Scientific Astrology Academy
(too old to reply)
Scientific Astrology
2007-06-11 12:29:51 UTC
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2007, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of
this abstract may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise,
without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by


Received 2006 Aug 29; accepted 2007 Feb 2; published 2007 Jun 11

The Academy of Scientific Astrology is based on astronomy as
exemplified by the IAU and NASA1 JPL.
Subject headings: solar system, zodiac - minor planets, asteroids,
dwarf planets - IAU zodiac - precessed ascendant
Online material: www.lulu.com/astrology


The Academy of Scientific Astrology is a learned establishment for the
advancement of knowledge, most remarkably the astronomic zodiac2, and
the precessed ascendant3 along with the special techniques4 in
astrological prediction.


The basis for all astrological operations is the local zodiac5 and
precessed ascendant set. These have been defined in concordance with
the current IAU6 standards.


The definition of the zodiac, precessed ascendant and parameters for
research has been done with IAU compatible7 astronomic equipment.


The results of our research are enlisted as follow.

* The astronomic zodiac consists of 22 IAU constellations as included
in our report.8.
* The ascendant set for the epoch9 displays 16 precessed ascendants
out of 88 ascendants.
* The meridian constellations are dealt with separately as they are in
no way connected with the ascendant set.
* The dwarf planets are delineated, progressed and directed within the
constellation they happen to be in at the time10. Thus, Eris is in
Cetus, Orcus in Hydra and Quaoar in Ophiuchus.
* The A.C.A. works with the real positions of the planets, as there
was never any difference11 between the astronomic and astrologic
position of the planets.


Scientific astrology ensures evidence12 as concern the position of the
planets13 in the solar system14

