Dream Secrets Revealed
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jody clark
2006-11-06 10:40:24 UTC
A long time ago a man had a very unusual dream. He dreamed about seven
very, very skinny cows. Then, in the dream the seven very, very skinny
cows ate seven very, very fat cows.
A totally weird dream, to say the least. After the skinny cows ate the
fat cows they remained just as skinny as ever. This weird dream was so
weird no one knew what it meant. But it was real.
Finally a wise man in jail knew the answer to the dream. He was
consulted about the meaning. And behold-millions of people were saved
from a terrible drought and famine because the dream was trying to warn
the people of a whole nation!!!
The "dreamer" was the Pharaoh of Egypt. The man in jail-who knew how
to interpret dreams, was Joseph from the Bible. Because the dreams were
heeded... two nations were saved from starvation and death over a
That's how powerful your dreams can be, dear Friend.
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2006-11-06 18:57:07 UTC
Just nothing but pure 100% Bull Shit too.
The Lone Sidewalk Astronomer of Rosamond

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Post by jody clark
A long time ago a man had a very unusual dream.