Obsolete Astrology
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Academic Zodiac 22 Zodiacal Constellations 16 Eastern Ascednants
2009-06-05 09:09:41 UTC
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author.


Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://www.lulu.com/astrology


Instead of enumerating all obsolete objects in astrology, we shall
concentrate on a couple of examples. Of course, besides real objects
like comet Chiron or main belt small solar system object Juno, there
are objects of fancy that were the product of idle pastime, like
various calculated dark moons, parts or hypotheticals. The serious
astrologer deals with real objects like 2007 OR10 that dwarf any
fanciful kindergarten legacy of the recent past.


Juno has been dwarfed by the new discoveries now long time ago.
Nevertheless, as it may still come handy as auxiliary marriage
asteroid, we demonstrated its operational side in various Juno-centric
horoscopes as published within a major publication that is
Planetocentric Astrology. Namely, in extended analysis, we might want
to explore the marriage horoscope beyond such standard procedures as
the Venus-centric projection. Juno seemed the proper ex post facto
asteroid that every mature astrology fan recalls from astrological
horoscopes of several decade ago. In concluding, as the tables clearly
illustrate, Juno is dwarfed by so many important astrological objects
that it has been obsolete even in times preceding the discovery of
Varuna. Moreover, as all dwarf planets have been delineated in their
proper zodiacal positions as well as universal house system, all that
is left for Juno is vintage delineation as pertaining to the marriage
cookbooks of the past. Another historical object with the same name
was a dark planet with much more sinister and therefore more credible
feminine portents. Surely, in times when divorce threatens every
second marriage, desperate customers will seek any shade of good
portent that can expected by one of the tiniest objects that still
linger in a decadent astrology, Juno.


Another legacy from the past, comet Chiron still features among the
elements of the horoscopes. Chiron was already been dwarfed by its
alleged consort, a nymph called Chariklo. In an attempt to assign
importance to a dead and impotent comet, it was probably assigned any
meanings that would suit new wage. The ex centaur nevertheless hardly
accounts for all that was imputed on it by the motley rabble of
diviners, therapists and improvised gurus. Most of all, its sexual
powers are null as it was hit in its loins, meaning castrated, as
Klingzor of the Greek. There are of course a host of reptilian
centaurs like 2007 JG43 to look upon in sexual pursuit of the
horoscope. The centaurs will gladly converse with the magus
astrologer, in revealing their secrets, by far more vast in their
application that some impromptu as well as astrologically most
improbable manual.

There are of course larger centaurs than Chiron, which was
historically considered as part of that category. However, if we take
into account that Chiron is nowadays classified as comet, another fate
threatens this object. In the recent past we had giant comets in our
horoscopes, most prominently Wild, which was estimated as five times
larger than Jupiter (sic). In such apocalyptic company as the green
comet towards the year 2011, little phenomena like Chiron are, to say
the least, of secondary, mostly historical importance.

Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1995 - 2009 by Klaudio
Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright

This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from http://www.lulu.com/astrology

As follows are the largest objects in astrology, known as dwarf
planets. The list extends progressively.

JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2009-May-19

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name
-------- -------- ------------- -------------------------
50000 2001 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.66
90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56
90482 2002 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.19
136199 2004 2003 UB313 Eris -1.17
136472 2006 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.46
579438 2009 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90

JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2009-May-19

Matching small-bodies:

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name
-------- -------- ------------- -------------------------
1 1983 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
4 1981 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
20000 2001 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
28978 2000 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
42301 2000 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 3.97
50000 2001 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.66
55565 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.27
55636 2001 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.10
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.80
90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56
90482 2002 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2001 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.19
136199 2004 2003 UB313 Eris -1.17
136472 2006 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.46
145452 2009 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
174567 2009 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.60
202421 2009 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
438335 2000 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.79
505220 2009 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.10
546054 2009 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
579443 2009 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90
591536 2009 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.60

JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2009-May-19

Matching small-bodies:

