks miles, sometimes crossing
the Golden Gate Bridge on foot to visit friends in Marin County, seven
miles away.
The guy feeds astronomy to a hungry public. Tonight, I counted 20
people in line to look through my scope, and another 20 in line to look
through John's. And the line pretty much stayed that long until we were
clouded out. There were people in line using cell phones to tell their
friends to come and join them. I kid you not.
Next time we go out, I'll bring the camera and take some pics to
share with you all. But I'm going to hit the sack now. My feet are
killing me. LOL!
Clear Skies
Uncle Bob
Post by Many Hues
A good statement, Dr. Wollmann. (
Ray Murphy
2005-05-14 16:19:57 UTC
Post by Many Hues
A good statement, Dr. Wollmann. (If you don't have one, I have given
you an honorary Ph.D.) Well said and it fits with many of my
cogitations on astrology based upon more than forty years of study and
experience. I believe there are "occult" or hidden factors we still
don't understand and which your essay does not cover but they are
waiting to be found by the individual if not by the masses.
Incidentally, why doesn't the moderator of this group eliminate the
airheads posting here?
Hella Trollacious! Steamrolling your way toward an HLS trophy!
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2005-05-14 16:46:47 UTC
Post by Ray Murphy
Post by Many Hues
A good statement, Dr. Wollmann. (If you don't have one, I have given
you an honorary Ph.D.) Well said and it fits with many of my
cogitations on astrology based upon more than forty years of study and
experience. I believe there are "occult" or hidden factors we still
don't understand and which your essay does not cover but they are
waiting to be found by the individual if not by the masses.
Incidentally, why doesn't the moderator of this group eliminate the
airheads posting here?
Hella Trollacious! Steamrolling your way toward an HLS trophy!
This is reminiscent of the sockpuppetry done by the Wollkook. It's been
done. Next time don't bait the hook with such whoppers, nobody will
swallow it because it's too fucking big.

Next troll.
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Colonel of the Fanatic Legion. FL# 555-PLNTY Motto: ABUNDANCE!.
Charter Member - Digital Brownshirts and Library Gestapo.
"Irrelevant. The unaware fear me. The aware welcome me." - Edmo, brave
explorer of PF Chang's explains why he's always on topic in kook groups.
Jim Phillips
2005-05-15 03:21:59 UTC
Post by Ray Murphy
Post by Many Hues
A good statement, Dr. Wollmann. (If you don't have one, I have given
you an honorary Ph.D.) Well said and it fits with many of my
cogitations on astrology based upon more than forty years of study and
experience. I believe there are "occult" or hidden factors we still
don't understand and which your essay does not cover but they are
waiting to be found by the individual if not by the masses.
Incidentally, why doesn't the moderator of this group eliminate the
airheads posting here?
Hella Trollacious! Steamrolling your way toward an HLS trophy!
Nah, way too clumsy. If this is his idea of trolling, then tossing
a hand grenade into a fish pond is his idea of fishing.
Jim Phillips, jay pee aitch eye el el eye pee at bee see pee ell dot net
"Moms and dads these days are like the Democratic party: lame, spineless
and not holding up their end of the equation. And kids are like the
Republicans: drunk with power and out of control." -- Bill Maher
Jim Phillips
2005-05-15 03:20:43 UTC
Post by Many Hues
A good statement, Dr. Wollmann. (If you don't have one, I have given
you an honorary Ph.D.) Well said and it fits with many of my
cogitations on astrology based upon more than forty years of study and
experience. I believe there are "occult" or hidden factors we still
don't understand and which your essay does not cover but they are
waiting to be found by the individual if not by the masses.
Incidentally, why doesn't the moderator of this group eliminate the
airheads posting here?
The previous post where you whined about the non-astrology posts
was a good start, but you seriously overplayed your second post. Better
luck next time, troll-boy.
Jim Phillips, jay pee aitch eye el el eye pee at bee see pee ell dot net
"Moms and dads these days are like the Democratic party: lame, spineless
and not holding up their end of the equation. And kids are like the
Republicans: drunk with power and out of control." -- Bill Maher
Chris Krolczyk
2005-05-17 01:30:07 UTC
Post by Many Hues
Incidentally, why doesn't the moderator of this group eliminate the
airheads posting here?
Newbie-worthy lack of clue noted.

Shit, maybe this *is* a sockpuppet.

-Chris Krolczyk
Many Hues
2005-05-15 05:10:53 UTC
The question to me is why you even post here, I would guess you have
some reason. Why don't you start a Yahoo group or something else which
you can moderate yourself so you and the rest of us don't have to
endure the demonic nit-wits who post here? I feel sorry for them
because they obviously have no purpose in life which means they have
decided they don't want even to exist.
Ray Murphy
2005-05-15 05:51:34 UTC
Post by Many Hues
The question to me is why you even post here, I would guess you have
some reason. Why don't you start a Yahoo group or something else which
you can moderate yourself so you and the rest of us don't have to
endure the demonic nit-wits who post here? I feel sorry for them
because they obviously have no purpose in life which means they have
decided they don't want even to exist.
RM: Shut up and get lost, asshole.
2005-05-15 07:06:55 UTC
Post by Many Hues
The question to me is why you even post here, I would guess you have
some reason. Why don't you start a Yahoo group or something else which
you can moderate yourself so you and the rest of us don't have to
endure the demonic nit-wits who post here? I feel sorry for them
because they obviously have no purpose in life which means they have
decided they don't want even to exist.
Have you ever heard of a killfile? Learn about it. Learn to use it.
Learn to love it.

Oh, and fuck off.


My inner child is a mean little fucker.