a ***@yahoo.co.uk www.lulu.com/astrology.
1 Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System. 4800
Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 U.S.A.
2 The astronomic zodiac consists of 22 IAU constellations, thus IAU
zodiac or scientific zodiac.
3 The present set of ascendants as measured in due east counts 16 IAU
constellations. The ascendant set is subject to precession, thus
precessed ascendant or due eastern ascendant.
4 Astrologic techniques such as secondary progression are calculated
with astronomic equipment thus ensuring scientific reliability. Thus
in the case of Russia, the Moon is progressed in Corvus and Sextans.
5 The local zodiac for planet Earth is the scientific 22-constellation
zodiac. For other zodiacs please refer to Zic, Klaudio. 2006.
Planetocentric Astrology, Klaudio Zic Publications.
6 These refer mainly to the constellation borders as defined by the
IAU. Some condescension has been made to the allegedly historical
zodiacal systems in proposing Sun in Orion as well as Sun in Cetus.
7 E.g. orbital simulation for 2003 UB313 Eris was mainly done with
Dance of the Planets by ARC.
8 Zic, Klaudio. 2006. Zodiacal Navigator, Klaudio Zic Publications.
9 The ascendant set is subject to precession and thus changes with
10 This commentary is mostly for people who did not have the
opportunity to observe the objects.
11 Hipparchus warned about the divergence between the observed
positions of the stars and planets against lack of update for
precession. Our precession corrected ascendant along with astronomic
local zodiac provide a perfect blueprint of any sky on this as well as
other planets, worlds or galaxies. The Night and Day house system
operates wherever the Cartesian coordinate system is applicable, no
matter height or depth while including multi-ecliptic systems.
12 Most remarkably provided by NASA JPL. The Sun is e.g. in Libra on
November 23rd.
13 European astrology was not based on astronomy. Most prominently,
Hipparchus warned. Now we have an operational astrological system that
indeed blueprints the true position of the planets in the real sky.
E.g. in the year 2007 we have Jupiter in Ophiuchus, Mars in Cetus,
Mercury in Orion and Venus in Hydra.
14 Scientific astrology ventures out of the solar system since
independent of ecliptic. Horoscopes are calculated from spacecraft,
asteroids and alien solar systems at any depth or height with no
consequence to house system or precision. The Night and Day house
system operates in outer space.
2007-06-11 22:51:41 UTC
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2007,www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of
this abstract may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise,
without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by
Received 2006 Aug 29; accepted 2007 Feb 2; published 2007 Jun 11
The Academy of Scientific Astrology is based on astronomy as
exemplified by the IAU and NASA1 JPL.
Subject headings: solar system, zodiac - minor planets, asteroids,
dwarf planets - IAU zodiac - precessed ascendant
Online material:www.lulu.com/astrology
The Academy of Scientific Astrology is a learned establishment for the
advancement of knowledge, most remarkably the astronomic zodiac2, and
the precessed ascendant3 along with the special techniques4 in
astrological prediction.
The basis for all astrological operations is the local zodiac5 and
precessed ascendant set. These have been defined in concordance with
the current IAU6 standards.
The definition of the zodiac, precessed ascendant and parameters for
research has been done with IAU compatible7 astronomic equipment.
The results of our research are enlisted as follow.
* The astronomic zodiac consists of 22 IAU constellations as included
in our report.8.
* The ascendant set for the epoch9 displays 16 precessed ascendants
out of 88 ascendants.
* The meridian constellations are dealt with separately as they are in
no way connected with the ascendant set.
* The dwarf planets are delineated, progressed and directed within the
constellation they happen to be in at the time10. Thus, Eris is in
Cetus, Orcus in Hydra and Quaoar in Ophiuchus.
* The A.C.A. works with the real positions of the planets, as there
was never any difference11 between the astronomic and astrologic
position of the planets.
Scientific astrology ensures evidence12 as concern the position of the
planets13 in the solar system14
1 Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System. 4800
Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 U.S.A.
2 The astronomic zodiac consists of 22 IAU constellations, thus IAU
zodiac or scientific zodiac.
3 The present set of ascendants as measured in due east counts 16 IAU
constellations. The ascendant set is subject to precession, thus
precessed ascendant or due eastern ascendant.
4 Astrologic techniques such as secondary progression are calculated
with astronomic equipment thus ensuring scientific reliability. Thus
in the case of Russia, the Moon is progressed in Corvus and Sextans.
5 The local zodiac for planet Earth is the scientific 22-constellation
zodiac. For other zodiacs please refer to Zic, Klaudio. 2006.
Planetocentric Astrology, Klaudio Zic Publications.
6 These refer mainly to the constellation borders as defined by the
IAU. Some condescension has been made to the allegedly historical
zodiacal systems in proposing Sun in Orion as well as Sun in Cetus.
7 E.g. orbital simulation for 2003 UB313 Eris was mainly done with
Dance of the Planets by ARC.
8 Zic, Klaudio. 2006. Zodiacal Navigator, Klaudio Zic Publications.
9 The ascendant set is subject to precession and thus changes with
10 This commentary is mostly for people who did not have the
opportunity to observe the objects.
11 Hipparchus warned about the divergence between the observed
positions of the stars and planets against lack of update for
precession. Our precession corrected ascendant along with astronomic
local zodiac provide a perfect blueprint of any sky on this as well as
other planets, worlds or galaxies. The Night and Day house system
operates wherever the Cartesian coordinate system is applicable, no
matter height or depth while including multi-ecliptic systems.
12 Most remarkably provided by NASA JPL. The Sun is e.g. in Libra on
November 23rd.
13 European astrology was not based on astronomy. Most prominently,
Hipparchus warned. Now we have an operational astrological system that
indeed blueprints the true position of the planets in the real sky.
E.g. in the year 2007 we have Jupiter in Ophiuchus, Mars in Cetus,
Mercury in Orion and Venus in Hydra.
14 Scientific astrology ventures out of the solar system since
independent of ecliptic. Horoscopes are calculated from spacecraft,
asteroids and alien solar systems at any depth or height with no
consequence to house system or precision. The Night and Day house
system operates in outer space.
Mostly BS then? More Jargon than Explanation, like counting pebbles
for the garden, probably more effective too.

A big rhubarb for astro nuts
Jesus Tomb
2007-06-14 10:32:55 UTC
Revision of the Document
by Klaudio Zic on Thursday 14 of June, 2007 [10:31:05 UTC]
The document is under revision and will be available for download in a
couple of days. The reviewing mostly polishes styling.

