Shitetard the spammer stalker and barmy fawking plagiariser with the festering pustule on his arsehole roids
(too old to reply)
Borked Pseudo Mailed
2007-05-07 04:50:39 UTC
spammertard dennis bishop <***@sidewalkastronomy.info> plagiarises the
skytonight dot com astronomy site shitetard is a fawking arsehole

denise blipshite posts his gobshite plagiarism spam under the subject

astro news

astro news my fawking arse cunttard cant even fawking spell he is totally
fawking illiterate shitetard rides the short yellow bus

he has a fawking 70 iq no shite dumb as a fawking rock

all spammertard does is copy skytonights astronomer news and spam it spam spam
fawking spam stalk spam stalk spam all fawking day

day in and day fawking out
spamming stalking gobshite and plagiarising is all that shitetard ever does

tardo boy spams his plagiarism to saa and aa and ta pretending like he fawking
wrote the skytonight news then dennis bishop gives no
fawking credit given to skytonight no fawking credit given to skytonight

dennis bishop is a spammer stalker plagiariser and a fawking arsehole

why did the self pity 30% crippletard of rosatard think he could get away with
fawking plagiarising skytonight shitetard is a major fawking arsehole

shitetard is nothing but an arsehole spammer and stalker google it
and youll see

shitetard the copy cat spam stalk spam stalk all fawking day long every
fawking five minutes with his barmy fawking gobshite and plagiarism

to think this arsehole is fifty eight years old he has the mentality of a fawking
two year old with a toy red wagon squeak squeak squeak squeak

hobble hobble brrraaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppp 20th st is littered with empty
lager bottles and ale bottles and the bones of prefelched gerbil corpses
bleaching out under the dry desert sun by the antelope valley trailer park

everyone please send complaints about shitetards plagiarism and nonstop spamming
and stalking to


when shitetard stops spamming and stalking and plagiarising
i will stop asking for help in getting shitetards internet privileges revoked

and to poofter sod ***@mail.dk bugger off arsewipe
Borked Pseudo Mailed
2007-05-10 10:53:10 UTC
X-Shitetard: definitely!
I think the problem is shitetard thinks every borked post is from the
same person. Stupid shitetard!!!
I disagree, because all posts from all remailers originate from one
poster, namely, me. Not you, not anybody else. Me. I am solely
responsible for all articles from all remailers. I posted all the
articles through Replay, Squirrel, everybody.

"No, I'm Sparticus! No, I'm Sparticus! . . . " ROTFLMAO!

That's got to piss off the mentally retarded whiners like "Shitetard"
and "Chris.Bee." At least, I'm smart enough to use all the remailers
to create all my thousands of remailer sock puppets. But the funky
"Google Groups" sock puppets that they use are so fucking lame.

Say, did you happen to read what this "Shitetard" asshole spammed
just hours after this British "Borked Pseudo Mailed" comedian replied
in this thread?
I am just think, and I wonder how many folks from S.A.A. are going to take
part in the Internatioal Sidewalk Astronomy Event that day? That's one
reason I got this car and it's not any good, it's blown a head gasket and
now the starter has failed. It is a ford. big mistage on my part.
So I will be loading BaBylon 10 on my wagon and moving it to the corner that
As I think it's after the New Moon I will be loading my B10 scope onto my
red wagon and moving it up to there, I'll leave here about 3pm. it's only a
3 mile walk.
B10 was on my porch and had the cover over the front of the dob so nothing
could get in. I'll be getting some wheel oil wensday for the 19th too. Got
to oil the wheels of my red wagon.

I am convinced. This "Starlord" moron has to be mentally retarded.
There is no other explanation. He has been spamming in "astronomy" groups
for like ten years now. His own words, which show up every day if you
"Google it," prove that his mentality is that of a two-year old, a
little child. I think that is why some of the alleged "astronomers" who
claim to know him, foolishly defend his idiocy, and his pathetic spam,
"donation" and "advertising" links, which I graciously snipped out of the
quotes above.

But propping up a retard and spammer as a "respected astronomer" in
their "star party" groups, that really tarnishes their reputation. It
is like they are saying "come to our star parties." "We will talk
about retarded shit, because we all ride the fucking short yellow bus."
On the job application to work at a professional observatory, the first
question under name, address and shit, is "did you ride the short yellow
bus?" If you check "yes," you got the fucking job!

Do you remember the Middle School days, when they had "Special Ed"
retards who showed up on a special bus? If I want to go to one of
their fucking "star parties" for retards, I'll visit the Institution,
the fucking Asylum, for basket case imbeciles! I want to go to their
circle-jerk "star parties," and hold philosophical discussions with
dorks who have a fucking 70 I.Q.! Fuck that! And fuck these asshole
"astronomers" who defend this retarded spammer "Shitetard" !

"Starlord," Dennis Bishop, really is like their "gimp." It is like
his I.Q. is so fucking low, he is not even worthy of being called a
"mook!" I bet if Dennis Bishop was in a room full of regular people,
and you called out "Hey, shit for brains!," his ears would perk up,
and he would look around to see who was calling his name.

I wonder if "Shitetard" ever heard about rel="nofollow" to his spam?
As of late, the Google PR relevance given to keywords in all usenet
articles on the loads of spammy usenet "scraper" forums, with all those
spammy backlinks, is pretty close to zero. Years ago, a clever SEO
consultant showed that it had a slight bit of relevance, if you were
very persistent, and optimized your keywords and links. But now,
Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and other search engines, have put the magic
kabosh on "forum" spam. One SEO forum stopped using "nofollow," and
as soon as they did, the PR for the rest of their site dropped like a
hot potato. Forum backlinks are shit, and Google knows it.

I do like the British guy's replies, though. I laugh every time.
He seems to have this retarded asshole "Dennis Bishop" pegged. Like
they say, he has his "number." The "spammertard of rosatard," and
that "squeak squeak hobble hobble" part, I was on the floor laughing
my ass off! When I read what Dennis Bishop wrote about "oiling" his
fucking "wagon wheels," I thought, this is it. This fucking child
is certifiable! "Shitetard" Dennis Bishop is mentally retarded.
There is just no other explanation.

I wonder, how does he use a computer? Do you suppose his trailer
park manager helps him out, because he knows he is retarded? That
would explain how his fucking bullshit keeps showing up on "astronomy"
groups every day. What does "Shitetard" do, give him blowjobs in

Dennis, why don't you just go hang out in downtown Rosamond, out
in front off the liquor store, and "spare change" for your booze and
rent money? If I saw you on the street spare changing, I am sure
that I would feel pity on you, and throw you a few quarters. If
you gave me a nice blowjob, I might shell out five smackeroos for
your trouble. Do you swallow?

I nominate "Shitetard" for the worst, all-time case of mentally
retarded usenet spammer. I have seen another crippled guy who was a
quadriplegic, spamming for donations on usenet. But he posted all
of his medical history and documentation on his website, to prove
that he was really disabled. I mean shit, no fucking arms to jack
off with, and no fucking legs to hobble down to the liquor store
on? That would totally suck!

If I were that fucking disabled, I would off myself. No fucking
quality of life. No reason to live. Fuck that shit! A .50 cal
magnum hollow point, through the roof of my mouth, ought to do the
fucking trick! If I were that fucking disabled, that is what I
would do.

On second thought, I could get my trailer park manager, and my
"star party" buddies, to jack me off, so I wouldn't have to fucking
kill myself.


