What is a Spinic? (SpinDoctoringPropagandicCynic)
(too old to reply)
Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One
2005-02-24 22:47:33 UTC
A spinic is a bigoted and biased person/group who hides behind the
skepticism concept and attempts to belittle a paradigm or area of
interest without investigation, knowledge, or study of any sort. This
bigotry, not skepticism. Propaganda is then "spun" against the
paradigm/person and they are religiously and zealously defamed
(evidenced by the multitude of defamation sites under my name-none of
which evidence any truth whatever). The individual or groups then hold
dogmatically onto their fallacious refutation despite all discrediting,

academic refutation, or current/past acceptance by a large majority of
said paradigm by the populace. This is called religion.

Spinic's actions betray their stated goals of "skepticism" by the
malicious defamation they perpetrate. Their continued hounding and
defamation of those they are bigoted against continues unabated despite

evidence of the validity and value of the paradigms they seek to
denigrate, from their bigotry not logic. Their psychological denial of
facts, refutations, and evidenced constructiveness of the paradigms
seek to denigrate only evidences their own insecurity and intellectual
deficiency. Ignored are the rights, dignity, choice or desire for
preference of the individuals/groups they seek to destroy through this
propagandic spin and defamation.

The indices listed below are valid referenced academic areas of
knowledge that refutes and describes the fallacious and defective
arguments of the typical spinic's attempts to "color" their defamation
as "argument" or disagreement.

CYNIC=From the Greek kynikos, -doglike, churlish. Philos. one of a sect

of ancient Greek philosophers who taught that pleasure is an evil if
sought for its own sake, and made an ostentatious show of contempt for
riches and enjoyment.; sneering faultfinder; one who disbelieves in the

goodness of human motives, and who is given to displaying his disbelief

by sneers and sarcasm-cynicism=the practice of a cynic; a morose
contempt of the pleasures and arts in life. Lexicon/Webster

Ig no rant=Deficient of knowledge of either general information or a
specific field; uninformed; untaught; unenlightened-ignorance, the
of being ignorant, or of lacking knowledge; the condition of not being
cognizant or aware of. Lexicon/Webster..between ignoramus and ignore.

Bigot=a person intolerant of creeds, opinions etc. other than his own.
(Webster College Dict.)

Case # 3,539,081
Conclusion-cynical and unable to acknowledge larger frameworks within
which fragmented knowledge fits.

Psych-Inferiority, persistent feeling that one does not measure up to
societal standards and personal fictional standards. Ego lock on
physicality and the belief that only psychic material accessible to
egoistic functions is "real."
Habitual responses. Inability for holistic cognitions.

Philo-The desire to participate in emotivism and the inability to
such judgments. Begging the question vicious and cyclic argumentation
which denies purposeful existence other than to prove pointlessness.
Fear that existence is pointless and construct development to reinforce

this conclusion. Pleasure derived from invalidating arguments that
inspire and improve the human condition.
Inability to understand coherence theory of truth. Inability to
understand the pragmatic theory of truth.

Frequently indulges in the logical defect fallacies of;

"Fallacy of suppressed evidence"The requirement of a true premises
includes the proviso that the premises not ignore some important piece
of evidence that outweighs the presented evidence and entails a very
different conclusion.

"Red Herring" fallacy="The red herring fallacy is committed when the
arguer diverts the attention of the reader by changing the subject to
some totally different issue.

"Missing the point" another fallacy of relevance-The conclusion of the
argument is irrelevant to the premises. "Missing the point illustrates
special form of irrelevance. This fallacy occurs when the premises of
argument support one particular conclusion, but then a different
conclusion, often vaguely related to the correct conclusion is drawn.

"Begging the question" occurs when an arguer uses some form of
phraseology that tends to conceal the questionably true character of a
key premise. If the reader or the listener is deceived into thinking
that a key premise is true, he or she will accept the argument as
when in fact, it may not be.