Klaudio Zic
Post by l***@optusnet.com.au
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2007,www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of
this abstract may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise,
without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by
Received 2006 Aug 29; accepted 2007 Feb 2; published 2007 Jun 11
The Academy of Scientific Astrology is based on astronomy as
exemplified by the IAU and NASA1 JPL.
Subject headings: solar system, zodiac - minor planets, asteroids,
dwarf planets - IAU zodiac - precessed ascendant
Online material:www.lulu.com/astrology
The Academy of Scientific Astrology is a learned establishment for the
advancement of knowledge, most remarkably the astronomic zodiac2, and
the precessed ascendant3 along with the special techniques4 in
astrological prediction.
The basis for all astrological operations is the local zodiac5 and
precessed ascendant set. These have been defined in concordance with
the current IAU6 standards.
The definition of the zodiac, precessed ascendant and parameters for
research has been done with IAU compatible7 astronomic equipment.
The results of our research are enlisted as follow.
* The astronomic zodiac consists of 22 IAU constellations as included
in our report.8.
* The ascendant set for the epoch9 displays 16 precessed ascendants
out of 88 ascendants.
* The meridian constellations are dealt with separately as they are in
no way connected with the ascendant set.
* The dwarf planets are delineated, progressed and directed within the
constellation they happen to be in at the time10. Thus, Eris is in
Cetus, Orcus in Hydra and Quaoar in Ophiuchus.
* The A.C.A. works with the real positions of the planets, as there
was never any difference11 between the astronomic and astrologic
position of the planets.
Scientific astrology ensures evidence12 as concern the position of the
planets13 in the solar system14
1 Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System. 4800
Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 U.S.A.
2 The astronomic zodiac consists of 22 IAU constellations, thus IAU
zodiac or scientific zodiac.
3 The present set of ascendants as measured in due east counts 16 IAU
constellations. The ascendant set is subject to precession, thus
precessed ascendant or due eastern ascendant.
4 Astrologic techniques such as secondary progression are calculated
with astronomic equipment thus ensuring scientific reliability. Thus
in the case of Russia, the Moon is progressed in Corvus and Sextans.
5 The local zodiac for planet Earth is the scientific 22-constellation
zodiac. For other zodiacs please refer to Zic, Klaudio. 2006.
Planetocentric Astrology, Klaudio Zic Publications.
6 These refer mainly to the constellation borders as defined by the
IAU. Some condescension has been made to the allegedly historical
zodiacal systems in proposing Sun in Orion as well as Sun in Cetus.
7 E.g. orbital simulation for 2003 UB313 Eris was mainly done with
Dance of the Planets by ARC.
8 Zic, Klaudio. 2006. Zodiacal Navigator, Klaudio Zic Publications.
9 The ascendant set is subject to precession and thus changes with
10 This commentary is mostly for people who did not have the
opportunity to observe the objects.
11 Hipparchus warned about the divergence between the observed
positions of the stars and planets against lack of update for
precession. Our precession corrected ascendant along with astronomic
local zodiac provide a perfect blueprint of any sky on this as well as
other planets, worlds or galaxies. The Night and Day house system
operates wherever the Cartesian coordinate system is applicable, no
matter height or depth while including multi-ecliptic systems.
12 Most remarkably provided by NASA JPL. The Sun is e.g. in Libra on
November 23rd.
13 European astrology was not based on astronomy. Most prominently,
Hipparchus warned. Now we have an operational astrological system that
indeed blueprints the true position of the planets in the real sky.
E.g. in the year 2007 we have Jupiter in Ophiuchus, Mars in Cetus,
Mercury in Orion and Venus in Hydra.
14 Scientific astrology ventures out of the solar system since
independent of ecliptic. Horoscopes are calculated from spacecraft,
asteroids and alien solar systems at any depth or height with no
consequence to house system or precision. The Night and Day house
system operates in outer space.
Mostly BS then? More Jargon than Explanation, like counting pebbles
for the garden, probably more effective too.
A big rhubarb for astro nuts
2007-06-21 18:02:23 UTC

I will like to say that ponder and instead of sticking to some
misconcept regarding astrology on which you have not studied in depth
but you only have faith, because you have been informed like this. So
come out and think with open mind and decide yourself as to whether
present astrology is scientific or is being given coverup of science
due to some vested interest.

At the time of formulating the astrological principles in early
Primitive age, it was the concept that every living being has capacity
to move, whereas lifeless thing cannot move. This religious philosophy
leads sages to classify all so-called planet (Sun, Moon, Mars etc.) as
super living being (Deities). In those days only sages had social
sanction to study religious scriptures. Thus after prolonged
observation of the sky they developed the skill to predict solar and
lunar eclipse, which was the result of so-called grabbing the Sun and
Moon by imaginary shadow planets Rahu and Ketu. They were also able to
predict the timing of eclipse and its duration. Thus procedure was
devised to formulate various astrological principles on the basis of
the then knowledge of sages based on scriptures and their celestial
observation. These principles were the key factors for deciding the
fate. Procedure adopted to formulate these principles was never
percolated in the Indian society due to illiteracy and hard barrier to
learn such knowledge by other castes. Subsequently these principles
were spread to other civilisation and later on developed as Western

