The New Millenium (5 year mark revisitation)
(too old to reply)
Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One
2005-03-10 16:26:47 UTC

"Yours Truly, 2095"

2095, 2095, 2095, 2095
I love you, sincerely
Yours truly, yours truly...

I sent a message to another time
But as the days unwind, this I just can't believe
I sent a note across another plane
Maybe it's all a game, but this I just can't conceive.

Can you hear me?

I drive the very latest hovercar
I don't know where you are
But I miss you so much till then
I met someone who looks a lot like you
She does the things you do
But she is an IBM.

2095, 2095, 2095, 2095
I love you, sincerely
Yours truly, yours truly...

She's only programmed to be very nice
But she's as cold as ice
Whenever I get too near
She tells me that she likes me very much
But when I try to touch
She makes it all too clear.

She is the latest in technology
Almost mythology
But she has a heart stone
She has an I.Q. of 1001
She has a jumpsuit on
And she's also a telephone.

2095, 2095, 2095, 2095
I love you, sincerely
Yours truly, yours truly...

Is that what you want? (Is it what you want?)
Is it what you really want? (Is it what you really want?)
Is that what you want? (Is it what you want?)
Is it what you really want?

I realize that it must seem so strange
That time has rearranged
But time has the final word
She knows I think of you, she reads my mind
She tries to be unkind
She knows nothing of our world

Although her memory banks overflow
No one would ever know
For all she says: "Is that what you want?"
Maybe one day I'll feel her cold embrace
And kiss her interface
'Til then, I'll leave her alone.

I love you, sincerely
Yours truly, yours truly...


"Is that what you want?" ELO, "Time"

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2005 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com­/
Artworks http://www.astroconsulting.com­/personal/
AOL http://hometown.aol.com/ehwoll­mann/myhomepage/business.html
Hugo Sedowan
2005-03-10 16:45:39 UTC
Edmond Wollmann - The One with the Really Bad Taste in Music wrote:

ELO lyrics! Jeezis!

Is that what was playing on the radio when you killed that teenage boy?

"I flipped my mustang end over end into a ditch in NM and killed my best
friend" - Edmond H. Wollmann
2005-03-10 11:26:47 UTC

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<***@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com> alt.astrology
alt.astrology.metapsych alt.astrology.pro tnn.astro talk.religion.newage
2005-03-10 18:25:43 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One
"Yours Truly, 2095"
2095, 2095, 2095, 2095
I love you, sincerely
Yours truly, yours truly...

This is the stupidest, most pathetic piece of poetry I've seen in
awhile. Try peddling your book on the street corner if you want
something more productive. BTW, Bush is still president.
2005-03-10 19:49:50 UTC
Post by Phoenix
Post by Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One
"Yours Truly, 2095"
2095, 2095, 2095, 2095
I love you, sincerely
Yours truly, yours truly...
This is the stupidest, most pathetic piece of poetry I've seen in
awhile. Try peddling your book on the street corner if you want
something more productive. BTW, Bush is still president.
Does Edmond Wollman have any fradulent Astrology claims to discuss, or
is he now going to become a failed poet instead of a failed

2005-03-10 20:48:19 UTC
On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 08:26:47 -0800, Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One
ubject: The New Millenium (5 year mark revisitation)
Newsgroups: alt.astrology,alt.astrology.metapsych,alt.astrology.pro,tnn.astro,talk.religion.newage
Followup-To: alt.astrology,alt.astrology.metapsych,alt.astrology.pro,tnn.astro,talk.religion.newage
Date: 10 Mar 2005 08:26:47 -0800
"Yours Truly, 2095"
2095, 2095, 2095, 2095
I love you, sincerely
Yours truly, yours truly...

What a load of utter horse shit.
EdmÖnd WÖllmann
2005-03-10 23:01:51 UTC
On 10 Mar 2005, "Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One" <alchameth2
@yahoo.com> hacked up a hairball:1110472007.652059.12750

"I am not opposed to off topic issues, this is natural and occurs often,
so I cannot chastise anyone for that"

-edmo- in a moment of candor.
Post by Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One
Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2005 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com­/
Artworks http://www.astroconsulting.com­/personal/
AOL http://hometown.aol.com/ehwoll­mann/myhomepage/business.html
Bob Officer
2005-03-11 00:42:33 UTC
On 10 Mar 2005 08:26:47 -0800, in alt.astrology, "Edmond Wollmann - The
Post by Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One
"Here, I will delineate my general projections for the next 95 years.
There are two levels to these predictions, one you read, and one
occurs on an unconscious level. " Eddy

"Astrology doesn't work for predictions" Eddy...

Post by Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One
"Yours Truly, 2095"
[snip of copyright lyrics posted (published) with license to distribute]
Post by Edmond Wollmann - The Arthurian One
"Is that what you want?" ELO, "Time"
Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
Snip of spam urls not designated with a signature delimiter