"Appeal to the People" (Argumentum ad Populum)
Nearly everyone wants to be loved, esteemed, admired, valued, recog-
nized, and accepted by others. The appeal to the people uses these
desires to get the reader or listener to accept a conclusion. Two
approaches are involved, one of them direct, the other indirect.
The direct approach occurs when an arguer, addressing a large group of

people, excites the emotions and enthusiasm of the crowd to win
acceptance for his conclusion. The objective is to arouse a kind of mob

mentality. (the usenet group alt.usenet.kooks is used solely for this

Their favorite and highly relied upon one is called "Argument Against
the Person" (Argumentum ad Hominem)
This fallacy always involves two arguers. One of them advances (either
directly or implicitly) a certain argument, and the other then responds

by directing his or her attention not to the first person's argument
to the first person himself. When this occurs, the second person is
to commit an argument against the person.

"Bandwagon Argument" A variety of the "Appeal to the people" fallacy
that occurs when the arguer plays on the reader's or listener's need to

feel a part of the group (or to down another group). In the indirect
approach the arguer directs his or her appeal not to the crowd as a
whole but to one or more individuals separately, focusing upon some
aspect of their relationship to the crowd. The indirect approach
includes such specific forms as the bandwagon argument, the appeal to
vanity, and the appeal to snobbery. All are standard techniques of the
advertising industry. Here is an example of the bandwagon argument;

"Of course you will want to buy Zest toothpaste. Why, 90% of America
brushes with Zest."


"Of course you will want to demean and defame Edmond Wollmann. Why, 90%

of alt.usenet kooks (not even 1% of usenet) voted him a kook."

Because spinics will try to discredit THESE accepted delineations, it
should be noted these definitions are taken from an academic work used
in colleges and Universities, Logic, 4th Edition Hurley, University of
San Diego, Wadsworth Publishing, 1991, page 128, "Informal Fallacies".

Sci-Participates in repeated inductive generalizations. Materialism
focused and rigid. Believes that because information not cognizable by
the ego self, it must not exist, delusional and inability for rigorous
investigation prior to conclusions. Projects that "others" are guilty

Conclusion-Perspective alteration necessary. Insists on misery and
negativity in order to resist the slightest appearance of a
relinquishment of control-which inadvertently reinforces inferiority
feelings. Denial. No known remediation at this point. Likelihood of
future crisis in perspective great.

Mature individuals can agree to disagree and recognize that often
disagreements simply boil down to preferences. There is no one truth,
except that the truth is the composition of all truths.
Analytical discernment begs for efficiency. I therefore respectfully
to differ with spinics and offer sincere success in their future search

for truths (should they decide to act on their preferences and stop
trying to defeat others preferences).

There is no one truth EXCEPT that THE truth is the composition of all
truths. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence-it may be a
difference in root assumptions.

My particular "Universes of inquiry" are psychology and astrology, I
respect all inquiry and the paradigms that articulate them.
Paradigms form from sets of beliefs and assumptions. To clarify the
of paradigms here is a quote from experimentation in abnormal
taken from Thomas Kuhn's view, author of the widely acknowledged "The
Structure Of Scientific Revolutions";
"We believe every effort should be made to study abnormal behavior
according to scientific principles. It should be clear at this point
however, that science is NOT a completely objective and certain
enterprise. Rather, as we can infer by the comment from Kuhn,
factors, as well as limitations in our perspective on the universe,
enter into the conduct of scientific enquiry. Central to any
of scientific principles, in Kuhn's view, is the concept of a paradigm,

a conceptual framework or approach within which a scientist works. A
paradigm according to Kuhn, is a set of basic assumptions that outline
In addition to injecting inevitable biases into the definition and
collection of data, a paradigm may also affect the interpretation of
facts. In other words, the meaning or import given to data may depend
a considerable extent on a paradigm.
University of Southern California", State University of New York"
Davidson and Neale, 6th edition, 1996. Wiley and sons publishers.

"The decision to employ a particular piece of apparatus
and to use it in a particular way carries with it an assumption that
only certain sorts of circumstances will arise.
Normal science research is a strenuous and devoted attempt
to force nature into the conceptual boxes supplied by the professional
education. Anomalies are disregarded because they do not articulate the

paradigm" (Thomas Kuhn).

Or as Einstein said "It is the theory that determines what we observe."