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name
-------- -------- ------------- -------------------------
1 1983 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13
4 1981 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
19308 1998 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50
19521 1999 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90
20000 2001 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
24835 1999 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80
26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70
28978 2000 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
38628 2002 2000 EB173 Huya 4.70
42301 2000 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 3.97
47171 2001 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.73
50000 2001 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.66
55565 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.27
55636 2001 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.10
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
82075 2003 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 4.77
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.80
84922 2003 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.00
90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56
90482 2002 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2001 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
119951 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.50
120132 2003 2003 FY128 [...unnamed...] 4.80
120178 2002 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 4.17
120347 2004 2004 SB60 [...unnamed...] 4.20
120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.25
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.19
136199 2004 2003 UB313 Eris -1.17
136472 2006 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.46
144897 2009 2004 UX10 [...unnamed...] 4.50
145451 2009 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40
145452 2009 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
145453 2009 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00
145480 2009 2005 TB190 [...unnamed...] 4.70
174567 2009 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.60
175113 2009 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.70
202421 2009 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
208996 2004 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 4.00
409077 2003 2000 CN105 [...unnamed...] 4.99
419612 2009 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70
433834 2009 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90
438330 2000 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.79
451925 2004 2002 XV93 [...unnamed...] 4.92
458175 2009 2003 QX113 [...unnamed...] 4.70
467001 2009 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.30
477493 2009 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40
478826 2004 2004 PR107 [...unnamed...] 4.60
490809 2009 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.50
490822 2009 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 4.00
505215 2009 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.10
546049 2009 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
578396 2009 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70
578397 2009 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 4.90
579438 2009 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90
591531 2009 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.60

JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2008-Dec-26

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name
-------- -------- ------------- -------------------------
1 1983 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13
3 1983 (undefined) Juno 5.33
4 1981 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
6 1987 (undefined) Hebe 5.71
7 1984 (undefined) Iris 5.51
10 1998 (undefined) Hygiea 5.43
15 1995 (undefined) Eunomia 5.28
16 1980 (undefined) Psyche 5.90
29 1992 (undefined) Amphitrite 5.85
349 1990 1892 T Dembowska 5.93
532 1992 1904 NY Herculina 5.81
704 1996 1910 KU Interamnia 5.94
15874 1999 1996 TL66 [...unnamed...] 5.40
19308 1998 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50
19521 1999 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90
20000 2001 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
24835 1999 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80
26181 1998 1996 GQ21 [...unnamed...] 5.20
26308 2000 1998 SM165 [...unnamed...] 5.80
26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70
28978 2000 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
35671 2000 1998 SN165 [...unnamed...] 5.80
38628 2002 2000 EB173 Huya 4.70
40314 2001 1999 KR16 [...unnamed...] 5.65
42301 2000 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 3.97
47171 2001 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.73
48639 1998 1995 TL8 [...unnamed...] 5.26
50000 2001 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.67
55565 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.27
55636 2001 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.10
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
55638 2003 2002 VE95 [...unnamed...] 5.52
66652 2001 1999 RZ253 Borasisi 5.82
78799 2008 2002 XW93 [...unnamed...] 5.50
79360 1999 1997 CS29 [...unnamed...] 5.13
79978 2001 1999 CC158 [...unnamed...] 5.74
82075 2002 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 4.76
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.80
84719 2008 2002 VR128 [...unnamed...] 5.70
84922 2003 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.00
88611 2003 2001 QT297 Teharonhiawako 5.57
90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.57
90482 2001 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2001 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
119951 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.50
119979 2008 2002 WC19 [...unnamed...] 5.10
120132 2003 2003 FY128 [...unnamed...] 4.80
120178 2002 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 4.17
120347 2001 2004 SB60 [...unnamed...] 4.21
120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.25
126154 2003 2001 YH140 [...unnamed...] 5.50
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
134860 2002 2000 OJ67 [...unnamed...] 5.89
135182 2004 2001 QT322 [...unnamed...] 5.88
136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.18
136199 2004 2003 UB313 Eris -1.17
136472 2006 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.48
138537 2002 2000 OK67 [...unnamed...] 5.71
143991 2008 2003 YO179 [...unnamed...] 5.80
144897 2008 2004 UX10 [...unnamed...] 4.70
145451 2008 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40
145452 2008 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
145453 2008 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00
145480 2008 2005 TB190 [...unnamed...] 4.70
148780 2003 2001 UQ18 Altjira 5.44
150642 2003 2001 CZ31 [...unnamed...] 5.53
174567 2008 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.60
175113 2008 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.70
182397 2004 2001 QW297 [...unnamed...] 5.98
182934 2003 2002 GJ32 [...unnamed...] 5.50
202421 2008 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
404927 2000 1999 CL119 [...unnamed...] 5.87
405000 2002 1999 CD158 [...unnamed...] 5.07
408841 2001 1999 XY143 [...unnamed...] 5.90
409502 2000 2000 AF255 [...unnamed...] 5.84
409899 2002 2000 CJ105 [...unnamed...] 5.88
409902 2003 2000 CN105 [...unnamed...] 4.99
409903 2002 2000 CO105 [...unnamed...] 5.80
409905 2008 2000 CQ105 [...unnamed...] 5.90
411931 2001 2000 ON67 [...unnamed...] 5.94
419206 2002 2001 KA77 [...unnamed...] 5.13
419208 2002 2001 KD77 [...unnamed...] 5.62
421633 2002 2001 QO297 [...unnamed...] 5.81
421636 2008 2001 QR297 [...unnamed...] 5.90
421637 2001 2001 QS297 [...unnamed...] 5.40
421640 2008 2001 QX297 [...unnamed...] 5.90
421641 2003 2001 QY297 [...unnamed...] 5.59
421646 2002 2001 QD298 [...unnamed...] 5.55
421648 2008 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70
421650 2008 2001 QJ298 [...unnamed...] 5.70
421686 2003 2001 QS322 [...unnamed...] 5.40
421688 2002 2001 QX322 [...unnamed...] 5.73
422801 2008 2001 RU143 [...unnamed...] 5.70
422806 2002 2001 RZ143 [...unnamed...] 5.80
427654 2008 2001 UP18 [...unnamed...] 5.90
432702 2008 2001 XR254 [...unnamed...] 5.60
432709 2002 2001 XD255 [...unnamed...] 5.50
437146 2008 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90
439574 2008 2002 GV31 [...unnamed...] 5.30
439581 2008 2002 GD32 [...unnamed...] 5.70
439583 2008 2002 GF32 [...unnamed...] 5.70
439584 2008 2002 GH32 [...unnamed...] 5.50
441714 2002 2002 JR146 [...unnamed...] 5.50
441814 2003 2002 KW14 [...unnamed...] 5.20
442189 2000 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.79
444206 2008 2002 PQ145 [...unnamed...] 5.60
444217 2002 2002 PJ149 [...unnamed...] 5.30
455349 2003 2002 VT130 [...unnamed...] 5.60
455350 2004 2002 VU130 [...unnamed...] 5.65
456626 2008 2002 XH91 [...unnamed...] 5.60
456640 2003 2002 XV93 [...unnamed...] 4.95
457667 2003 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 4.00
460243 2008 2003 FE128 [...unnamed...] 5.40
460671 2008 2003 GH55 [...unnamed...] 5.70
463086 2006 2003 QW90 [...unnamed...] 5.25
463090 2008 2003 QA91 [...unnamed...] 5.50
463101 2003 2003 QM91 [...unnamed...] 5.30
463311 2003 2003 QA112 [...unnamed...] 5.80
463331 2008 2003 QX113 [...unnamed...] 4.90
470420 2008 2003 UZ117 [...unnamed...] 5.30
472235 2008 2003 UB292 [...unnamed...] 5.70
472675 2008 2003 UY413 [...unnamed...] 5.70
472676 2008 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.30
472677 2003 2003 UA414 [...unnamed...] 5.30
474740 2003 2003 WQ188 [...unnamed...] 5.90
474742 2008 2003 WU188 [...unnamed...] 5.80
479686 2008 2004 DH64 [...unnamed...] 5.90
484327 2008 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40
485702 2004 2004 PR107 [...unnamed...] 4.60
485706 2004 2004 PV107 [...unnamed...] 5.90
485781 2008 2004 PG115 [...unnamed...] 5.00
496041 2008 2004 VT75 [...unnamed...] 5.70
496047 2008 2004 VZ75 [...unnamed...] 5.90
498098 2008 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.50
498111 2005 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 5.30
500758 2008 2005 CA79 [...unnamed...] 5.30
500759 2008 2005 CB79 [...unnamed...] 5.00
504017 2008 2005 EX297 [...unnamed...] 5.90
504019 2008 2005 EF298 [...unnamed...] 5.70
507986 2008 2005 JA175 [...unnamed...] 5.90
508020 2008 2005 JR179 [...unnamed...] 5.90
513816 2008 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.10
514390 2008 2005 RS43 [...unnamed...] 5.30
533693 2008 2005 XU100 [...unnamed...] 5.80
533754 2005 2005 XN113 [...unnamed...] 5.90
548600 2008 2006 HX122 [...unnamed...] 5.90
548610 2006 2006 HH123 [...unnamed...] 5.20
548611 2008 2006 HJ123 [...unnamed...] 5.30
554645 2006 2006 QF181 [...unnamed...] 5.90
554647 2008 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
586017 2007 2007 HV90 [...unnamed...] 5.20
586600 2008 2007 JF43 [...unnamed...] 5.20
586601 2008 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70
586602 2008 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 4.90
587643 2008 2007 OC10 [...unnamed...] 5.70
588389 2007 2007 PS45 [...unnamed...] 5.60
598322 2007 2007 TB418 [...unnamed...] 5.80
600185 2008 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.50
603589 2008 2007 VK305 [...unnamed...] 5.80
604905 2008 2007 XV50 [...unnamed...] 5.00
619907 2008 2008 NW4 [...unnamed...] 5.80
620113 2008 2008 OG19 [...unnamed...] 5.80
632190 2008 2008 UA332 [...unnamed...] 4.70
2009-07-14 04:15:51 UTC
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