What is happening nowadays that there are two groups. One group
belongs to astrologers who always try to support astrology due to
their business considerations, whereas other group (say scientist) try
to raise some logical questions against astrology. But none of them
have ever tried to investigate as to what procedure was adopted to
formulate various principles relating to Lordship, Friendship-enmity,
Exalted-debilitated, Aspect, Vinshottary periodicity etc. If we
analyse whole set of principles then following questions may be raised

1 What procedure was adopted to allot twelve signs among seven planets
(as Mars is lord of Aries, Scorpio etc.) ?
2 What procedure was adopted to decide that there is enmity and
friendship between some planets (as Sun and Saturn are enemy of each
other) ?
3 What procedure was adopted to decide various aspect (full, quarter
to full, half and quarter), (as planets have full aspect on seventh
house) ?
4 What procedure was adopted to decide that planets are exalted and
debilitated at some degree (as Sun is exalted at 10 deg. of Aries
sign) ?
5 What procedure was adopted to decide that most powerful and hub of
our solar system, Sun has 6 years vinshottary dasha whereas Venus (a
small planet) has 20 years ?
6 What procedure was adopted to allot various constellations between
nine planets with different vinshottary dasha ?
7 What procedure was adopted to decide order of days of a week
(Sunday, Monday etc.) ?
8 What procedure was adopted to decide fixed retrograde motion of Rahu
Ketu (3-11 minute-second per day)?
9 What procedure was adopted to decide that Rahu, Ketu are 180 deg.
10 What procedure was adopted to decide timings of eclipse ?

Thus there may be endless questions, with a final question as to
whether present form of astrology is correct? I am sure that you may
have gone through many astrological books but you may have not find
such answer.

Everybody may agree that every research is based on the then
knowledge. In the same way, when astrology was developed by sage
Parashar etc. At that time it was believed that Earth is in the centre
of the Universe and stationary (it is also believed in all religions).
I my-self studying astrology since last 35 years and developed
softwares to conclude correct prediction. But if it is true at one
time then same combination is not true in other case. It leads me to
think afresh logically and systematically over this subject. You may
also have such problem.

At that time our sages were neither aware of Uranus, Neptune nor they
were aware that solar and lunar eclipses occurred due to presence of
Moon and shadow of Earth. That's why they have developed the concept
of Rahu and Ketu with retrograde motion of 3'11". It was mentioned in
the Grahlaghav that eclipse occurred when Rahu/Ketu came within 14
degree on Amavasya (dark night) or Puranmashi (full Moon). But nobody
will be able to answer that why there was no lunar eclipse when Sun,
Moon and Rahu were at 203.01, 23.01 and 34.43 degree respectively on
08-11-1984 (Rahu was within 11.42 degree) or when Sun, Moon and Ketu
were at 319.74, 139.74 and 150.26 degree respectively on 03-03-1988
( Ketu was within 10.52 degree). Likewise I find that Solar eclipses
occurred even when difference between Moon and Rahu was more then 14�.
Sun and Moon were at 94.24 deg., whereas Rahu was at 79.04 deg. on
21-07-1982 (Rahu was 15.20 deg. away). Sun and Moon were at 76.49
deg., whereas Rahu was at 91.93 deg. on 02-07-2000 (Rahu was 15.14
deg. away).

I is clear that at the time of full solar eclipse, when Moon happens
to be just over the Sun than Rahu must also be there. But As per
almanac Ketu was shown at 194 and 177 degree on 12-11-1985 and
3-10-1986 (refer any almanac) respectively when there were full solar
eclipse and position of Sun/Moon were at 206 and 166 degree
respectively. You will agree that when there were full solar eclipses
then on these dates either Rahu or Ketu must be at 206 and 166 degree
respectively, because only then full solar eclipse may possible.
Whereas Ketu was being shown at 194 and 177 degrees in almanac. Thus
there was clear mistake of about 12 and 11 degrees respectively. All
horoscopes are defective in this light and due to this fundamental
positional variation, prediction is also effected.

After lot of research I wrote an original book on astrology "Jyotish -
Kitna sahi kitna galat" in Hindi (330 pages). This book contains the
detailed procedure adopted by our sages to formulate these principles
(Rashi swamy, aspect, Mitra/shatru, Ucch neech, Vinshottary, Rahu
Ketu, Grah bal, Ast, Vakri, ayanansh, new scientific bhav dasha,
shakti charka, chal charka, etc...., along with necessary corrections
required in view of new scientific discoveries and due to time gap of
2500 years. This book was also published in English with the title
"Astrology a science or myth" (450 pages). You can realize that this
is revolutionary book and will change the face of predictive astrology
in due course. If you interested to know more about the book or
description of various chapters or picture of the front page of the
book etc. then you may send email to me.