In short paradigmatical definitions (beliefs) can affect perception.
We don't live by logic and facts we live by trust-if you disagree with
this premise, provide the factual basis and logical reason and/or
purposes for living. If you can't produce any I suggest you stop living

because there is no evidence or "facts" available to justify and
quantify doing it anymore.

"Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without

integrity is dangerous and dreadful" Samuel Johnson

Skeptic=One who doubts the truth of any principle or system of
principles or doctrines. Questioning in the search for truth.

Cynic=a sneering faultfinder; one who disbelieves in the goodness of
human motives, and who is given to displaying his disbelief by sneers
and sarcasm.

Spinic=A disingenuous fault-finding and spin-doctoring bigot, who does
not investigate anything realistically before attempting to denigrate
it. A person who has 0 insight into their own beliefs, psychology and
defective logical thinking processes that EVOKES, and is responsible
for, 99% of their predjudice and obsession with that which they fear a

"Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much;
Wisdom is humble that he knows no more"
William Cowper "The Task bk vi", "The Winter Walk at Noon"

Woodenheaded thinking="assessing a situation in terms of preconceived
fixed notions while ignoring or rejecting any contrary signs" (Tuchman,

1984, p. 7).

"On Pseudo-Skepticism" -- Marcello Truzzi
One of CSICOP's founders exposes his former compeers.
"True Disbelievers: Mars Effect Drives Skeptics to Irrationality" --
"CSICOP and the Skeptics: An Overview" -- George Hansen
Sociological study of the organization; why they instituted their
*against* conducting scientific investigations.
Part 2:
"Myths of Skepticism" -- Michael Sofka
Common misconceptions skeptics have.
"The Astronomer Who Abolished Gravity" -- Robert Anton Wilson
In Carl Sagan's debunking of Dr. Velikovsky, he omitted one minor
from his calculations: gravity.
"Extraordinary Claim? Move the Goal Posts!" -- Patrick Huyghe
How science works, or doesn't.
"CSICOP Scare!" -- Dennis Stacy
"Robert A. Baker's Unattributed Copying" -- Lippard
Copyright violations and plagiarism by a prominent skeptic.
"A New Case of Scientific Serendipity?" -- "Diogenes, Jr." (Marcello
Truzzi) Satire on Robert Baker's plagiarism.
"Response to Martin Gardner's Attack on Reich and Orgone Research in
_Skeptical Inquirer_" -- James DeMeo
"Zen and the Art of Debunkery" -- Daniel Drasin
Satire of typical skeptical manoeuvers.
"Sceptic's Can't Play Ball" -- Jenny Randles
Various misdeeds of the local skeptics.

"Debunkeritis -- A Partial List" -- Jerome Clark

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2005 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com/
Artworks http://www.astroconsulting.com/personal/
2005-02-24 17:47:33 UTC

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2005-02-24 23:07:04 UTC
A spinic SNIP!
2005-02-24 23:24:42 UTC
"Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in
message news:***@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com...
A spinic is a bigoted and biased person/group who hides behind the
skepticism concept and attempts to belittle a paradigm or area of
interest without investigation, knowledge, or study of any sort.

Wow, Eddy's a spinic! Try a scientific investigation, using real
knowledge, to produce a peer reviewed study of any sort, dewd....:) Oh,
that's right,you only cite the convictions and beliefs of your peer-less
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2005-02-25 00:10:57 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One
A spinic is
someone who has proven that Ed Wollmann is full of shit, a lying scumbag, a
plagiarizing fuckwad and a dumpster diving loser.

This comprises almost 100% of anyone who has any contact with him that
hasn't won kook awards like PEAT, Kettler and Ilya.

Ed, it sucks to be you.

PS: You're always on topic in alt.fucknozzles. Please add the froup to all
your whinings in the future.
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Colonel of the Fanatic Legion. FL# 555-PLNTY Motto: ABUNDANCE!.
Charter Member - Digital Brownshirts and Library Gestapo.
"Then I will send complaints, update pages, and file lawsuits until the
abuse ceases or until you start getting balls and posting under your
real identity, which ever miracle comes first--very simple people--take
your pick." - Ed Wollmann upbraids his own sockpuppets.
2005-02-25 00:26:37 UTC
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One
A spinic is
someone who has proven that Ed Wollmann is full of shit, a lying scumbag,
a plagiarizing fuckwad and a dumpster diving loser.
I would have never even heard of this guy if it wasn't for you busting a nut
over him every day on about 5 unrelated newsgroups for several years.
based on your actions, it seems that you or someone you know was pretty
close with him at one point. here's a good question for you kooj: Who the
fuck is dumb enough to listen/trust/do business with an astrologer?
Official Grand Wizard of alt.fuck alt.military.collecting.medals and THIS
FROUP! (coming soon)

I would like to dedicate this sig to the little people.

Hi Everybody But J***!
NOW YOU SEE 'EM: http://tinyurl.com/48bh2
NOW YOU DON'T! : http://tinyurl.com/585ow

"I professed no wisdom of any sort" - ***@petitmorte.net

"Are you hot for retards, Mop Jockey?" - Lunch Lady J*** trolls for a date.

"I like to drink my own piss now and then..." - Carl Wilson aka "Joe Bloue"
aka "Titty Sucking Diaperboi"

Mike Davis: Lots of people enjoy seeing Roberta be exposed as a kook and
Outside Observer: As an outside observer, all I see him doing is exposing
you and your kooky gang of sock puppets as the idiots that you are. That
yahoo 'skeptic' group is a joke. You guys must really be desperate for
attention, huh?

Fun Google Query: insubject:"test to see if mike is stupid"

"I've had multiple Usenet accounts for years, kook." - Mike Davis
"Wow, getting multiple accounts just so you can try to troll Usenet with
your lame sock puppet act is really kooky" - Mike Davis
"You have multiple accounts? Most kooks do so that they have at least one
place to whine from when their access is nuked." - Cujo DeCrotchPuppet

"I am sending a copy of your post to the abuse department of your ISP with
CCs to the FTC and the FBI." - Mike Davis Fukking Loses it Completely,
Wayne Manzo Style.

This sig has recieved raving reviews (from raving lunatics):
"Thanks for keeping me in your .sig for months and years." - Lunch Lady J***
torlled again.
"Thanks for continuing to admit who owns you in your .sig." - Lunch lady
J*** "ignoring" me.
"Kept us in his .sig for quite a while now, I see." - Lunch Lady J***
"Tell me is Roberta still wandering usenet displying the names of his owners
proudly in his .sig?" - Lunch Lady J*** wondering aloud about all of that
stuff she claims to "ignore".
"What's w/ the sig?" - HVAC
"You must really be hard up for sig material, mop jockey. Well, looking at
your recent sigs, I can see why." - Michael Davis
Shari Boone
2005-02-25 00:40:02 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One
A spinic is a
made up word by an insignificant little whining coward named Ed
Wollmann, who hasn't got the balls to have a nice sit-down lunch with a
couple of Usenet acquaintances.

Instead, he rails and insults the only person on this newsgroup to treat
him kindly. A woman. What kind of mother did you have that makes you
hate and disrespect women so much, Ed?
Dan Baldwin
2005-02-25 00:36:48 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One
A spinic is a
neologism used by Fuckhead Edmo against anyone who fails to prostrate
themselves before his figure and kiss his feet, begging to be
Dan Baldwin, unethical *by design*

I am a minion of Satan, but my powers are mainly administrative.

Hail the un-alive
2005-02-25 05:46:55 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One
A spinic is
A flame word that you made up and is unrecognized beyond your mind.
Chadwick Stone©
2005-02-26 12:20:50 UTC
X-No-Archive: YES
Edmond Wollmann - a loutish, blithering k0oK blustered
A spinic is <snip>
an intelligent, astute, and level headed individual who points out k0oKery,
hypocrisy, and general assholisms in those who exhibit such traits.
Chadwick Stone©

Formerly the AFA-B Sovereign Sockpuppet©
"No longer anonymous but still immune"
Usenet's most helpful netizen

SovereignSockpuppet at Yahoo dot com
Benevolent Order of the Pointy Stick
Skepticult® ID: 581-00504-208
A mean and nasty bastard
I am the New World Order