My book has vital scientific information in this regard and readers of
the book are fully convinced with the corrections pointed out
regarding all astrological principles. I hope like others you will
also like to read the book for updating your skill and knowledge of
astrology and also like to share your views within your circle. I will
like to request you to search above book in your city. Otherwise you
may also write me and I can arrange them for you and to your friends
by VPP etc..

I will like to have your critical comments for further interaction on
my email ***@rediffmail.com . Because it would be better
to know the roots of astrology, facts and data behind it for adopting
it scientifically.

Sanat Kumar Jain
Post by Scientific Astrology
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2007, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of
this abstract may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise,
without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by
Received 2006 Aug 29; accepted 2007 Feb 2; published 2007 Jun 11
The Academy of Scientific Astrology is based on astronomy as
exemplified by the IAU and NASA1 JPL.
Subject headings: solar system, zodiac - minor planets, asteroids,
dwarf planets - IAU zodiac - precessed ascendant
Online material: www.lulu.com/astrology
The Academy of Scientific Astrology is a learned establishment for the
advancement of knowledge, most remarkably the astronomic zodiac2, and
the precessed ascendant3 along with the special techniques4 in
astrological prediction.
The basis for all astrological operations is the local zodiac5 and
precessed ascendant set. These have been defined in concordance with
the current IAU6 standards.
The definition of the zodiac, precessed ascendant and parameters for
research has been done with IAU compatible7 astronomic equipment.
The results of our research are enlisted as follow.
* The astronomic zodiac consists of 22 IAU constellations as included
in our report.8.
* The ascendant set for the epoch9 displays 16 precessed ascendants
out of 88 ascendants.
* The meridian constellations are dealt with separately as they are in
no way connected with the ascendant set.
* The dwarf planets are delineated, progressed and directed within the
constellation they happen to be in at the time10. Thus, Eris is in
Cetus, Orcus in Hydra and Quaoar in Ophiuchus.
* The A.C.A. works with the real positions of the planets, as there
was never any difference11 between the astronomic and astrologic
position of the planets.
Scientific astrology ensures evidence12 as concern the position of the
planets13 in the solar system14
1 Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System. 4800
Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 U.S.A.
2 The astronomic zodiac consists of 22 IAU constellations, thus IAU
zodiac or scientific zodiac.
3 The present set of ascendants as measured in due east counts 16 IAU
constellations. The ascendant set is subject to precession, thus
precessed ascendant or due eastern ascendant.
4 Astrologic techniques such as secondary progression are calculated
with astronomic equipment thus ensuring scientific reliability. Thus
in the case of Russia, the Moon is progressed in Corvus and Sextans.
5 The local zodiac for planet Earth is the scientific 22-constellation
zodiac. For other zodiacs please refer to Zic, Klaudio. 2006.
Planetocentric Astrology, Klaudio Zic Publications.
6 These refer mainly to the constellation borders as defined by the
IAU. Some condescension has been made to the allegedly historical
zodiacal systems in proposing Sun in Orion as well as Sun in Cetus.
7 E.g. orbital simulation for 2003 UB313 Eris was mainly done with
Dance of the Planets by ARC.
8 Zic, Klaudio. 2006. Zodiacal Navigator, Klaudio Zic Publications.
9 The ascendant set is subject to precession and thus changes with
10 This commentary is mostly for people who did not have the
opportunity to observe the objects.
11 Hipparchus warned about the divergence between the observed
positions of the stars and planets against lack of update for
precession. Our precession corrected ascendant along with astronomic
local zodiac provide a perfect blueprint of any sky on this as well as
other planets, worlds or galaxies. The Night and Day house system
operates wherever the Cartesian coordinate system is applicable, no
matter height or depth while including multi-ecliptic systems.
12 Most remarkably provided by NASA JPL. The Sun is e.g. in Libra on
November 23rd.
13 European astrology was not based on astronomy. Most prominently,
Hipparchus warned. Now we have an operational astrological system that
indeed blueprints the true position of the planets in the real sky.
E.g. in the year 2007 we have Jupiter in Ophiuchus, Mars in Cetus,
Mercury in Orion and Venus in Hydra.
14 Scientific astrology ventures out of the solar system since
independent of ecliptic. Horoscopes are calculated from spacecraft,
asteroids and alien solar systems at any depth or height with no
consequence to house system or precision. The Night and Day house
system operates in outer space.
John Lemke
2007-06-22 03:11:21 UTC
2007-06-22 16:03:46 UTC
Is pure 100% garbage.

"sanat" <***@rediffmail.com> barfted in message:
